Around the world treasures are waiting for families.
Many are actually praying for one!
Can you imagine? Desperately longing for a family but absolutely no ability to
just go out and get one?? Not one chance to find one!
Yet they wait.
Day after day.
Week after week.
Year after year.
Just wanting to belong.
And frankly, who doesn’t want to belong?
I noticed that some of the sweet treasures “left” that still need hosting this summer
{see post here} are in wheelchairs. Oh my gracious – friends!! One month this summer
is all that’s needed!
So I got to thinkin’ that maybe if I threw a few “bones” out there
maybe someone would perhaps see a few of the millions of perks….
Here we go:
A few of the many perks of treasures in wheelchairs:
1. Bam!!! Who needs to work out?? Think of all the muscle that is built lifting a wheelchair in and out of the car. Oh yeah baby!
2. Bada-Bing!! A totally convenient place to hang your purse while you’re out.
3. Boom!! A parking place close to the door. {Everyone around you will be wanting to ride with you too. This is especially wonderful at a crowded mall days before Christmas! Now we’re talkin’….}
4. Ta-Da!! A front row seat in a theatre. Hello feeling like you’re “right there” during the movie!
Another bonus…my brother broke his leg one summer and was in a wheelchair on our family trip to Disney World…pow! Straight to front of every line!!
So, how does hosting work? We are a family of eight living 3.5 hours from the closest airport. Do we need to have a homestudy, background checks or other requirements? Is there a cost(as in pay to participate) or is it donation in time and love(assuming yes, we feed, clothe, shelter, nurture child during set their stay)? I read yesterday's post which got me thinking and today's has me outright laughing. I enjoy your sense of humor:)
OK, found the website and it answers my questions. Thank you:)