Time to Pray {and Fast}

So many needs.

So many monstrous seeming trials and troubles.

So many health concerns.

Some struggling with loneliness.

Others struggling with addictions.

Some having troubles in their relationships.

So many in need of a touch from Almighty God…

And in the midst of it all, there is one thing we can count on:

God is able.

Almighty God is able to move every single mountain,
blip on the radar,
 problem to accomplish His good plan.

Let’s post our requests
in the comments below 
and pray for one another…

Contending that Almighty God meet needs,
move mountains,
heals broken bodies,
flatten hills,
span crevices,
throw a bridge in where there is only a cliff…




He is definitely able.

81 thoughts on “Time to Pray {and Fast}

  1. We are continuing to pray for the schooling situation regarding our son this fall in Grade 5. Please pray with us for the right support person in the school to step forward or for someone to apply for the position of working with our son. We know he has autism and behavioural challenges, but believe that God loves him more than we do and has everything already worked out. Thank you!

  2. Well we´re in the process of adopting from Hongkong. It´s a long road. God brought us on in the last few weeks. We really made afew big steps forward. But emotonally for me it´s not so easy. Sometimes it would be so nice to talk to someone with the same heart and vision. But, well here in Germany we are very unique it seems. We have already 4 biokids and one fosterchild. So nobody can understand here that we want another child, and a special need child…..They told us they have never seen this before in Germany.
    It´s a real fight. But we know for sure, this is Gods will for our live. And I think very often people are convicted because of their selfish lives when they here about our adoption.
    But in the moment I appreciate some prayers for encouragment and to find a friend who loves orphans with whom I can share ups and downs.
    Thank you
    (I know my english is funny, hihi)

    1. We used to live in Germany as an American military family. Do you live near a army/Air Force base? Many American military families adopt (we did while we were living there!). I'm praying you will connect with someone. We LOVED. Our time there and hope to go back.

    1. Lori, I was wondering what to pray for for you. But then I remembered an old Jewish folktale (I am Jewish by the way). It concerns a poor and not very educated man who got lost in the woods, and realized he had to spend the night there. He did not have a prayer book and so didn't know how to pray the evening prayers.

      But he said, "G-d, I'm not that smart and I don't remember the prayers…so I'm just going to say the alphabet and you can arrange it into the prayers for me." It's taught that G-d heard that man's prayers above all others that night because of his simple faith.

      So I was moved to do the same for you – offered G-d the alphabet (I said it aloud)and asked Him to arrange it into the prayers you need, because while I don't know exactly what I should pray for for you, he certainly does!

  3. Please pray that I will know God's will regarding a move. God has placed it on my heart to buy a home with an apartment so that I can move in my aging parents. They are ready for this move. They would still have their independence yet not all the work of their larger home. I would have to sale my current home. Also, I am due to travel to China in about 6 to 8 weeks to meet my two aging out daughters. Please pray for them as they have lived with foster families for the last 11 years. My funds are not there, I still owe my last agency payment and then the flight fees and I800 fees. God is my source and I am trusting him for these last needed funds.

    Praying too! God is able!

  4. Great to have another prayer day together! Praying (still) for grown children, Zach and Gemma who have walked away from their Father and embraced the world. Praying also for my mum, Margaret who is in distress caused by other family members. Praying for Layla who needs to find work so that she no longer needs to live long ways from her family. Thanks for God's amazing provision and blessing and love and praying that I will be more like Him.
    Prayers for Ecron, a young man who has an unknown disease slowly shutting down his body and that he might come to know God through this. Thanks for praying with me!!

  5. We are officially foster parents! As we wait I am afraid some days that I won't be a good enough mom. It will be a hard road and we are ready. I know God is calling me to be mor sacrificial in my life. Praying that satan will not get a foothold on my fears. Praying that we will be a blessing to any child that comes through our home. Praying that when they leave they will know about the One True God who has a plan and purpose for their lives. Thank you!

    1. Praying for your requests…..rebuking fear……False Evidence Appearing Real! Praying you will know you are enough …and believing God will provide all you need for this journey.

  6. I will be praying for everyone today, checking the prayer needs list frequently. Please pray for my family. We have adopted five times (all special needs) Our last adoption was 7 years ago. A VERY medically fragile child who God has done miracle after miracle for and her health has stabilized greatly. We have come to a time in life that we feel we could now do more if God wants us to adopt again. We are more than willing. We need the Lord to equip us with health and strength to care for any more children He sends. We have now, last month, re-opened our home to foster care once again but have also in the past month, out of the blue, been presented with two possible situations straight out. Please pray that if either or both of these situations are the children God wants us to have He will work out the sticky details and make the path plain and straight. That He will show Him self over and over again that we are to move forward and provide any funds we might need. Our God is awesome and more than able to meet every need prayed for today! Heal any hurt, mend any relationship, heal any body, make any path straight, remove any obstacle! Pour out your oil and wine oh Lord upon us and restore our souls! Give us your gift of faith today! Thank you God for all you do and have done. You are Holy and True! Amen!

  7. Wow. Praying for all these requests. My son needs prayer as he is going through a very difficult time and does not live at home. He needs to rest in Gods love and trust Him. This particular situation has been going on for six months. I believe God gave me a special scripture about this situation but I struggle believing it will or can happen since there is only a slim (read no) chance of that happening. I know regardless I have to trust.

  8. Reading and praying….

    Adoption is very heavy on my heart. I am planning to talk to my husband about this soon. I'm sure he will think I've lost my mind! We are 55 and 62, have my mom with Alzheimer's living with us who gets harder to manage each day, and my 14 year old son who is a wonderful kid but has some issues of his own. To me, I feel so called by adoption. Linny wrote: "Almighty God is able to move every single mountain,obstacle,blip on the radar,trial or problem to accomplish His good plan." The mountain here is for G-d to move my husband's heart – not only for adoption, but to understand that G-d is with us and to let him in. All his expected reasons why this "won't work" are logical but I know that my G-d is so much bigger than that! I also pray that G-d leads me to the right moment to bring this up, which I'm hoping will be in the next 3 weeks or so.

    Also would appreciate prayers for my husband today as he travels to the funeral of his 52 year old cousin who died unexpectedly of a stroke on Friday night, leaving a husband and 16 year old daughter (and for them too of course).

  9. How wonderful to have a prayer day…I will be joining you all in lifting up these requests! I am currently "working" in Iraq to provide heart surgeries for critically ill Iraqi children.

    This weekend, we are leaving for Southern Iraq to run a Remedy Mission…Lord willing providing 15 children with the surgeries they desperately need! Please pray for skill of the surgeons, peace for the parents of these precious treasures, and strength for the children about to endure these major procedures!

    Will be praying for you all as well!

  10. Praying and fasting with you all today. Please pray for me and my family, we have brought two girls into our home who were removed from their family through cps and I am really struggling with all the changes and emotions and moving forward.

    1. Praying praying praying for those precious girls as they go through these major changes. Praying that God would grant YOU an extra measure of grace & comfort as you swim through the rough waters with them.

  11. Linny thank you for rallying the troops and bringing us together today to carry each others burdens. I have two requests I would like to share and ask y'all to pray for.

    1. Reconciliation with my 20 year old son, Brock. September will be 4 years since I hugged my boy and told him I love him. I miss him terribly. I know that I know that I know that one day we will reconcile and what a day of rejoicing that will be!

    2. I have a job interview tomorrow at 9 a.m. central time for a school secretary position. I have been trying for two years to get hired as a school secretary. I've worked in the cafeteria for the past two years praying and waiting for an opening. I am interviewing at the shool I currently work at. I really like the school, the administriation and the kids. I am praying this is the job God hand picked just for me!

    Will be fasting and praying throughout the day for all my brothers and sisters who have left requests here.

    Happy Monday, Rejoice for this is the day that the Lord has made!


  12. Please pray for God to make clear His will in a possible job change that requires a big move. Also, please pray as we are trying to raise the rest of the funds needed to complete our adoption.
    Amy in GA

  13. Prayers are needed for all the families adopting from the DRC. The DGM is not issuing exit letters and until this door is opened no children may leave to join their families.

    Also for our adoption that we will receive confirmation that our i600 is approved and for a swift embassy investigation so we may travel to get our two children. Also for a foster care situation for our kids while they wait.

    1. Prayers are answered for we are awaiting conformation that DGM is now issuing exit letters again so children may leave the country to join their families. Also that we got our I600 approvals yesterday.

  14. Prayers for my sister who is going through a very nasty divorce with a judge who is making some scary decisions regarding the safety of my almost 4 y/o nephew. Life just does not seem fair sometimes and I really do not see God working in this situation which makes me feel very upset.

  15. I have a prodigal who has really been giving us a difficult time…prayer for his salvation would be nice…Also prayer for a relationship would be a blessing. We have been through some VERY DIFFICULT times and I think we are coming out of that…but we need some reconciliation of relationships.

  16. I have a couple of prayer requests.
    1. Please pray for my husband's job. He is having difficulties with some of his employees and needs encouragement and patients in dealing with them.
    2. Please pray for God's will to be revealed to us concerning children. We have been unable to conceive after 3 years and are considering adoption.

  17. Praying God will provide what we lack financially for our adoption expenses for adopting 2 older orphans from Latvia and that we will be able to travel on trip 1 of 3 soon. familyofmyheart.wordpress.com

  18. I've requested prayer here before for my health, and appreciate so much you who are willing to pray for a stranger!

    We are in full-time ministry. I have Lyme disease and have improved a lot this year.

    My struggles right now are that I'm losing weight. I'm 5'3" and maybe 98 lbs. A healthy weight for me is 115. I wish I could fast and pray, but my husband won't let me! Probably not a good idea. Pray for God's peace because this us very disconcerting to me and I start to wonder if it's cancer, etc. etc.

    Please also pray for overall great health and energy! We have been hindered financially and in ministry because of my health.

    Bless you and thank you!

    1. Rebekah, one of my dearest friends was hit with Lyme disease about 6 years ago. She has made nearly a full recovery, praise the Lord! The worst of it lasted about 2 years. I will be praying for you. 🙂 -Wendy

    2. Rebekah, I went thru a horrible and scary health crisis over the last 4 years. Praise be to God I am gaining great ground and doing so much better. They too thought I had Lyme but it was not. It was an auto immune disease. But part of my trouble was metabolic wasting. No matter how much I ate I still lost. What it ended up being was I had two parasites. These were parasites that people get all the time from eating out or drinking questionable water…. but healthy people can fight them off in a week or so with flu like symptoms. In my weakened condition of my auto immune disease I could not. So I wasted away for about a year before we figured it all out. I went through a natural parasite cleans and started gaining weight back steadily. Now my weight is back to normal! Just thought I would mention it. Blessings and praying for you!

    3. Praying for you…..my husband and I both had Lyme Disease….will pray for you to have a supernatural healing of this nasty disease. This is NOT Gods plan for your life! Some with Lyme do lose wt. praying that all bacteria be gone from your body. In Jesus name.

    4. Thank you ladies for HOPE. I am so blessed by your responses. It's easy to get discouraged, but the Lord is good and used you to be an encouragement to me today.

      Wendy, it's good to hear someone say that their friend had it and is better… That there is light at the end of this terribly dark, long tunnel!

      Susan, I actually stated on a natural parasite regimen yesterday! I'm praying this helps as it did for you.

      Renee, I cannot imagine spouses going through this together, although I have heard of that many times. Thank you for your kind uplifting words and prayers!

  19. What an honor to join with all of you in lifting up our needs before Almighty God! We are in the process of adopting from eastern europe. Two and a half weeks ago we learned that the sweet girl we were bringing home passed away. We are so deeply grieved that she won't be a part of our family. We need prayer for wisdom as we desire to allow God to use us to keep her story alive and encourage others to embrace adoption, for speed to get to our son who waits in the same orphanage, for God's provision as this adoption came to us at a time when we had no plans to adopt and see no way in the physical to raise all the money we need to get him home, and wisdom to know if God desires us to bring home another child at this time or if it was His plan for us to only bring home our son( our I800a was sent in last week and our home study is approved for two children).

    Lifting you all up to our "abundantly more" God!



    1. Kristin, I am so sorry about the loss of your little girl. I have heard the story. I was so touched that you were going to adopt both children…what a beautiful thing. So sad for the little boy in the loss of his friend. I pray you will be able to travel to get him very soon. Hugs to you.

  20. I'm asking for prayer for our family and my future. There is a family member struggling with addiction who is in desperate need of a personal saving relationship with the LORD. The addiction has led to much stealing and lies which has burnt many bridges. Eyes and a heart simply need to be transformed by the grace of God. Thanks. Praying together!

    1. My heart is heavy and can relate to this. Our son-in-law of 18 months left our daughter two weeks ago. He fled to a state 1800+ miles away. He has an alcohol addiction, and has stolen, lied, and blown up relational bridges with dynamite. He was raised in a Christian home and knows better, but is in bondage to his addiction. I will definitely be praying for your situation as well. Love in Christ, Wendy

  21. So thankful to have this day to pray and fast for these needs today!! My extended family needs prayer–generational sin is being passed down; prayer for eyes to be opened, hearts to receive salvation, and protection for kids. Little Selah: myreallifebyyvonne.blogspot.com. That God would tear down idols in my heart and that my husband and I would be able to hear Him about adopting/fostering/or other ways God might want us to serve on behalf of the orphan. Thanks for heading this up Linny. Its a great joy to spend this day in prayer for you all!

  22. Thank you for a day to pray! If I could ask for one thing for each member of my family (besides the obvious and much needed spiritual growth), it would be "increase": increased ability to set and follow priorities for my husband, increased physical energy for me, increased clarity of speech for our daughter with CP, increased peace for our daughter with anxiety/sensory processing issues, increased ability to deal with disappointment for our son with FASD, and for our whole family, increased number of children! 🙂 I am praying that next year our family will add at least one more child, maybe two. We are moving to a new community in a few weeks, a community with a very low number of international adoptions, and are looking forward to increasing this ministry there. Looking forward to praying for everyone tonight!

  23. I am asking for prayer for my family today. My husband has been out of work for over a year, and cant seem to get an interview. We have had to move in with family and its been really hard financially. We are also expecting baby #5 in September so the pressure is on for provision. Please pray for a good paying job with the right connections for my husband to support a family of soon to be 7! I have so many prayer request but this is the main one.

    Thank you for any prayers for our family, I will be lifting you all up here as well.


  24. Praying for my 18 yr old nephew who has been fighting cancer and hospitalized since October. The cancer is spreading and he is in a lot of pain. Praying for a miraculous healing. That God would stretch out his loving hand of compassion over him and relieve him from his pain and suffering. Praying for his mom, that she would come to know God through this, and find faith in Jesus Christ alone. Follow his prayer chain here for more details – http://www.tylerkurkierewicz.blogspot.com.

    1. My heart breaks for your family…..looking at his handsome face on his prayer chain and praying for renewed courage and stamina. I think of my boys and can't imagine how his mother is able to find the strength to face each day without knowing Christ…..agreeing with you that God will touch his body and that they will both come to rest in the eternal promises and saving power of Jesus!

  25. I love these. It takes me several days but I keep coming back to read through and pray over them!

    My prayer is unchanged. For clarity on my future- career-wise and personally. I'm single and my heart just breaks to have a husband as a partner in life and children. But I don't have a career- I can't even figure out what I want to do. And I'm in my mid-30's. I should know this by now. I don't have any single girlfriends. Which just makes me feel so alone with no one to truly understand what it's like to be facing reality that I don't get to know that joy. It's so hard not to let my mind spin that I don't deserve the family because others are better, etc. Time feels like it has run out in so may areas of my life and it just breaks my heart.

    So my prayer request is two fold. For me to get some clarity on a career. And if God does not intend for me to be a wife and mother, to please please please take the desire away. The heartbreak feels too much some days!

    Praying for all!

    1. Take heart and don't give up…I married at 40 and had my son at 41. I won't bore you with the long story of what went before but I know the pain of thinking "WHEN will it happen?" Praying for all here but you especially because I know that feeling of aloneness. But you are not alone….lean on G-d and keep your faith. One of my favorite bloggers (mylifeingodsgarden.com) wrote: Faith is a decision to believe that G-d has finished what He started. I pray that G-d has wonderful things in store for you!

      What do you love to do more than anything? Maybe that's a thread that could lead to work that you love….

  26. Linny, thank you for hosting! I *knew* I was supposed to fast and pray this week! 🙂 I am pleased to join in, as there is strength in numbers.

    As I read the above prayer requests for adoption struggles, health problems, and children who have wandered from the faith in which they were raised. These hard things have hit within our own extended family within the last few months, and I am reminded of 1Peter 5:8 – "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…"

    We began our adoption journey 11 months ago. Never before have we seen God at work in undeniably miraculous ways! But we've also been attacked by the enemy at every turn. I humbly ask for prayer for the adoption of our daughter who is waiting in Zhengzhou, China…We may be able to file our I800A this week! Our prayer focus is simple: 1) That God will provide funding we need (We KNOW He will!) 2) that we are able to bring her home YET THIS YEAR, as we've had two paperwork delays and a loss of 3.5 months of time.

    It is an honor to lift up the requests of Sisters in Christ. I will be praying for you!

    Blessings, Wendy at PrairieInk.com

  27. We are going through some issues regarding a permanent guardianship we have of our niece. We have had her since she was 5 1/2 months old and is now almost 5. We are the only parents she knows. After years of being COMPLETELY absent a bio parent wants to disrupt things. This parent has been given opportunity after opportunity to be a part of our little girls life and has chosen not to. Now she wants to just barge in with no regards to the affect this could have on our child. She wants to pick up where things left off years ago. Please please pray that our attorneys and counselor will be successful at blocking any contact for now and that we will be able to get a full adoption of our baby girl so she has a secure and solid home where she is very loved and bonded to her siblings. Please pray that the judges heart is softened for our baby girl and that we can adopt!! Thank you!!

    1. Praying for you and your little girl we are going through a remotely similar adoption (stepparent) the unknowns can be scary but our God is able and we will get through this!

  28. To radically encounter the God who loves me. I want to be His! For clarity as God continues to heal me. My sister in law has symptoms of MS, and my cousin a thyroid condition. I want to see them healed completely! And for our family and our son waiting in Ukraine. That God will remove every obstacle as He guides us through this process! That we will be fully funded and that He will give us clarity about whether or not to get another son/daughter (come home with 2 instead of one)
    I will be reading and praying over these today! Thank you Jesus for working on our behalf!Please let us see YOU clearly!!!!!!

  29. Prayers needed for a job opportunity presented to me that just the night before I prayed for some financial freedom and got offered the job the next day out of nowhere today my boss told me it's only temporary but in my heart I feel like it's permanent praying that God makes it clear what his plans for us are. This would help us so so much! Also have a court date on July 8th for my husband to adopt through stepparent adoption very excited and anxious. Also prayers for my husband's job to finally give him the promotion he very much deserves!

  30. Prayers for my husband and I to be open to Gods plan for us in this new season of our lives, we want to be obedient and in some ways find ourselves at a crossroads on whether Joel should continue in the ministry he has for 33years or if we should take a bold step in another direction.
    Praying over requests today……God is mighty!

  31. Please pray for my 13 year old son who is suffering from pretty severe OCD symptoms and is resisting treatment. He is miserable and it is affecting his sleep, but I need God to show him that it will be ok to talk about all of this with a professional. He is a very private, introverted kid, so the idea of talking to a "stranger" about his problems is scary. I would love for prayers that the OCD (he actually hasn't been diagnosed yet, but shows pretty classic symptoms) would disappear, and I know God can do that, but if this is meant to be part of his story and draw him closer to the Lord, then I would appreciate prayers for a wonderful doctor and therapist to help him. I feel so grateful to be able to ask you all to pray, and I will pray for all of the other requests. Thank you.

  32. I pray constantly for our sweet friends here on Linny's blog. So blessed to be part of the Knee Team. I've never posted a need of my own but sitting here sobbing, God is urging me to post. I recently lost my job, I know something a lot of us go through. We had recently began filling the application for a Chine*se adoption, two sweet ones God willing have been put on our hearts. Now with the job loss we are running out of money for everyday essentials, which in turn leaves NOTHING for the adoptions as well. My heart hurts, I know God is in all this. We just need His provision. Thank you SO much for praying! I know there are more pressing things to pray for. I also know God hears the prayers of His people. Thank you again!

  33. Praying for all the needs today. Please pray for our family as we wait for the Lord to bring us a baby! We signed on with an agency but are open to just about anything!! God has told me that our daughter will either be biracial or African American and will "be the little girl that no one wants." Our arms are waiting for a miracle. Her name will be Maisey Kay!!

  34. Please pray for my sister and her kids. Her husband is abusing them. She needs strength, courage and wisdom to make decisions to protect herself and the kids. Today is a pivotal day. Please pray for their safety, and then please pray that the Lord will intervene in his heart. That he would allow the Lord to work – first a work of salvation, and then to convict him of the immense damage he is doing to his marriage and his family so he will change.

    1. big sister, I can so relate except I'm the little sister! My bil was abusing my sister horribly and she is finally going through divorce proceedings, but seems to be getting the short end of the stick which I really do not understand…. I'll pray for your sister and her kids and for their safety and decisions that she has to make.

  35. I completely forgot about fasting today…will start now! 🙂 Will certainly be joining all of you in prayer.
    My prayer request would be for my family as I will be travelling to China in less than 5 weeks to bring home our 5th child, 3rd via adoption. We are still in need of funds and each day is a challenge to not get all caught up in worry. Pray also for hubby as he stays home with the kids and works for the 2 weeks I'm gone. Thanks!

  36. Have been fasting and praying and these needs came to my heart.
    People that were in the Colorado fires.
    My friends daughter Charlotte to be healed of tumors on lung.
    My situation with providing for my family and leading them.
    For a breakthrough with all the stuff in my house having issues and ants and car.
    For truth to be revealed and me to balance all I am doing.
    For God to use us as a family to minister in any way he wants, even bringing us another baby to adopt.
    For healing of the abuse we encountered with my ex and the emotional abuse that lingers.
    For family members and friends to walk with the Lord.

  37. Please pray for our adoption to DRCongo. Pray for breakthrough today for visas and passports and other documents needed to file for Immigration. That we can go soon to pick up our two girls. Pray for funds for travel.
    THANK YOU!!!
    ~Jackie (Canada)

    1. Hi Jackie! I'm also from Canada…SK to be exact. I have a friend who recently had to bring their adoption from DRC to a halt. They had only just begun the process, as in no proposal, when SK shut down to DRC…anyhow, because of this, your request is dear to my heart. Praying that everything will be issued soon and that you can travel soon.

  38. Today is my birthday, and I'm excited to spend some time today praying for the needs of others! Please keep my family in your prayers. We have had some financial blows lately, and just today we felt we could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, thanks only to God. Please pray that we can continue to fix this with His help and that we never find ourselves here again (though it has been SUCH a learning lesson). Also, we recently found out we are expecting again! We are overjoyed! We are waiting for our first appointment with the doctor to confirm a due date, but we are very concerned because of an underlying medical condition that I may have that could make miscarriage a greater possibility. Please pray that I don't actually have this condition and that our little one is healthy and growing!

  39. My heart breaks for you. I have found that sometimes, God has just wanted me to give up my deires to him. After a stillbirth and miscarriages, I was desperate to have a baby. I heard God say to me,"Lovest thou me more than these?" I realized that I was putting my desire for a baby above my love for him. It was consuming me. When I was finally able to come to the place of saying,"Not my will but yours," I found peace. The next year, God gave me a darling baby girl and 14 months later, a little boy. I have been through many very difficult situations that I didn't want to experience, but not only did God see me through but he has used each one of those experiences to refine me and also to minister to others down the road and bring glory to his name.

    I am praying for peace, direction and for a special person to come into your life in your loneliness. Please don't believe satan's lies about yourself or your situation. You are precious to God and he is able!


  40. Linny, thank you for faithfully hosting this day of prayer. I've already sent up prayers for everyone before and have some requests of my own. First and foremost, I am requesting a softened heart for my husband and a return back to the faith that he once had. Reconciliation with our older children….God knows the extremely difficult marital issue we are having and only He can fix….a return back to the faith for my oldest son and daughter…..help for my 18 yo son who is experiencing major anxiety issues and does not want to get outside help. Relief from pain issues for myself..I've been experiencing sciatica for over 3 weeks now and some days it is just too much to bear. I hate having to take pain meds but it is what I'm having to do just to be able to so just everyday things.

  41. Prayers that this infertility cycle will bring fruitation instead of heartache like in the past. In the 2 week wait now until we can test to see if all the injections, ultrasounds, blood work, tears, and prayers have paid off if it be His will.

  42. Been fasting & praying today … Lifting it all up. Please pray for our family — work situations, parenting challenges, healing from past trauma but mostly that our faith will deepen, we will be steadfast in our walk and we would follow God wherever He takes us with hearts surrendered.

  43. Prays for our family, our boys may be moved. Prays for the judge to make the right call for my littles.
    And for God to move on the hearts of all the parties involved so His Will is done.

  44. Praying through these requests…knowing our Jesus is good and faithful and able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! Please pray for our daughter who we just adopted from China – home almost 3 months…she is almost 3 years old – to begin to eat solid foods (still only on a bottle). We are believing God to move on her behalf as she needs to gain weight. Thank you 🙂

  45. Please thank the Lord that He will provide a job for me. I am a single mom to 3 treasures and am looking forward to adopting 2 more …. as soon as I find the job that the Lord has for me.
    Thank you.

  46. What an honor and privilege it is to read and pray over all these requests. May God show us the right direction in every aspect of our lives and guide us to where we need to be. May He give us strength to face the unknown and courage to keep moving forward.
    My prayer request is so pathetic…I supervise a group of people who are rather difficult. I was told by one to "watch my back" as some would like me gone. It breaks my heart and also scares me. I just want to do right by God and know that my choices and decisions are based one what is right for the people involved. I have a meeting tomorrow. Please pray for me that I have the strength to get through it and my group opens their eyes and hearts to see what needs to be done. Thank you so much!

  47. I just found out a little girl by the name of Teresa is in surgery right now to receive a new heart. Please pray for the surgeons as they remove Teresa's damaged heart and place the new heart in her body. Pray for the family of the child who died that they will feel some comfort in knowing that their child's heart will live on in another child, Teresa's, body. Please pray all goes well and Teresa can heal and be the spunky little girl who does not have to wear oxygen and can dance and play like all other healthy children. Pray for Teresa's family that they feel the shield of God's comfort during this very stressful time. Thank you!

  48. Praying for all of these prayer requests and unspoken requests too! It's so wonderful how a community of believers can come together and how many of us can relate to one another and each other's struggles, making it so we can pray for one another with such empathy. Thank you Linny!
    Praying that Theresa's new heart and surgery will be a total success and praying for the family that endured such a loss so that Theresa could have a chance at life. Here is the link to pray for Theresa and watch her miracle unfold…

  49. This is minor but we are trying to get our girls on some insurance right now that would be a lot cheaper than a private policy so praying that all goes through and in the process of refiancing our house to save money.

  50. I'm late in praying through all of these requests, but God blessed me with a very sore throat in the middle of the night and thus an inability to sleep, so I have now had nearly an hour and a half of quiet, uninterrupted time to pray, a luxury around here! It has been a privilege to read through each of these comments and pray for these different situations, and many I will continue to think about and pray for during this next week. Thank you, Linny, for hosting a gathering place for prayer.


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