Brewing Storms

The other day I was out and about for my morning bike ride.
I love going over to a neighborhood kind
 of near our home.
Many of the homes have extra pretty 
architectural details that make them 
kind of like eye candy to a 
like me. 
This particular neighborhood also has some 
very beautiful desert mountains as their backdrop.
It makes for a very sweet ride.
Now let me add,
growing up with much heartache and 
emotional pain, I hated storms.
Truly, I hated them as a young girl.
I could feel true panic setting into my
heart if I saw a storm approaching.
I think it had to do with the feeling of
my life was always brewing out of control
 and then add to that a scary looking storm
and it would send all 
sorts of dread through my heart – 
just with a dark storm
approaching in the sky.
Even as I type that I think about how far
God has brought me and I shake my head.
No doubt, all-powerful God can accomplish 
more than anyone 
ever dreamed possible 
when a heart is
willing to yield to His tender healing whispers.
being a woman who once dreaded storms
it is pretty doggone amazing to me
that over the healing years I came to
not just tolerate storms, 
but to actually look forward to them.
When we lived on the mountainside
in Colorado the Lord graciously
gave us the most spectacular view.

I regret that I didn’t ever
get a picture of a storm rolling in over
the Rocky Mountains –
but let me assure you –
it was more than breathtaking!
Our view {below}.
Notice the nearest neighbor across the canyon.
Do you see the neighbor’s home?
It truly was unbelievable.
the other morning riding my bike along I noticed the
dark, ominous storm clouds looming.
It made me smile to remember 
how far I had come.
This particular day
I had been reflecting on a situation
that would be considered by all who knew of it
“a storm in life”.
I had been whispering to the Lord 
about this overwhelming life-storm
and kind of looking at the stormy
clouds and suddenly
He whispered oh-so-gently,
“Even with the powerful storm clouds – 
do you see it Linny?
Look closely!  
Do you see the stunning blue sky barely visible
over there on the left?
{I had not seen it at all.}  
At the same time, do you see the fierce darkness
 that covers the blue?
Yet look, 
even as the compelling storm covers the sky,
the majestic beauty of the blue
has not left.
Just because the storm is there,
the splendid blue remains.
So it is with me, Linny.
The storms brew in life.
Yet, I am right there.
You can’t always see me,
but I have not left.
Not even for a second.
I blanket your life whether you see me or not.”

It was so powerful sweet friends.
I have saved it for a few weeks to share it with you.
But today, 
a storm is very present in my life
and the Lord instantly reminded me of 
this word picture.
I share it with you knowing that many of you
are facing storms as well.
The word from Him to each of us:
He is present.
Even as the storm clouds loom and the sky darkens.
The glorious blue is right behind them.
That palatial blue has not left, 
nor will it leave.
Just like our loving Father.
He is always present.
He never leaves us.
Not even for a millisecond.
“The Lord is my helper, 
I will not be afraid.
What will man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6b

9 thoughts on “Brewing Storms

  1. Tonight my husband was IM-ing our daughter-in-love who is sitting in the hospital next to our granddaughter who is battling cancer. He told her sometimes it's hard to believe that there's blue sky above all those clouds. I asked him if he saw your blog tonight. He said "no". Then I showed him and he told our daughter-in-love to check out your blog. God is so awesome!

  2. My great-grandmother used to say something along the lines that if there was enough blue sky peeking through to make a pair of overalls for a kitten, then things were going to be all right. Thank you for the reminder, Linny.

  3. I love, love, LOVE, this post. God has been whispering similarly to my heart as well. God has recently been marinating my heart in the truth of His love and His goodness in the midst of even the worst storms.

  4. I definitely needed to read this today… not sure why I missed it when you posted it, but God knew why I needed to see it now. I'm dealing with some storms and feeling pretty alone in them, so it's nice to be reminded that He is there.

  5. Likewise, I keep seeing a similar view this week and am grateful for the reminder, Linny, of His providential care. We can trust Him in every detail of our lives. He goes before us and sees all. He comforts and gives strength. He's our conqueror and rescuer. Praising Him with you!

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