After Years of Waiting…

For as far back as I can remember I’ve wanted 
to live in Phoenix.
There have been a myriad of reasons like:
~  I love it hot
~ don’t have to wear winter coats
~don’t have to shovel
~ wear sundresses
~no ice to slip on
~I love it hot
~no winter gear for little ones
~hang out in the pool most of the day
~no freezing steering wheel 
~no freezing hands not wanting to touch
freezing steering wheel
~I love it hot
and citrus trees in the backyard…
Did I mention I love it hot?
And no, the 119 degree temperatures 
don’t scare me away.  
Not ever.
All I can say is:
Bring it on.
And now, finally, after many, many, seemingly
endless year of waiting 
we are here.
Most of the winter gear was given away.
The steering wheel is warm {or hot}.
My hands are toasty.
The kids swim much of the year.
I had a skirt, short sleeve shirt and 
sandals on today and it’s January.
And I have a 
orange tree in my backyard
that has a sweet yield…

and a grapefruit tree that’s coming along
and a few other trees that are hopeful
I am a very blessed woman…
What are you waiting for?
“Ask and it will be given to you…”
The answer sometimes takes a long time…
but when it comes to fruition
the rewards are that much sweeter.

5 thoughts on “After Years of Waiting…

  1. I loved visiting my friend from Tolleson a couple March's ago…She had two different kinds of orange trees and a grapefruit
    tree(Bush) and I ate fresh off the tree every day I was out visiting….Loved the nice arch weather….Went for train out ride in the
    canyon, went to the lake with the dam and took a ride on "The Dolly" and loved the weather….I love the desert when it is just blooming..
    Love the night sky ordinance of the Prescott area and love the Flag area….one wish is to go visit Brisbee…..Oh well, back to reality in NC
    Love from NC

  2. Our adopted son. :o). I tried to talk my parents into adopting, which didn't work. So we made a plan to adopt when we got married. 12 years later and we are Article 5 as of last night! A few more weeks of waiting and trusting and seeing God provide and a new chapter in our life will begin!

  3. We are desperately waiting to hear that our son is officially our son. It's been a long hard year but we are consciously Being Still and letting The Lord fight for us.

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