Johnny’s Surgery

Johnny-boy’s “shortened ” surgery yesterday was supposed to take four hours but instead took six hours. This surgery was performed in an attempt to have his feet stay in a secure position so he can “walk” more smoothly (with assistance). The surgeon broke both his feet in multiple places to put cadaver bone in all…


Today is my ‘crash’ after Ruby’s seizure Friday.  I just can’t stop crying.  The type of seizures Ruby has are called “status epilepticus”…in case you want to read about them.  Her seizures last between 20 and 30 minutes usually and watching someone you so desperately love seize is about the most horrible thing ever. I…

Our Fragile Ruby

Since many of you who stop by aren’t on Facebook, I felt I should share what I posted there on Thursday and Friday. On Thursdays six of the kids and I head to a homeschooling co-op we belong to.  While at co-op, at 1:04pm I received a phone call from Dw. This is what I…

Ruby’s Wish…..

Oh how we have loved all your guesses!!! And for the record, I wasn’t trying to be mean or ornery – one of Ruby’s sibs suggested how fun it would be to have people guess and well…..the rest is history!! We have enjoyed reading your ideas – they all sounded so very fun!  But I…

Her Wish Is Coming True!!

A few weeks back I shared that we had some very special visitors at our home – the wish grantors from Make-A-Wish!!  These two sweet ladies came to celebrate Ruby’s doctor nominating her to have a wish granted through Make-A-Wish.  Her life-threatening seizures and being medical fragile prompted him to nominate her.  The wish grantors…

Look at Her Now!!

In spite of all that medical professionals declared over our Ruby-girl this sweet chica of ours is thriving, spunky as ever and now one year older!!   Back when we were bringing her home I wasn’t even sure if she would live through the flights…and here she is on Father’s Day  – celebrating her 9th birthday!! She…

Our Ruby-Girl

Many of you have written and asked for an update on Ruby….so here goes… First off, the pictures in this post were taken a few days ago – isn’t Ruby gorgeous?  Her smile radiates and her joy fills our home and from the pictures it’s clear, she’s back to her bubbly, lively, giddy self!! So…