This might be one of the most unusual blogposts I’ve ever done.
But we have a itty-bitty need
we are looking for someone who lives
near or in
the panhandle area of Florida?
New Orleans?
Or somewhere in between?
I just keep thinking that there is someone or more than one that God has been preparing to help with this situation.
{Perhaps even a Memorial Box Monday post in the making.}
If you live anywhere near the panhandle of Florida
and are willing to possibly help {after you hear what is needed}
could you please email me:
Put in the Subject: Panhandle
Anyone who emails me will receive an email back.
Thank you each so very much in advance….
It means bunches and bunches to our family.
I live in Montgomery, AL but work in Dothan just 13 miles from the FL line. If that is close enough, and helpful just let me know. Vicky
Thank you Vicky. You are a blessing.
Posted to Facebook.
Thank you so much!
Uh, I don't live there, but we are headed there for a few days next weekend to attend Gabriel's graduation in Pensacola. Don't know if that fits, but I thought I'd throw it out.
You are so sweet. It won't help, but thank you for being willing. Miss you. Come walk with me. xo
I will be in Tallahassee the first week in August. What is needed? Is that too late?? I also have a teacher friend that lives there…she might be able to help sooner. Let me know.
Carol Anderson
Thank you Carol for being willing. You are a blessing.
I live 15 minutes
from Tallahassee! Let me know how I can help!
I live in New Orleans only a few hours outside of Pensacola if I could be of any help
I live in Tallahassee with my grown daughters and work on Holmes county. my boss lives in Pensacola. can we help?
I live in Tallahassee and work in Holmes county. my boss lives in Pensacola. can we help?
I live on the Eastern Shore, outside of Mobile, AL. It is about 40 minutes from Pensacola, FL. I will be in Pensacola Monday. I can easily get there whenever you need. I am happy to help.
My email is I am a friend of Laine's. I have 6 children, one adopted from China.