He Will Do This

Since this is Good Friday, 
it seems like the absolutely best day ever
 to tell a very powerful story of 
something that happened just the other day.
It’s so easy in the hubbub of Easter week-end
to barely stop to remember who HE is,
let alone what He did, 
what He does
just how powerful He is.  
But of all times to remember,
it should be now…

humbly grateful for His submission to the cross
so that He could have an active role in our lives!
I often have thought about how 
the God of the universe sent His son
to die for each of us,
He then could have left us on our own…
However, He is so relational that
He longs for us to spend time with Him…
He deeply desires for us to allow Him
to be part of our lives at every turn…

So the other day something happened that 
has boosted my faith a bazillion degrees..
again assuring those involved just how active He is in our lives…
I pray it encourages yours as well…
So the story goes like this:  
I have a long-time friend who has been longing, praying and fasting 
regularly for something very specific to happen.  
In fact those closest to her have been praying with her
for this seemingly enormous situation to 
be met by the loving fingertips of God….
Many of those who know her know of the situation 
 and they have fasted as well.
No doubt the situation is huge.

there is no doubt,
that no matter how enormous any situation is,

God is bigger still.
Ya’ know we say that,
But do we really get that 

Not One Thing 

is too difficult

for God?
No matter how seemingly insurmountable the situation,
every single obstacle falls at the foot of the 
powerful cross of 
Jesus Christ.
So the other day I happen to be talking to my friend.
I could tell she was discouraged.
She has been praying for her situation for a long,
long, long, long, long, long, long, long

Yet the Lord had been whispering to me
over and over and over and over
that the answer she has been longing, hoping,
fasting and praying for 


So I told my old friend that.

And I believe she was encouraged,
ya’ know how hard it is to believe
when there are mountains the 
size of Mt. Everest standing in the way 
of the answer?
And then ya’ know how sometimes when we are personally
involved in the situation and so up close
it is very hard to really, really believe that
the circumstances will ever change?

I know personally, 
I can totally relate,
sometimes I can believe for others,
but for me it can be harder.

after hanging up, I began to pray
passionately and specifically…..
See my friend has had powerful
prophetic dreams.  She has had God speak to her
in dreams far more times than most I have ever known…

So I prayed that God would speak to her through a 
dream that very night and give her hope!
I prayed all day about it…
not telling a soul about my secret prayers.

I prayed persistently 
yes, I prayed very, very specifically.
In fact the longer I prayed the more convinced I was
that God was going to speak to my friend in a dream
that night.
The next morning I could hardly
wait to talk to my friend….
I was soooo confidant and certain that God had given 
her a dream that filled her heart
with expectant hope…
As she answered her phone I blurted it out,
“How’d you sleep?”
Her answer was the best ever!
“I slept great and I had the craziest dream!”
I was beyond giddy, 
“What did you dream?”
“Well I dreamed that….”
She went on and shared with me a very
detailed and joyful dream where 
the long-awaited promise was fulfilled
and the Lord actually gave her an exact 
time in the dream!
I giggled and shrieked as I told her
what I had prayed for…
She was dumbfounded!  
And remember the mountains the size of Mt. Everest
that stand in the way?
no surprise, 
but suddenly 
insurmountable mountains 
have begun to 
shake, rumble and crumble…
our Almighty God is moving 
and my friend’s
heart cry is about to come to pass.

“Trust in Him and He will do this.”
Psalm 37:5b

9 thoughts on “He Will Do This

  1. What an awesome story. But one minor detail actually jumped out at me…where you said that you can easily believe that your friends' and loves ones' prayers will be answered, but you have a harder time believing yours will…yes!!! That is such a huge struggle for me! I often forget that there is enough grace for me, that I am loved just as deeply and passionately and fiercely as my friends are loved, that He wants to bless me just like He wants to bless them. Thank you for this reminder, and the message that I am not alone in this!!

  2. I love this! We have also been waiting and praying and praying and waiting. Specifically for the mountains to be moved and for our adoption of our two year old son to be finalized. It is only God's great peace that we move through our days in hopeful anticipation. We would treasure prayers. Love, Kim

  3. praise Almighty God, He does it every single time, He truly does! this testimony was so encoiuraging. this time 3 yrs ago our family lost treasures dearer than life, my brothers children, to a divorce. still praying the mountain range will crumble and they can comehome! this was truly exciting to read.

  4. I know what you are talking about Linny. Almighty has moved a few Mt. Everests for me in the last couple of months. After years of praying and waiting. All in such ordered steps. Like a domino effect. His ways are amazing. He set this captive free.

  5. Hi Linn, just catchin' up with your blog after not having visited for awhile. Your post, esp. this one on Good Friday, mirror many of the words God has been speaking to me and David. In fact, on Good Friday, He really drove home Ps. 37:5 for us too. Isn't He awesome?!

  6. I was just coming over to your blog to share the link about praying for your pool, and of course, God would have me come across this one! We too are praying specifically and expectantly, and learning to have the faith that He will give us the desires of our hearts.

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