Someone Did Something

I just can’t even begin to grasp or imagine what life would be like if Emma hadn’t seen our friend advocating for a home for Nehemiah.  Isn’t it kinda crazy that when our friend began advocating little did she know God had already been working on our hearts and the rest is history?

And what if our now-friend hadn’t advocated for a family for Vernon?  I shudder to imagine what if she had thought, “What’s the point?  He’s aging out.  No one would ever want an almost 14 year old son in a wheelchair with significant needs.”

Our family considers advocating an integral part of how God chose to grow our family.   Apparently the Lord seems to really love when people work together on behalf of the orphan.

And today I bring you a precious face and name.  Meet Cai.  He’s 13, which means he will be aging out somewhere around the end of the year.

CCAI asked if I would advocate for him because he really, really, really wants a family.  I watched the video they sent (which was made by the family that hosted him this winter) and tears dripped this morning.  He is precious and clearly a gentle, sweet, fun-loving, tender soul.

Yes, he has a wheelchair.  But friends, #wheelchairsreallyarentscary !!  It says he hops into the car!!

There are some things that the host mom wrote about him, which have to be mentioned.

SongWangCai (1) (1)

From the host family:
We believe Cai needs a family.  There is not a certain criteria that a family needs to meet – he is so adaptable and will find his place no matter how big or small.  He deserves to keep smiling and learning.  In regards to his disability, he overcomes it every step of the way.
Cai is curious because there are so many things he has not experienced due to his time in the orphanage, however, he does not act like an institutionalized child.  We never saw attachment issues, inappropriate behaviors or learning disabilities present in any way.
Cai is helpful with other kids, yet he knows how to be a kid himself.   There is twinkle in his eye and so much love in his heart.  His future has no limits; all he needs is a family to cheer him on and accept his love.
 Life with Cai:   Cai does have scars across his back from previous surgery.  He is incontinent.  Unable to control his feet, although he does have feeling in them when walking unsteady on his ankles.
He uses a wheelchair in public or during long activities but not at home.   He will crawl or brace himself to complete activities.   Friends in the medical field thought he would fair well in braces and/or canes.  He is so independent!
Cai completely self-cares for his hygiene needs and he sleeps well.
He treated his host siblings well and loved them very much.  He loved the host family’s dogs and asked if he could have a dog for the birthday he was going to celebrate with them.  {He had never had a birthday celebration before.}
Cai is polite, caring and thoughtful.
Song Wang Cai (3) (3)
When I watched the video he reminded me of our Nehemiah.
Would you pray with me that Cai’s family will find him?  Would you spread the word that this little fellow has been hosted, is just as precious as he looks and that he desperately longs for a family of his own?

Cai longs for a family.

Can you help us connect his family to him?

Or maybe you would love Cai to be your son??

Spoiler:  Don’t watch the video unless you have a kleenex handy.  He’s precious.  Seriously precious.

For more information:

Maybe you are the someone who can connect Cai to his family.

Please consider sharing with your friends and family.

4 thoughts on “Someone Did Something

  1. I can’t imagine how much fun that was for him with memories he will have forever. I would take him in a heartbeat if I had the money and the health. He is just precious! Praying someone steps up to add them to their family.

  2. I love watching how God works through His people to care for one another! Thank you Lord for bringing this sweet boy into a family of his own. We will be praying that their adoption process goes quickly and smoothly!

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