Around the Corner

Yesterday as Dw and I were talking about a current 
situation we have been walking through,
suddenly the Lord brought this story to mind.

So I reminded that sweet man of mine about it 
and in recounting the story again we
both were greatly encouraged.

It is so good to tell each other the stories of
God’s faithfulness.

To share just how good He has been to us.

Although I have shared this story
before, as I looked back through this
Place, I discovered it had been
four years since last sharing it!

Where in the world does the time go?

It’s been four years ago since I shared this story,
but trust me,
it’s a darn-tootin’ good one!

Many years ago Dw and I planted a church and were
pastoring outside Richmond, Virginia.

We had built a sweet home on those acres and with six kids at the time,
we really wanted to get a pool.

Not a fancy pool, just a pool to splash around and cool off in. 
So we started praying for one.  
We asked the Lord to provide a very specific pool. 

God’s word also says, “You have not because you ask not.” 
Based on that scripture we decided many years ago that 

when we bring our requests to the Lord 
we need to ask specifically.

So we asked for a pool that was shaped like a figure 8 and was used 
(but in great condition), so it would be very affordable. 
There was a used/swap kind of newspaper that was for 
Richmond and surrounding areas. 
I started checking that.
Before long I realized that that little used/swap paper covered many miles. 
Some places advertising could be hours away. 
So I changed my prayer – 
Lord, you know how busy Dw is, 
could you please provide a used, 
figure 8 pool right here in our neighborhood of our little town? 

Now if you knew how rural and little this town was, you would have laughed. 

Dw did. 

Come on, what are the odds that a used, figure 8 pool in great shape was
anywhere nearby? 

 Odds in the world’s eyes? 
But in God’s eyes? 

Before long we were leaving to go to Western New York
for our family vacation.
Just before leaving I saw an ad in that little used/swap paper.

It was for a used, figure 8 above-ground pool that 
had only been used one season.

 It was listed for sale for $700.00.
And where was it listed?
In our little very rural town!!

I called the man and left a message, but didn’t hear back.
{This was pre-cell phones.}

We left on our family vacation.
I thought about that pool and asked the Lord to hold it for us
till we got back two weeks later.

When we got home there was a message on
our answering machine.
A man’s voice said, “Don’t know if you are still interested,
but my pool has not sold.” 

Dw had already gone to the church office, so I called the guy.
He explained that he had just bought the house,
the pool was in the backyard, he didn’t want it and he had the receipt
 that it was only one year old.

The previous owner had paid about $5,000.00 for it!!
I said I would call my husband, but just before he hung up he said,
 “Listen, I just really want it out of here…I will sell it to you for $500.00”

I was so excited (as I despise negotiating – ugh!!)

I hung up and called Dw.
I forgot in my excitement to tell Dw that he had lowered the price to $500.
Well Dw called the man and was talking to him about the pool and said,
“My wife told me about the pool,
but I can’t even remember how much you are asking.”
He said, “I started at $700. but really I just want it gone.
I will sell it to you for $300.00.” 

When Dw called me I was whooping, come on now friends – it started at $700.00, 
was just $500 minutes before
 and in the time it took for me to tell Dw and have Dw call him 
right back he had dropped it again by $200 dollars!!

Dw called me to tell me we were going to look at it and it was $300.

I was laughing – come on dude,
we aren’t even there yet and you are dropping the price like a crazy man!!

We said we would come to see it the next day.
 And oh, by the way, where did that guy live?

 *giant giggles*

Being there is rural farmland –
he lived approximately 60 houses from us!

We went to look at it the next day.
He wanted to show us the receipt.
It had just been installed the year before by the previous owner
 for over $5,000. It was a figure 8.
It was wonderful!!

Then the man said,
 “I really think you will need a new liner because of the heat shrinking it
 (or something like this)…
I just don’t feel comfortable selling it to you for $300, 
how about just for $200?” 

{{uproarious laughter}}

So for $200 we drove away with an almost brand-spankin’ new pool 
which we didn’t have to negotiate for – 
that we found almost literally around the corner
 from our home.


Only God –
He is soooo faithful!

That awesome pool
brought us boatloads of fun for the years we pastored

there and it daily reminded us that God is into the details –
if we just ask.

Yippee Jesus!

What needs do you have?
What concerns?
What specifically are you praying for?

God cares.
God wants us to talk to Him.
He is definitely in the details.
Just ask.

In our Memorial Box there is a little
rubber duck that represents this story.

8 thoughts on “Around the Corner

  1. Oh Linny thank you for this reminder. I remember reading this story!

    I was in an accident April 6. My horse threw me and my pelvis was broken in 2 places and also I have several spinal fractures. But guess what?! I am alive, my legs work, the accident could have been so much worse, even tragic. I am so thankful the Lord was watching out for me. The Friday before the accident we were at the pool store picking out an above ground pool, then the accident happened on Sunday and I had to be life flighted to Nashville. So now we are waiting for all the hospital bills to roll in – my husband is especially concerned about the cost of the helicopter ride – and my pool is now on hold. Your reminder encouraged me to pray specifically. Now I don't only want a pool, I need one for therapy purposes. This is a long journey to recovery, 3-6 months. I am homebound and shuffling along with Turbo, my next best friend for at least 8 weeks, my walker.

    I'll definitely be praying very specifically for an above ground pool to help with my recovery and time spent homebound at the farm this summer.

    Blessings to you my friend, thanks again for the reminder,

  2. Thanks for sharing! As I wait to hear from God about adopting again this is a great reminder to trust God and he will lead and provide! Seeking him!

  3. Linny, this is a great reminder to me today that since God acts intentionally to bless His children in small ways, He certainly cares about those seemingly-impossible things that are overwhelming our thoughts and lives. I'll keep praying for specific miracles with you — for you and for others.

  4. I stopped right in the middle of reading this and prayed for a little girl who is on my heart, that G-d would find her a family. And that if it's us, G-d would move on dh's heart quickly so she wouldn't have to wait too much longer. (Dh still assumes I'm nuts but it doesn't even bother me. 🙂 )

    1. So that prayer was answered almost immediately – I just heard that a family submitted LOI to China for her, after over a year on the shared list!

  5. My tears are rolling. You have no idea how directly God has been speaking to my heart the last few days about my prayers. I have been so fervently praying, but He shows me my lack of faith to fully believe and expect He will give us what we are asking for. He's right, my faith has been small, it seems impossible, and yet I have been pointed to story after story the last few days about how He has answered. If we were friends I would be calling you, bawling, telling you how you wrote this post directly to me, and how funny it is that it popped up in my feed at the same time I was posting what I just did.

  6. I love it Linny, my friend… what an encouragement to my heart to ask boldly, specifically, and expectantly from our loving Father! Miss you all! Praying for you all! Thankful for you ALL!

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