What She Left Behind

I confess I am addicted to homes.

I love any type:
mobile homes,
starter homes,
executive homes,
mountain homes,
old farm homes{my favorite},
long abandoned weathered shacks,
apartments, condos
anything in between.

There is something about homes that has always fascinated me.

If given the chance to peek through any home, the thoughts of who built it,
who once lived here, who left home from there, who dreamed of returning to it…
what dreams were realized or even what heartache occurred in it.

Seriously, I can’t help it.

My addiction to homes has been for as long as I can remember.

When I was in high school I saw a picture of a breathtakingly beautiful
old, old farmhouse in a real estate guide.

It was in a town about 2 hours from where I lived.

I could not get that old farmhouse out of my head and soon cut the picture out
and tucked it neatly into my wallet, where I carried it for many years,
dreaming that one day I would go see it in person.  {I never did.}

Over the years I have begged Dw to stop outside Open Houses so I could run
inside and take a peek.   

{Any of you addicted to Open Houses as well?}

That sweet husband of mine has indulged my crazy addiction on so many, many occasions.

Today was no exception.  There was not one, but two

Open House 

signs near our corner as we returned from church this morning.

Lunch finished and clean up done, grabbing Savannah and Liberty
the three of us headed out the door.

The first home was lovely.

Truly lovely.  

We ooohhed and aaaahhed and pretended who would sleep where if it was our home.

The second home was actually an enormous one we have seen on the
side of a mountain near our neighborhood. Actually the kids
and I have wondered out loud about:

Who lives up there?  
Wonder what it really looks like inside? 
Imagine the view from up there! 

{Being the diligent mama that I am, I have successfully instilled in most of them a
fascination with homes just like their mama has, I can’t help myself.}

When I saw that the sign was leading to the very house we have talked
 about on several occasions,
I was almost giddy that it was Open.

Once inside, the realtor explained that it was an estate.  The wife had died of Multiple Sclerosis.  The husband a heart attack.  It was priced well under market value.  He then said to wander about and have fun checking it out.

Being an estate, the home was completely empty.
It had the feeling as though many memories were still very present.  

Two large formal portraits hung above the giant fireplace: no doubt, the husband and wife.

I rounded a corner and found a large laundry room.  I stood as though I was the lady of the house about to fold clothes….and there I saw them:

Bible verses pasted all over the wall.

The word of God on both little tiny papers and great big large papers
 taped up for anyone folding laundry to see.  I called to Savannah and Liberty to see.

Suddenly I felt such a strong connection to this precious woman who loved God’s Holy word and posted it all over her huge home.  There were Bible verses pasted in the kitchen as well.

And then it hit me:

Although the owner’s remaining children had cleared the house out,
the only thing that was left of her in that old home was this:

God’s Promises that she had loved, memorized, meditated on and held dear. 

It was powerful to my soul.

If I were suddenly gone, and strangers were walking through my home,
would they know that God’s word was the most important thing in my life?

Would they know that it was really the only thing that I would want others to
 take away from knowing me?

Only His promises.

Each of His promises:

Undeniably powerful.

Able to move mountains.

Able to steady the most shaken situations.

Able to bring surrender from the strongest foe.

Able to quicken the hardest heart.

Able to heal horrific disease.








The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

41 thoughts on “What She Left Behind

  1. That is a beautiful idea. We're about to move (to a new city, in a new state, to an apartment we've never personally seen!) and I think I'll start posting verses in the areas where I'll do daily chores.

    I have to confess, I love homes too. My mother instilled in me the value of taking neighborhood walks at dusk. That way, it isn't dark enough that people have drawn their shades for the night… but their lights are on, which is perfect for walking slowwwly past and examining their homes. So creepy, but I swear, I'm just fascinated by their house! It's especially good at Christmas time, when you can see all the decorations and trees all lit up.

    1. Oh Mrs Carr's Class Blog – LEAVE some verses for the next person to find. Even just little ones tucked in…I like to think it would be your blessing on the next occupants!! And yes, I love going at dusk too. If there is someone inside, I always say, "Move out of the way – I'm trying to see the house"…my favorite part of the house is the staircase and the kitchen.

  2. I have been "following" your blog for quite awhile now and I just wanted you to know that I love reading your posts! You almost always speak something that inspires, speaks to my soul, and just encourages me. Thank you for your openness and being a strong example to me of what a Godly woman should be striving for. Much love to you and your family.

  3. Oh, wow. This is powerful Linny. Reminds me of a song I sing every day…..the chorus soaks of standing on the promises of Christ our Savior…I love homes too. Watch house hunters and check real estate sites…and drive around looking at houses. Farm houses with wrap around porches are great and southwestern adobe intrigues….
    Looking around our home, God is present but I love the written verses. Mine are on papers in kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms:)

    1. Oh Renee – *See* we are kindred spirits – love HH, real estate sites and driving around. You would have loved one of our home with the huge wrap around porch. I will try to remember to send you a picture of it…it was in VA on 29 acres, set way back from the road…so beautiful…

  4. That is awesome… makes me think as we try to make this new house feel more like our home… Thanks for sharing Linny! Praying for you all.. the kids and I had a great time telling friends today all about you all… good memories of precious friends…

    1. Ahhhh, so you were talking about us? Funny I was talking about you the other day and having 16 kids here and how it was a piece of cake and so stinkin' relaxing – truly relaxing. xo

  5. Ah I love open houses too!

    My mom and I used to periodically go visit some just because…and some of my favorite memories with her were when we were moving and trying to find the home God had for our family next. Then we'd only have dad come to the ones we'd narrow it down to!

    What a really beautiful legacy the woman left in the home you recently saw! And what a great challenge/reminder in our own lives.

  6. What a beautifully woven story and post. Loved it! God is so very good. I love going thru homes as well. When I lived in Marietta GA all those effluent subdivisions were always having open houses. Also when they were building most of those subdivisions they always had a "model" home that they did their business out of fully decorated. I loved going thru them. I also cleaned houses for a living while there so got to see many many a huge home inside and out. The homes that have the biggest draw to me though…..the old falling down ones that I finally see when the leaves fall to the ground in the fall. The ones I never knew were there as we drive around. I especially would love to sneak in and see what there kitchens looked like for some reason. Anyways….Gods blessings and great post!

    1. I love falling down ones. Sometimes I even get weepy when I see them…I'm such a weirdo. But then, you might feel the same – so we can be weirdos together. PS I'm a staircase and kitchen girl too.

  7. Oh, that is so very, very, very sweet.

    Thank you for sharing with us!

    (And yes, I very much enjoy looking at homes, too…ok am addicted)!

  8. I love this! And yes, I am addicted to homes, too. When I was a kid I was always making floorplans with all my future kids (always atleast ten) in their rooms. My mom gave me the floorplans a few years ago. Thank goodness I didn't use any of those names. hahahaha What one of my sons remembers and talks about from his first mom is her faith. I love this! She did not know she was going to die, so had no warning to deliberately leave this strongest memory with her son. Obviously, it makes me think about this every day: what would my children remember most about me.

    1. OH MY GRACIOUS – when I read your comment I went – WHHHOAAA. I had drawn up floor plans as well. I had 18 children. All named…and the rooms were all furnished on my papers – which were notebook papers taped together…what fun if I could find them now. What a legacy she left…it made me wonder if her children appreciated it, since the house was empty {except for the portraits – which were actually kind of looming}..and the verses…

  9. I would say with great convection that anyone who knew you or knows you truly knows how very much you love our precious Savior. All that you are resonates your devotion, adoration, obedience,and
    most of love for the Lord of your life. You continue to inspire and challenge me to live my life for God. Thank you for all the ways you have done this..always bringing glory to God.

  10. This was lovely. A perfect reminder that the next thing I need to do in our new home is post some Bible verses. I think being able to see them while I fold laundry (because I feel like I'm ALWAYS folding laundry!) is a good start.

    And posting them in my kids rooms so I can pray their verses over them while we're in those spaces together.

    And by the dinner table so we can pray our family verses together while we eat our meals.

    Oh I have so many plans to have God's word through my home now!

  11. Thank you so much for posting such a sweet and simple story about God being reflected in our lives – through the life of this beautiful and courageous woman (for that is what she must have been). I am in the middle of recovering from an illness and am on some medicine that makes me really struggle physically and emotionally. It will be finished soon, but today is a "clinging to grace" kind of day, and I'm close to tears at every moment. I know it's just the way the medicines work, and that endurance and trusting Jesus is the best way to get through it. It really isn't a big deal in the scheme of things. But this story you posted was so encouraging and just filled up my tank in some strange way, that I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write it out. I feel like Jesus gave me a bit of fuel to keep on going, and a reminder to keep putting my whole heart in His hands, letting Him fill me up even during this crazy time of physical and emotional weakness.

  12. I always wanted to stop at those open houses but felt they would pester me into buying? I am now going to go to them. I share your love of houses.
    Your post from Only his promises on down made me tear up- touched something. Thank you.

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