True confession:
Telling Ruby stories are some of my favorite stories ever to tell.
To think that some medical professionals really, truly thought that her
life would amount to sitting propped in a corner, unable to interact in
any way, no facial expressions, no progress of any kind…just sit.
Seems pretty incredulous to the rest of us, especially when we know a
powerful God who passionately loves the orphan and to our astonishment
can accomplish above and beyond all that we could think or imagine!
And just for the record, with each accomplishment of our sweet Ruby-girl,
there is a whole lot of thanking the Lord, tons of whooping, intermingled with
crocodile tears, always hollering and
telling-everyone-we-see-whether-we-know-them-or-not kind
of commotion.
We are smitten with this little African chica and
we’re kinda thinkin’ she pretty well knows it too.
I’m actually thinkin’ she might be smitten with us as well.
And crazy as it might be, this girl has been so busy stunning the medical
professionals and leaving them with their jaws on the floor, that it’s getting
crazy keeping up.
I almost feel like I need to put on a pair of roller skates to keep up with all
her record-breaking ninja accomplishments.
And although I can’t imagine anyone who stops by our Place Called Simplicity
thinking this, but just in case some whether some think, “They’re celebrating that?”
When there is a “never gonna’ do anything” diagnosis,
So here’s one of the latest…a couple of weeks ago the girls and I were
going to go wedding dress shopping for Savannah. Obviously Daddy and the
boys were staying home.
There was a little conversation and Dw mentioned, “Leave Ruby with me.”
I felt in my heart that Ruby needed to be part of this girl’s evening fun – after all,
how often do we have the joy of going to shop for a wedding dress and she is,
indeed, one of the girls!!
Dw just wanted me to have a bit of a rest from the responsibility, but I just felt that
Ruby would love it – girly stuff seems to be her favorite thing!
So I decided I would ask her. I have asked Ruby simple things before and only
because of the great grace of God, I am kind of a Ruby-whisper and can
kind of understand what she needs {most of the time}.
However, this time was profound!!
I love Ruby's stories – and btw, I am SO EXCITED for Savannah!! 😀
Of course she wants to go who wouldn't ?
I have been following you for so long but I must have missed the stories of you sharing that she can see??!!! So among this lovely post, is another wonderfully amazing miracle! CELEBRATING Ruby's milestones with you!!
Giggling in Tennessee,
Ok, tears, tears……thanks be to God!
I am praising our God and celebrating with you! Love you, Ruby!
Seeing the look in Ruby's eyes…of course she knows what is going on. She sure has changed a lot in recent months. It might be harder to see when you see her every day but from seeing pictures and reading stories about her, it is pretty profound all the changes. The sparkle in her eyes and the easy smile. What a happy child. Only God…who gave miss Ruby her mommy and daddy and big brothers and sisters. What a gift for all of you.
Beautiful and encouraging to hear the incredible grace of God! Wow, we so easily forget that our God is the healing God. Just His Word, and the Gospel can bring light into the darkest places and restore hope to the brokenhearted! Love hearing about this!
He's God of the miraculous in Uganda as much as here. 😉
Incredible! That Ruby is showing them just what God can do. Go Ruby Go!!!