Single Heroes

The bossman has been gone for 42 days at the moment.  
We are doing well, but admittedly some days just seem so much longer than others.  
Dw has traveled lots throughout our marriage – 
usually doing missions around the world,
speaking at Pastor’s Conferences
 or serving on the Executive Board for the denomination we pastored in.   
I’m very used to him being gone and while I miss him, 
we are able to look at the big picture
and manage each day usually well. 
The thing about when he is gone I do know that there is an end in sight.
Not so with the single mom
{or dad}
and I know that many of you, my sweet bloggy friends,
are single moms. 
So many names instantly pop into my head, but I won’t start naming any 
because I don’t ever want to offend anyone for leaving them out.   
One is a friend who adopted two brothers out of foster care and it has been 
an extremely difficult road.  She is a prayer warrior as well as 
a woman of deep perseverance
and no doubt, has many rewards stored up in heaven for the journey 
she has chosen!!
Others of you ended up by no doing of yours raising children alone.  
Still others have chosen to adopt in your singleness. 

One bloggy friend who was widowed.  She lives in Texas.  In her widowhood she
has chosen to adopt two – both with severe needs!
Her attitude is amazing!

Another precious-bloggy-turned-real-friend lives in the southeast
and is in the process of adopting yet another in her singleness.
She recklessly abandoned the world’s theory of 
“common sense” and decided to run for the prize set before her.
Her commitment to the orphan is a testimony to her
selfless character!
Another is my old friend whose wife passed from cancer and
he raised their little girl for years alone!

Another single mom struggles with her own health issues 
yet works long hours in the fitness field to raise the treasures God has gifted her with.  

And as far as up close, three of my very dearest with-skin-on-friends,
who I’ve known for a ‘billion’ years
each had/have to journey
through being a single mom 
while their husbands were not making wise choices. 
Such heartache.
So today,  I just have to pause and tell you all, 
from the bottom of my heart:  
I stand cheering you each on!  

What you do – day in and day out – wow!  
You all totally rock!!

This single mom thing for me is just temporary….a few weeks here and a couple months

 there as Dw serves far from home…but I gotta’ say, you all are my personal heroes!!

I am so proud of each of you.

No doubt, some days are beyond imaginable and difficult for you.  Yet, by God’s grace, you put one foot in front of the other and keep going.  Your strength and determination is noteworthy.  There has got to be a calm assurance that the Lord will see you through.

If I could, I would work my way through each of you and bring you and your treasures

dinner to show you my deep admiration for you…
then I would take your treasures and give you a much needed rest
while you go get a pedicure!!
Since I am unable, I do pray that those around you minister to your soul, 
bringing you blessings and encouragement while ministering
 to the treasures gifted to you.

May the Lord bless each of you with the grace needed

for the tasks you face, may He give you courage, determination 
and refreshment needed as you love
your precious treasures day in and day out.  

10 thoughts on “Single Heroes

  1. aww.. thanks. Single parenting is hard. I did not chose to become a young widow. However I did choose to become a single parent. I wanted kids and a family! IT doesnt make it easy but God def shows himself faithful! I have 6 beautiful blessings. Fathers day coming up is a hard day for my kids.

    1. Wow. Ruth Ann your words are powerful. I am so proud you and your dedication to clearly those who need a loving and caring mom. May God continue to supply all your needs according to His riches!! And may God give you all the desires of your heart!

  2. I am so grateful for this post. I am married, however, we have been separated for so long I can't remember how long it's been. There is no words to express how much I miss him and our (his) boys (well, young men really!) or how much they miss myself and our now 16 month old. My husband is Central American and so we are attempting to immigrate him and our boys here to North America. There are days however, that it doesn't feel like it's worth it or an end insight (probably a year or more but no money to get a ticket to go see them either!) To be employed here, I am caring for 3 extra children and the things that they have come with are hard and I don't feel I am parenting well with all the added stress of missing my man and boys as well as attempting to raise our 16 month old with the behaviours these older children have come with. With 4 kids 5 and under and 8 days a month caring for a disabled adult on my own, there are days I feel I am a huge ball of mess and everything is falling apart everywhere. And I do fall apart, sadly, usually with the kids around or at the kids and I fear how much more damage I have done to them on top of the damage they already have. I'm off to re-read your post to help me remember that I'm not alone in this and also to attempt to remember more of what you wrote as I'm so tired now what you wrote is lost in a list of to do's!!!

    1. Your journey sounds overwhelming Nicole. I pray that you are plugged in to a church that loves and cares for the "single" moms {and dads}…reaching out and ministering to you and yours. I pray that there will be break through for your husband to come quickly.

  3. what a kind post to honor those people who love the orphans and others too. I was reminded today while reading a magazine where people shared how they helped loved ones that needed it….I sometimes feel I am not there enough for my mom. It made me stop and think, even though she's in a nursing home, should I be there more the 2 or 3 times a month? With work and needs for a day where I do my shopping…..not always in the are where she's living? I get so tired at times. I thank God for the selfless givers. Hugs!

  4. Thank you for the encouraging words. It is so needed right now. So very thankful for you and for Him being a Father to the Fatherless. I know tomorrow will be hard for my kids and for so many. Praying He lifts each one up and twirls them around with His love.

  5. Thank you Linny. Your words of encouragement and support came at just the perfect time. Yesterday, I was simply tired. But when I thought about all I do each day, as a single mom with a full-time job, I realized most folks would be tired! Parenting is tough sometimes, and going it alone is frightening on the days I want someone to tackle the big issues with me. But God made my beautiful family of me and my two adopted girls, and I refuse to let Him or my daughters down! So I get up, brush my self off, and persevere some more. If I was closer, I'd gladly take you up on dinner and a pedicure! LOL Most days though, I just need some extra hugs and to be told, "You're doing great, hang in there!", and that's exactly what your post gave me this morning. 🙂

  6. Linny,
    Your post made me cry. Thank you. And thanks for your prayers for my boys. Most days, people's prayers are the only things that keep me going. I soooo long for the day when my boys meet Jesus and seek His wholeness and healing. And most days, that day seems so, so, so far away.

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