It’s the first Monday in May, which means that it is Memorial Box Monday.
Our Memorial Box is a wooden box that is displayed
in a prominent place in our home.
It is filled with tangible little items or trinkets, each a symbol representing a story of
a way we saw God’s handiwork in our lives.
Some items in our Memorial Box represent
His healing,
many His provision,
others His powerful move in our lives
several His unbelievable protection
and a few even represent His mighty rescue.
All represent His faithfulness.
Our family tells these stories over and over,
reminding us of the ever present faithfulness
of our Mighty God.
Ruby’s story is an on-going story of the faithfulness of God.
When we brought Ruby home, her future,
medically speaking, was bleak.
Skilled medical professionals that had seen her MRI
did not think that there was any hope for her future.
Isn’t it powerful to know the “future-holder”?
God’s word declares:
“For I know the plans I have for you,
plans to prosper you,
not to harm you,
but to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Medical professionals were convinced that Ruby would spend her days propped in a corner,
and not much else.
Enter our
Miracle-working, Mountain-moving,
Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God.
GOD can do
And I tend to think that the bigger
the “it’s not possible” idea,
the more Almighty God
loves to move His Almighty hand,
dontcha think?
Well I have been giddy to show you all
just what Miss Ruby Grace
has been up to….
because the miracle of Ruby is
just that
and it is an on-going adventure.
Every, single accomplishment,
no matter how teeny-tiny in the world’s
perspective is a GIANT accomplishment
for our miracle girl.
So here’s the scoop:
Ruby has cerebral palsy.
She has not been able to support her head
basically at all.
Of course Ruby’s
multiloculated hydrocephalus
makes her head very, very very heavy.
Between the heaviness of her head and
the muscle weakness from the severe
cerebral palsy, holding her head up
has been basically impossible.
But God.
I think it was actually Thanksgiving day when
Ruby, who was laying on her tummy in the family
room, lifted her head up for a couple of seconds.
Autumn and Karl were there, as was our
longtime special friend Charlie.
It was super fun to have a large audience
celebrating this amazing victory.
We all screamed and cheered and went bananas.
From then on she would daily lift up her head
for a few seconds and we would clap and
scream and cheer.
The few seconds have now become
almost a minute at a time.
The wobbliness has become steady.
And the frequency has become
many, many, many times a day.
And while I was in Africa,
I captured on my screenshots exactly what
I’m talking about…
Miss Ruby is holding her head up
*for up to a minute at a time*
for the most part she’s
resting the back of her head on her back…
Check it out…
The miracle girl who many thought would do”nothing but sit in the corner”…
Smiling, interacting, grinning…
Interacting via SKYPE…
Can you believe it?
Our miracle girl is working on something else too…
and we are believing that God is going to continue
His work in her sweet miracle life….
More news to come….
as Miss Ruby Grace’s Miracle-story continues…
How about you?
What story do you have to share?
Please post your permalink below to your own Memorial Box Monday story.
{Please post your permalink below}
Can’t wait to read the stories that you link….
reminding me of God’s faithfulness to you as well.
“For what you have done I will always praise you in the
presence of your faithful people.
And I will hope in your name,
for your name is good.“
Psalm 52:9
Oh that's just so awesome! Way to go sweet Ruby!
yahoooo!!! way to go Ruby 🙂 love how God is proving His power through that girl. so very, very special.
She sure looks like she's trying to crawl!! She certainly is an inspiration! To God be the glory!!
Well, you are so right! She is starting to get up on her knees…so I am joyous to report – that's coming too, we believe…which seriously, I want to scream from the mountain tops – no one thought she would do anything – because of the severe malnourishment, yes, but mostly because of what the MRI showed – most of her brain has been eaten by infection and disease. BUT God.
Ok I just love your expressions in the corner 🙂 Excited mama right there!
I could hardly stand it! I forgot people can see my expression. Definitely not a 'ho-hum' moment when Ruby does anything – let alone hold up her head! Our precious friends came over Sunday for dinner…they were here just before I left for Africa – just over four weeks ago – and they were giddy too at the change in those few weeks. She is rockin' it – and we are so humbled that we get a front row seat to her miracles.
Oh, thank you! What a wonderful and tremendously encouraging post. God bless the darling Miss Ruby with every spiritual blessing in Christ, with healing and growth and strength and support and love beyond measure. Our God is amazing!
Aww this brings so much JOY to my heart!! Love and miss you guys!!
We love you guys too! If you're ever down to Phoenix…
How wonderful!!! When I have seen pics of her lately, I thought she must be gaining head control. How absolutely awesome!!!!! I know that medical people can predict and forecast and gives ideas of what a person can and cannot do but we are not God. We can only predict. Those wonderful medical people were wrong. Isn't that awesome? And to tell you the truth, if you asked them how they feel about being wrong, I bet they are also very happy to be wrong. This is a great thing to be wrong about. God is good and He has plans for Miss Ruby…i cannot wait to see how her life story unfolds…it has been one wonderful story so far…and it will only get better. Thank you for sharing Miss Ruby with us.
Isn't it amazing? Her head control? Her neurosurgeon has said when we have reported the things Ruby is doing {or shown him} that we have "made his day, his week, his month and his year"…how cool is that? We are rejoicing…
Yippee!!! Yippee!!! Yippee!!!! Praises to the KING!
Ruby is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes, I CAN believe it because Ruby seems to be dripping in MIRACLES! Thanks so much for sharing!
She is indeed dripping with miracles! More to come as she is accomplishing new things almost daily. We are having a blast watching God do the *impossible*. Thank you for sharing our joy!
awesomeness!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love, love, love reading about Ruby's miracles! I will continue to pray!
Hey – thanks for clarifying – I thought I had seen that in pictures – as in – did I really see, seems like Ruby is supporting her head more when she is sitting up. So yes, she is – wonderful!
I could not wait to show how Ruby truly has been gaining head control. To 99.9% of the babies, this is 'normal'…but to our once-malnourished-left-to-die-baby-girl -this is beyond miraculous and we are wild with delight! Thank you for sharing our joy!
Reading about Ruby's gains just makes me feel happy! I know that sounds strange coming from some person on the internet you don't even know, but it just fills me with joy! She is so wonderful and beautiful!! She restores my faith.
Joy in Belgium, We don't think it sounds strange at all…we have come to understand that little Miss Ruby has a "fan" club who loves her all over the world…and no doubt, they are praying for her and cheering her on! And as a family we are grateful to be able to share her journey…cause it's a miracle –!
oh. my. word. those pictures are amazing! God is so good!
Aren't the pictures the coolest? I mean, they tell the story completely! That girl can lift her head and hold it well! Yippee Jesus!
How awesome!! Yes, God!! To this story, my 12-year-old Isaac said, "Eat that, Docs!" We are celebrating with you!
Isaac, we couldn't agree more! Not all her doctors spoke gloom and despair, but the first doctor who ever read her MRI said not to waste any effort on surgery, nothing would help her. HA! God is bigger than any doctor's diagnosis!
Brings tears of joy and tears of awe at our awesome God…watching Ruby restores my soul…He is so sweet and gives us just what we need even from strangers on the internet. May God continue to bless Ruby and your whole beautiful family! To God be the glory!!
Brings tears of joy and tears of awe at our awesome God…watching Ruby restores my soul…He is so sweet and gives us just what we need even from strangers on the internet. May God continue to bless Ruby and your whole beautiful family! To God be the glory!!
That is simply wonderful! She is a beauty and a blessing! Our entire adoption process and the miracles that we have seen through this process is our reminder of Christ's blessings! Feel free to read and follow if you would like