As he was handed the package of crackers by the
April GO Team members,
he couldn’t bite into them fast enough.
We aren’t even sure if he knew that the wrapper
was a wrapper, or if he thought it was all
part of the food or if he just didn’t care,
he was *that* hungry.
No doubt, it was perfectly clear:
He was starving.
I don’t use the word “starving” lightly.
How many times have we ourselves
or our children said,
“I’m starving”?
“I’m starving”?
our version of “starving”
and a little street boy’s version
of “starving” is completely different.
The word starving actually means:
~ to die or perish from lack of food or nourishment.
~ to be in the process of perishing or
suffering severely from hunger.
Can you tell how thin his arms are?
I cannot stop thinking of the way he recklessly
and frantically tore into the
simple package of crackers.
The look in his eyes.
It was desperate.
His arms basically bones with skin on them.
And so I’ve been wondering what else we can do to feed
the street children starving around the world?
How can we ignore him?
How can we ignore them?
How can we make a difference?
We are praying about how to expand our
International Voice of the Orphan
Frontlines Feeding+ Program.
We must do more.
There are too many hungry treasures around the world.
By contrast, I think about a situation many years ago when I was
leading a multi-state Women’s Ministry.
A precious friend had gone with me to Washington, DC
to help find a conference hotel for our special week-end event.
Debbie and I were able to secure a major hotel and negotiate a
deal that would allow women to come and stay for two nights
with 2 breakfasts included in this beautiful conference
hotel for a whopping $99.00/weekend.
My friend and I were overjoyed.
Breakfast included?
Two nights?
Speakers, workshops and even a gift bag for each woman
and all for only
$99.00 /person
It really was a wonderful provision from the Lord.
The week-end finally rolled around and we had a blast.
The speaker was excellent.
The workshops ministered to specific needs.
Each gift bag overflowed with sweet treasures.
Door prizes were plentiful.
We praised the Lord as we finished up the conference.
Our prayers had been answered.
It had been a beautiful time and lives were changed, we thought.
We gave a questionnaire to each participant
asking for feedback into the conference.
And when it came time to read the responses
we were not prepared {at all} for what we found.
My team along with Debbie and myself after reading the responses
all felt sick to our stomach.
An overall theme ran throughout almost every single response:
“There wasn’t enough protein offered
on the breakfast table.”
One or two responses said, “the conference rocked”.
But all the rest of the hundreds of responses said something along the lines of,
“We were so disappointed that there wasn’t more protein choices
on the breakfast bar.”
99% didn’t even include a note of thanks or appreciation.
We were bewildered.
Yes, it’s true, we had asked for feedback,
but we were dumbfounded and completely
unprepared for just how actually ugly some of the ladies were.
And my mind flashes to the little boys eyes…..
And how he tried to eat the crackers and wrapper all at the same time,
He eats the package of crackers
not knowing or caring if there was enough
too much “fiber”
or if it’s “organic”
or “chemical free”
or raised without antibiotics
or whatever else is the current theme in food choices…
And I wonder
“What in the world are we complaining about friends?
How can we notice the lack of protein on the beautiful breakfast bar
when little boys and girls {and vulnerable adults} haven’t
had anything to eat for days?
How can we complain?
What are we thinking?
We have to be the change….
Practically speaking
~ breeding thankfulness in our lives and home.
~ Making choices in our kitchen {and lives}
that will tangibly benefit the starving around the world.
~ Making decisions in our family that will
help those who didn’t eat today around the world.
~Giving generously to feed others.
Here are some practical ways we’ve found to feed those truly starving…..
Serve beans and rice and donate the ‘money saved’
to International Voice of the Orphan Frontlines Feeding+ program.
~ or ~
Create, donate and or shop at Orphan Wares, all proceeds
go directly to feed the street orphans of Kampala.
{create, donate and/or shop}
“If you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness and
your gloom be as the noonday.”
Isaiah 58:10
This is an example of people today feeling so entitled – to be treated like royalty. To the exclusion of others. Spoiled. What would it hurt for one weekend to not get a big dose of protein. I would've been thrilled with such a good deal and happy to eat fresh fruit or whatever was provided. I am out of work and we are almost out of money. I can't seem to find another at-home job of medical transcription, my career of 20 years. I can't drive to a job due to a heart arrhythmia that knocks me on my keester. But even here I know how blessed we are. We haven't missed a meal yet. We haven't felt the pangs of true hunger. Most of all, we know God cares for us and will provide for us somehow. My children are from China and I am a single mom. I have been told by friend and family alike I am not providing for my family and am doing my children a disservice, though I am trying my best to better our situation. They say they should not have to live in an old trailer. But I see a daughter that at age 7 when I adopted her was bowing to every Buddha we saw and who now is working her way through reading the whole Bible. I see children homeschooled with a Christian education. I see happy girls who know material goods, though they have plenty enough, don't bring happiness. I see girls who love the library and nature and art, who are loved and lived for by their own parent. We are so blessed. I so wish I could go feed and love on these children who have so little. I so wish people could see that heaps of money and the perfect amount of protein mean so little.
Jan J,
You put it perfectly. As a single mom, no doubt, your children are indeed blessed. Thank you for sharing your heart. May God bring you transcription jobs to overflowing -so that you have to turn them away and may Almighty God continue speaking truth into your hearts. Single moms are my heroes – and you are one of them! Thank you for sharing so poignantly!
Very convicting. Thank you thank you. Even tonight when we were "out of food" and I made a fried rice dish with a little bit of everything we did have it was still plenty delicious and plenty filling. When we are "out of food" it usually means tonights meal is only 1 course instead of three. When they are out of food it means they literally don't know when the next meal is coming. Change our hearts Oh God!!
I think the women at your event totally missed the whole point of the retreat. How sad is that? I would have loved to be able to hear you speak and spend time with you. It is so sad how our culture is becoming so entitled. All we can go is keep spreading the word and hopefully, things will change and people will become more appreciative. God Bless you Linny for paving the way.
They did miss it entirely. It was a great learning curve for us in charge…a difficult learning curve, but none-the-less a learning curve. Bless you Wendy!
I am thinking that the women at this retreat totally missed the whole point of why they were there. How sad is that. Our culture is sure changing and all we can do is keep loving God and believing. Thank you for spreading the word.
Thank you, Mamas! I am constantly aware of the bounty we revel in. I have so much; in fact most of what I have is totally unnecessary. We own our 3 bedroom home. We have three good meals a day PLUS snacks, desserts, 'elevenses', soft drinks, ice cream…you know. Now, the enemy would like me to feel guilty, but I'm not, and I won't. What I will do though, is be a steward of what He has placed in my hands. We care for our elderly father, a disabled son, and grandchildren. We support a beautiful little girl in India. Seeing her picture on my wall reminds me daily of all our blessings. So, Mamas, let us turn to Abba and ask Him, "What will You have me do?" I am so thankful for the Mother's Heart. It knows no boundaries, no culture, no race or creed. It only yearns to love and protect. God bless you, Linny, for your Mama's heart. I will pray for all your endeavors.
It's all personal, you are so right! The whole thing is paying attention to what the Lord would have each of us do…and doing it with a joyful heart. Bless you my friend.
Quick question… Why isn't there a link or button on your side bar for the Orphan Wares website? When I donated something a few months back I had to google it to find the website. Just a thought…
Maybe even offer a button for others to put on their blogs too. I know the facebook thing is probably a lot bigger and blogs are becoming less common due to facebook, twitter, etc. but it would be one more way of "advertising" the website.
Wow. I didn't even realize that Orphan Wares was not on my sidebar. How dumb is that? I will get right on it…and put the ability to copy to others…and although blogs are not popular like they were – they still *are* being used…so let's do it!! Thank you so much for the suggestion…Lord willing, it will be there soon! xo
This is so very true. I actually had this very same conversation with my children a few months ago. I pulled up pictures on the internet of hungry children. They dont say they are starving anymore when they want food. Also I can only eat a few foods because of severe allergies. I can have no grains at all. I have not had a cookie, cracker, bread or pasta in years. My husband a few months ago put down a bagel he had bought and said he was not going to eat it because it was a bit to hard. I started to cry. I told him how badly I would love to eat a piece of any type of bread hard or not. He slowly picked it up and ate it with out a word. I dislike wasted food so much. I didn't mean to make him feel so badly but it is the truth. People leave food all over their plates at restaurants when we go out to eat (which is very rarely) and I have to pack my food to take with me. Makes me feel badly to see it knowing so many are going hungry. Even in our own town.
Blessings, And thanks for the reminder. Powerful things to think on.
Susan, thank you for talking to your kids and family about it. I am convinced that we as women *influence* our homes…and so it is really up to us to influence our children to righteousness – and the care of the orphan, vulnerable and widow. Rock it friend!!
Have you ever thought of starting a program to produce jobs for moms to enable them to feed their children? Like providing them with sewing machines and training, or establish some kind of business, like a bakery and hire moms and children off the street. I am sure it is not as easy as it sounds.
We have thought of it…it's a matter of the Lord bringing us the right person to head it up…a person of integrity and righteousness. Pray with us for that, will you? Thank you friend!
I will definitely pray for that.
Thank you for the reminder this morning about how blessed we are. Why are we so weak in our flesh that we need to be reminded of that so often? My heart breaks for that sweet boy and all of the others like him. Thank you for all you and Dw are doing to allow us to help these children in need. Linny, did you happen to see my email about promoting Orphan Wares at the Adoption conference we are holding at our church?
Oh me. I forgot to respond, didn't I? I will respond today. Thank you for reminding me. I have had the worst jet lag of all of my trips overseas this time around. Been so difficult to even drag my bee-hind…ugh. So sorry!
Don't worry Linny. I totally understand. I know you were gone and how much you had going on when you got back.
Amen! I am reminded of my daughter, who became my daughter 2 years ago. She was 8 yrs old at adoption weighing only 25 pounds. When we first returned to the hotel, I offered her an apple. She quickly choked down that apple core and all! After 2 years home she is beginning to self regulate her eating but is still occasionally anxious always wanting the next edible item close at hand. We have no idea as a nation, how hungry the world's children are.
Couldn't agree with your more! Ever since your post a while back (6 months or so ago?) about your family having rice and beans and giving the money you would have spent on dinner, our church has been doing the same thing once a month. We have a home church, and share meals together once or twice a week. So each month, one person in the group picks a meal that is super cheap and they pick a charity to give money to. When it was my turn I made rice and beans and we gave the money to frontline feeding program. It has been such a great lesson for my kids and our church.
My eyes were opened last week in Nicaragua. I knew what their houses looked like. Their mode of transportation is walking or riding a bike, maybe taking their wife and little child(infant) on bike with them. That's only way to go. Wash clothes outdoors and hang them up to dry. Wash people's clothes for them, a bag full, 90 cents worth for the girl who washed clothes? and we complain our wages aren't enough, we don't drive the latest car model or fancy home….when their house has corrigated metal for a roof that keeps the heat inside on an already hot day, every day. I will hopefully never forget the experience. we have so much to be thankful for! Hugs!