Tag: Blogging
Last Two Days!
Today and tomorrow are the last days to guess how many blog posts I’ve written, both published and waiting in the draft folder. If you missed the post, it’s here. What are we celebrating?? Ten years of writing our Place Called Simplicity!! I seriously can’t believe it’s been 10 years but just had to do…
Beautiful YOU.
Calling All Troops!!
Linny’s Been Hacked!!
Hi bloggy friends! I’m Sherri and I’m hacking Linny’s blog today. As most have heard by now, Emma’s getting married… and so I’m inviting you to help bless that sweet Jesus lovin’ girl, Emma, as she prepares to marry Josh. It’s super easy! We are hosting three VIRTUAL BRIDAL SHOWERS for Emma! When: NOW!!! All…
Come on In!!
This morning at our home in pictures…. And since I’ll be adding pictures throughout the day, this will be in backwards order…. Please link in the bottom so others can visit your home too or post a picture on Instagram and tag me in it… #APlaceCalledSimplicity Clearly, Ruby thinks her niece Everlly is quite spectacular,…
A Thanksgiving Invitation….
Does anyone remember me mentioning that next to Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday celebration? There is something about the lingering together that makes for warm memories that delight the soul for years to come. These last few weeks I have been pondering different Thanksgivings and the joy we’ve shared over the years……
Please, Would You Be Willing to Help?
Let me introduce you to… Penelope, Spencer, Landon, Eli, Preston, Grace and Adaline Recently I received a precious and very passionate email from their mommy, Jessica. She had a question and wondered if I would help them with something. Well, I readily admit that the minute I began to read her email I felt…