He Was Yelling At ME!

Yesterday that guy would have never guessed a couple thousand people would read about him later. But this story is one worth repeating in hopes of preparing others.

So many times I’ve walked away from someone who has said something so mean that in my shock, I didn’t know what to do or say.

But ya’ know, I found that there’s actually yet another perk to growing older:  Having a quicker-then-I-used-to-have response when meanness strikes….instead my old standing there speechless (which is what I’ve done a bazillion times!) and then later thinking of things I should’ve said!!

Soooooo….True confessions:  Since bringing home Vern and Birdie I’ve only taken all the kids out a few times by myself.  Vern’s physical struggles have been a bit more tricky to navigate and with Liberty in Africa it’s taken me more time to muster the will to do it alone.

But soon that handsome hubby of mine will be leading another International Voice of the Orphan GO Team and I have been thinking I’d better figure this out before he leaves so I can at least grocery shop when needed.

So yesterday morning Ruby and I were up at 4-something and I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk as the sun was coming up. She grinned from ear to ear while shaking her head “yes” with wiggly-joy!  So we walked for an hour and as we walked we prayed, sang worship songs and I knew that today was the day!

I was pumped!!  Let’s do this!!


This silver haired mama and her pile rolled out the door just after 9 am: 8 kids, two wheelchairs, a heart monitor, and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, maybe not the partridge.

Our first stop went well, although I often wonder what people think when we roll into anywhere.  Me and my pile.

I decided we could handle stop number two: a small grocery store.  This store is not in our neighborhood but has the yummiest almond butter that Miss Ruby loves and we’ve been out of the almond butter for awhile.

As we headed into the store, Miss Ruby started to squeal.  Not just a little squeal, but rather her “I’m-over-the-moon-so-excited-to-be-out-and-feeling-such-utter-goodness-please-join-in-my-joyfulness kind of squeal.

I mean I really was giggling at how excited she was!!  In fact her entire body was partaking in the exuberance.  She was wiggling and giggling and squealing with sheer delight through the first aisle as our slow-train worked it’s way to the back of the store where the samples were.

The sample lady was very sweet.  She and I began chatting a bit as she asked if the kids would even like some juice to go with her organic (who knew?) cookies they were sampling.

About that time I heard a man’s gruff voice kind of yelling.  I glanced in the direction of the voice and saw a man staring at me.  I couldn’t imagine he was talking to me, I mean, why would he?

So I turned back to the sample lady as she shared a sweet story with me about another customer she knows who cares for seniors and the impact her caring for them has had.

The entire time Ruby was squealing loudly, wiggling and giggling with complete reckless abandon.

Between the sample lady’s story and Ruby’s squealing I didn’t quite hear what the gruff voice was continuing to yell but suddenly I found myself turning, wondering who in the world was yelling so meanly??

The same man was glaring at me while yelling.  There weren’t any other customers and the sample lady was kind of behind her counter, in fact a wall was obstructing the view of the gruff man from her.

It was then that I realized he was actually yelling at me!!  Again, who knew??

He now had my undivided attention.

Whooooa.  Dude.  I was thinking, “What the heck is your deal?”  

Knowing I was now turned and listening to him he yelled even louder and even more nasty, “SHUT YOUR KID UP!”

Ummm, Okay Mr. Miserable.  Sure thing.

So here’s where that “age thing” came in a bit handy (finally!).

I actually smiled from ear to ear and kind of laughed.

Somehow I don’t think that was the response he had hoped for!!

So realizing I wasn’t jumping at his meanness he then yelled it even louder, “YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR KID UP – SHE’S HURTING MY EARS!!”

[[I thought to myself, “Dude! Four of my kids have yellow belts in Kee-Ill-Ki, are you sure you wanna’ go after their baby sister?” But…..I didn’t.]]

And yes, I really had smiled at him and then kind of laughed the first time I heard him tell me to shut Ruby up.

So I responded, “She’s just excited.  She loves being here!  And I’m certainly not doing anything to stop her joy!”

He then looked even meaner-then-second-skimmings (like he wanted to kill me) and yelled, “SHE’S HURTING MY EARS – TAKE HER OUT OF THE STORE!”

So I guess some would say, “He was an angry elf.”



He was probably 15 feet from me as I graciously and confidently spoke with a smile, “Well I guess that would be your problem. I’m not stopping her joy.”

His eyes grew really wide.

Then I just smiled at him and turned my attention back to the sample lady.

When we turned to shop some more, he was gone.  (Whew.  Thank you Lord.)

While leaving the store the manager actually was the one to check us out.  I’ve spoken to him before about random nothingness but this time I told him about the other shopper.  He was ticked and said that his behavior was totally unacceptable.  The manager’s response made me smile.

We loaded our car and headed to Costco.  Everybody loves shopping in Costco.  They have amazing samples!!

IMG_4204We stopped for samples of Honest Juice (yummmm).  The Honest Juice lady was the sweetest sample lady and loved the kids.  [She made up for Mr. Shut-Your-Kid-Up!]

No one was around so of course I showed her Ruby’s “before” picture.  She got teary-eyed.  I reminded her that not only does God love the orphan but He loves her so very much too!!   The kindness of the Honest lady was so refreshing.

Another passerby in Costco called to me, “You are living my dream!”  I smiled and thanked her for her sweet encouragement!

I went in to the freezing cooler to get eggs and the boys set Vern in the air-flow of the refrigerator and left him there.

His expression says it all.


Some might deem having a squealing special needs treasure or a wheelchair or two as “hard”.  And yes, there’s no doubt that some people don’t get it.   Actually probably many don’t get it.

But I can say with great joy, I am so grateful that this big ol’ rolling pile is mine.

God has been so good to me.

25 thoughts on “He Was Yelling At ME!

  1. That is so sad. That guy sounds miserable. Keep on smiling.
    My Dax (3) is a bit rowdy. He loves the big entryway in Sam’s Club and screams to hear the echo. One time he screaming to hear the echo and some guy shouted “shut that kid up.” I didn’t even see who said it as I was focusing on my kids. I was just glad Dax didn’t hear it. He was happily listening for the echo.

    1. He was so miserable. It’s true. Ruby loves when there is a great echo. She gets loud!! And we celebrate her joy! Maybe it was the same guy we ran into yesterday. Do you live in Phoenix?? =)

      1. We are in the middle of nowhere, Kansas City Missouri. Dax is super loud and can get the attention of a lot of people. Most find him adorable and smile at me, that smile that says “I know you look tired now but it goes fast and I’ve been there” kind of smile. Only a few people here or there have ever mumbled something about him being loud. Good for you for saying you wouldn’t shush her!!

  2. I’m full of admiration – looks like you handled him amazingly well. Praise God for giving you wisdom!

    1. I felt after that my morning walk with worship and prayer totally prepared me for what I would face [Mr. Mean]. So grateful that God is so faithful….even in little grocery stores!

  3. Okay, so I don’t have a pile of treasures, only two, and I’m out of town for two weeks, but if you ever need an extra set of hands, I’d be happy to help. I’m close to Audre, so we’d have to schedule a little, but I know we could make it work. Not because of cranky people so much, but I could totally lift a wheelchair, it’s not scary😉

  4. Reading about your family and seeing those pictures brings me such joy! Elizabeth suddenly looks SO grown up!
    I’m sorry you had a stranger shout at you. Sounds like his yelling was more disruptive than Ruby’s… Go you for standing up for your kiddies!

  5. You are the BEST. I mean THE BEST. I want to walk the Costco aisles with you and your crew and have the honor of being around some of the greatest people I’ve ever set eyes on. You are training each of those kiddos in such an amazing way and I just wish I had a friend like you here near me. The joy I get from reading your posts is just awesome. I have tears in my eyes as I watch you handle things that some of us would run and hide from. We can all learn so much from you and I thank you for sharing these stories. You rock!

    1. Well Kati, it would be fun to stroll Costco with you!! We could have lots of fun!! And thank you for your encouragement! And as far as the running and hiding?? I’m definitely a slow learner and still learning. Learn faster than I did by learning from my mistakes!! xoxo

  6. I am so sorry you and the children had to experience such behavior! I find it mind boggling that he is yelling about precious Ruby yelling out her joy. What is more obnoxious? Special treasure yelling joy? Older man yelling hate? The irony! I know you have been working on healthy food choices and I didn’t know if you have heard of Agratopia Farms. They are in a suburb of Phoenix. http://thefarmatagritopia.com/

    1. He was definitely obnoxious. I honestly think I will choose a different location of the same store. It’s just not worth running into him again. He was scary-mean.

      And I have never heard of the farm! I am going to look it up. It sounds wonderful!! Thank you for sharing!

  7. As much as I would like to be angry at that guy….I can’t, because the sad reality is that he….and so many out there….are so full of anger, unforgiveness etc that they don’t know how to recognize or express genuine love. I’m sure, though, that your response has stayed with him, and hopefully some day he will realize that what happened in that grocery store is that he had a divine encounter with true love!

  8. Love it! Quick wit is a wonderful tool to have at the ready! 😉
    Once we have the boys home, we will also have 8 and 3 in wheelchairs! We should Costco together sometime and see what kind of looks we can get! 😉 LOL!

    1. Actually Liberty will be home before long so we would have 9 and total we’d have 17 kids. That would be crazy!

      Or maybe more fun would be to go find that man and stroll his neighborhood. HAHA.

  9. I am sorely afraid my response wouldn’t have been as Christ-like as yours was. I am sitting here thinking of all the things I would like to say to that guy!

    1. Haha. You’re so cute. And friend, I might have had the right response, but I think I would have had way more fun if you’d shared yours with him. Any one of the ones you’ve been thinking up would do. Bwahahahahaha! And that’s why I love you!! xoxo

  10. Hi Linny, with so many unpredictable people “out there”, I think it would
    be a good idea to carry a small canister of Mace in your purse.
    We all want to think the “worst” couldn’t happen, but note the recent
    shooting in Los Angeles, at UCLA!
    At my location, here in Vancouver,Wa. I will never forget the young Russian
    high school girl, taking a break from work at McDonalds on Andresen Blvd,
    and a schizophrenic walked in about 10:00 pm and walked over behind her
    and stabbed her in the back.
    Please, trust to a certain level, but carry something to protect yourself and
    your children.
    Bless you all from
    mm,age 69, vancouver,wa.

    1. Actually Mary, I think that’s a really good idea. This guy was psycho and from the look on his face, he would have liked to have done me/Ruby harm. Some have suggested showing him Ruby’s picture…and of course, they weren’t there and couldn’t see his anger and hate, but there was no way he would softened. I wondered after what I would have done if he had lunged at me. I like the mace idea. I will look into getting some. Thank you for suggesting it. And thank you for caring about our safety. xo

  11. I think I would have been tempted to show him Ruby’s before and after pic and say “I think she has all the reason to shout for joy, look what God has done in her life! Perhaps you would like to shout for joy with her 🙂 ” Although scary angry people are rarely reasonable enough to stop, look and listen. Love the look on your Vern’s face while experiencing the blast of cold air, so precious!

    1. 100% of me does not think I could have had a reasonable conversation with him. He was a very angry man. And of course, he was screaming while telling me that Ruby’s squealing was hurting his ears. Clearly, not a rational guy. And ya’ know, part of me doesn’t think that I would ever want to show someone who had such disdain for my Ruby her precious picture of her dying. It’s a holy moment looking at that picture for us. He wasn’t about to honor that picture. I can only imagine what he would have said if he’d seen it and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been good. You know it’s also a possibility that it was rooted in racial hatred. Either way, I’m not planning on going back to that store again. There are other locations. And yes, it was pretty funny watching Vern’s face when the arctic blast was washing over him!! Such a hoot!

      1. Hi Linny,

        I don’t think my intention came across well 🙂 I would not have actually shown him Ruby’s picture – it was more of a reflection of “if only”. If only he could see! If only he could see the miracle of your precious little girl and that she was created for JOY! I understand he could not see, he could not listen and was not to be reasoned with. Just more of a wish for him to wake up and see Ruby, to be healed himself and see God’s healing around him. I apologize if I offended you in any way. I think Ruby’s journey is sacred space and should be respected as that.

        1. Oh no, no, no Allison. Although I appreciate your concern (and kindness) I promise I was not offended by your thoughts at all. Words on a screen are an imperfect communicator in an exchange. If only he had been able to “see” her, but he was way too angry. Later, in reflecting, I actually wonder if we were safe, he was *that* angry. Of course, it was silly that he would be yelling at me that Ruby was hurting his ears, but yet he himself was yelling loudly. Anyway, thank you again Allison for your sweet concern that you came across wrong. You’re precious and thank you for loving our Ruby. xo

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