MN, LA and Dallas – The Sin of It All

The events of the last few days have, no doubt, left most of our nation reeling on so many levels.

Ruby was awake at 2am Friday morning and while she sang happily beside me I decided to read the news online.  I was horrified!! I could not believe what had happened in Dallas.  The reality that the lives of innocent men were snuffed out is pure evil.  The men in blue were present to ensure the safety of the peaceful protestors who had gathered to exercise their 1st amendment rights.

All day yesterday I could think of nothing else.

As a mom of black children, as a mom with children who have expressed interest in being in law enforcement, as a woman who has seen, first hand, on more than one occasion, racial hatred, it’s time to call it what it is.

As a little girl growing up in Buffalo, New York I remember the riots of 1967 well.  My heart broke for the treatment of black people.  When we moved to pastor in the south I was stunned at the treatment of our black friends and neighbors.  As the mom of three black children I have been sickened by what they have already seen – with me standing right beside them.

Racial prejudice is real.  To say otherwise is to live in a fairyland.

But friends it boils down to this:

It’s not about skin, it’s about sin. 

This world is spinning out of control because few are willing to call racial prejudice what it is – sin!


To those who hold to an ideal that black people are in any way inferior – your sin is ugly, nasty and despicable.  God’s heart is sickened and He will judge you!!  Your excuse for your sin is a moot point.  It doesn’t matter that you learned it from your granddaddy or your mama or whoever – it’s your responsibility to repent and get your heart straight before God.

God created every black person in His perfect, beautiful and glorious image…just like He created every Asian, Hispanic and every other ethnicity the same way.

The cold truth is that God’s word makes it very clear – it’s only about the heart.

For the shooter who opened fire in Dallas on innocent police officers, it is also a disgusting heart issue.   An excuse to kill is all it is.  And frankly, as we all know, two wrongs never, ever, ever make a right.

Martin Luther King led with courage, yet he led with love.  He was perhaps the most respected black man who stood against prejudice. He did it peacefully. If he were able to see what the shooter did in Dallas he would be outraged and horrified.  Never, ever, ever is anything accomplished by violence.  Never.  And we all know that violence begets violence.


Men and women in blue put their lives on the line every single day for Americans.  Yet because of the slant of the racial dividers and mainstream media the entire community of law enforcement has become the target.

Yesterday the Dallas Police Chief David Brown spoke some powerful words, “We don’t feel supported most days.  Let’s not make this ‘most days’.”  

Dallas Police Chief

Dallas Police Chief David Brown


Since when do we target an entire occupation for the sins of a few?  Since when??  Seriously, since when??

Think of the despicably abusive parent who is caught doing horrific things to their child.  Their behavior in no way reflects all parents.  But somehow mainstream media has been working to vilify law enforcement.   Instead of being respected and thanked they have now become the subject of much disdain.  How dare we as a nation harden our hearts to those who selflessly serve!

And though it may seem hard to imagine for some, Philando Castile’s mother said that her son would not approve of the shootings of the Dallas police officers “because he believed that all lives matter!”  

patrol-hat-1499927So what is our response?  What can we do?

For starters ,we can repent of any animosity, hatred, disdain or prejudice in our hearts.

We must exercise the spiritual discipline of fasting for our hearts to be pure before Him and for Him to show us any evil in it.   (Yes, God called us to fast by saying, “When you fast…”)  Ask God to show you anything that doesn’t please Him and then wait.  He will.  He will show you because He longs for our hearts to be right before Him.

If you have been reading media outlets or other’s blogs or FB posts that have stirred your heart to have even an inkling of ambivalence, contempt, scorn, disdain for law enforcement, you must repent now!   You must begin to pray daily for all law enforcement.  Ask God for ways to bless your local law enforcement.  Pray daily for them.  Pray as a family for them.

We personally know many amazing police officers and sheriffs.  We are so grateful for their service. And I don’t believe for one second that any police officer decided to lay his life on the line daily in hopes of an encounter where he could hurt, maim or kill another individual.  There ain’t no way.

That doesn’t excuse the hateful behavior of a few, however, every walk of life has evil people. And again, since when do we write off an entire occupation because of a few??

If you feel even the slightest disdain, rage, anger or hatred toward any ethnic group – repent now!!  Ask God to fill your heart with love for that people group specifically.  Fast for God to change your heart toward them.  Ask God to give you ways to bless them.  And then look for the opportunities He absolutely will provide, if you ask Him.

Others hearts will only change when they surrender their hearts to Jesus.  We cannot make them do that.  And we are not responsible for them.  We must change our own heart and pray for anyone else.

God’s word gives us the only answer (there is no other way!) for America to stop this downward spiral:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”              2 Chronicles 7:14


The key to America healing is humble repentance of God’s people –  and it begins with you and me!  

14 thoughts on “MN, LA and Dallas – The Sin of It All

  1. Amen, Linny!! My heart has been so heavy and outright sickened over the state of our nation for quite some time, and I have long-since been convicted to daily call out to God for the forgiveness of the sin our nation has willingly embraced. After the events in Dallas I once again found myself on my knees, totally broken, and tears streaming uncontrollably. Oh how this world needs Jesus!!! Thank you for speaking hard truth in love to all who dare to listen.
    And as a side note, being a life-long Dallas area resident, I have never been more proud of Dallas than I am right now. Watching the community leaders lay politics aside and embrace the truth of scripture yesterday at the inter-faith prayer service, and the admonition of area clergy to turn from hate/sin and embrace love/forgiveness, gives me hope. It’s not often it seems that many of those in community leadership cling to the Word of God, and I’m saddened it takes tragedy to embolden them to do so; but the fact that our local government officials were boldly and unashamedly proclaiming their faith in Jesus yesterday serves to give me more hope for our nation than I have had for some time.
    Joining with you in praying for opened eyes and changed hearts that result in repentance and healing for our nation, to the glory of God alone!

    1. OH sweet friend, I have thought of you a zillion times since learning of the horrific tragedy in Dallas. Thankful for the coming together. May the church be Jesus to the watching world. xo

  2. Thank you, Linny.
    My youngest son is a Police Officer; my oldest son serves in the military. Mom stays on her knees – at least in her heart.
    I know what my PD son goes through on his shifts. I watched the two videos of the men in Minnesota and Louisiana whose lives ended in a Police shooting.The main thing I discern in both those videos is FEAR, not racism, on both parts, the victims and the officers. Unfortunately these videos go viral, and once in the hands of the MEDIA, the FLAMES of HATRED and RACISM are fanned into WILDFIRES, immediately.
    What is not afforded to the Officers and the victims, is a FULL and APPROPRIATE investigation per PROTOCOLS. The JUDGMENTS are passed by the media and people responding to the horror they see, without due process.
    When a GUN whether real or alleged, as in both cases, are brought to the attention of an OFFICER, they are immediately thrown into high adrenaline, and FEAR , esp. when both parties are in a “Lethal Zone” together as defined by PD statutes, the Officer has the right to use Lethal Force. When a suspect is non-compliant with requests or orders, it escalates the fear of the officers. We have no idea how many times the officers involved HAVE had a gun pulled on them, have been in the same situation and a fellow officer has been shot, etc… The Officers are human beings, and PTSD is, unfortunately, a very real factor for anyone who serves under the threat of death.
    I will not deny there most likely ARE racist police officers out there. If people automatically think “white cop, black victim”, then they are as conditioned by media and the evil principalities and powers over this nation without a doubt, imo.
    My son “appears caucasian” , but we are African, Cherokee, English, French, Black Irish, German,Spanish…a typical Heinz 57 American. He has been accused of “racial profiling” here by Hispanics, Native Americans, African Americans and Caucasians. In truth, they were stopped because they were drunk driving, drunk in public, under the influence of drugs, or because, get this one, they are a rich, white kid with a sports car so the police target them to make money from tickets! What IS the truth is that my son PROTECTS and SERVES. Police Officers take an abundance of verbal abuse every day, get hit, punched, kicked, bit, shot at, have vehicles purposely try to run them down, you name it. It comes with the job. Yet their hearts, by and large, still believe in protecting and serving the community, and making a difference – as we saw in Dallas, when Police Officers used themselves as human shields, or risked exposure to the gunman, to pull people to safety that were in peaceful protest against what they had judged, at the very least unwarranted lethal force, or racism.
    I URGE my fellow Christians to see that, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers…” Discern the principalities, fanned by a biased media, in all areas of great concern in this nation right now, and war against them. How do we war? DECLARE TRUTH and JUSTICE in the HEAVENLIES. DECLARE PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY, DECLARE the Standards of Morality and Ethics that the Word of God has settled for eternity! Whatever you discern as a STRONGHOLD, make declarations and decrees of the opposite to be loosed using the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus. We must call forth those things that bbe not as though they were! And, most of all, let LOVE reign in your life, hosting His Presence everywhere you go. We, as a Nation, need to see a mass of divine heart transplants from Jesus. Speak it, live it, share the LOVE of Jesus.
    Finally, as a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) Mom, and as a Military Mom (whose son has been spit on, called a baby killer and accosted in public out of uniform when someone bent on hate hears he’s getting the military discount near his base), pray for all those who protect and serve, and when you can, when you see them out in public, or whatever else the Lord may lay on your heart, please BLESS THEM, encourage them, thank them. As the Police Chief of Dallas said,”we don’t get that most days”.
    P.S. for clarity. I am not justifying nor am I condemning what I saw on the videos posted of the two men who lost their lives in Minn. or La. I am praying for their families, friends, communities just as I am the Officers involved, that truth and justice will prevail in the outcomes of the investigations. I am praying for the officers in Tenn. and Mo. who were shot “in revenge”, one recovering well, one still in extremely critical condition, described as “clinging to life”. And, of course, for the Dallas Officers, LEO families, friends, neighbors, and the city as a whole.
    I declare: LOVE WINS!

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more. There is no doubt that this escalation of racial-driven hatred toward LEOs is being drivin’ by the leadership and media of our country. We will stay in prayer and purposely go out of our way to encourage those we meet. Bless you my friend.

  3. Wonderful words Linny. I can always look to you for the wisdom of a God loving woman! But also thank you Cheryl Beck!! My father was a LEO my entire life and I now have 3 brothers and a sister in law enforcement. I myself am an Emergency Room nurse. Having heard years of stories and having dealt personally with much of the same populations that LEOs come into contact with I was about to make a comment VERY similar to yours. You said it better than I could have! It is so so important to not pass judgement too quickly. Even with a video (incomplete at that) and media and the public sounding off, you cannot say exactly what happened unless you were there and you were trained the same way the officer was. Let the experts and their own investigation take place first before we judge the actions of the officer. Truly I know more than most that people are flawed and that includes LEOs but I know for a fact that most officers cringe at the thought of ever having to fire their weapon. On top of that the added pressures of the media and every spectator now grabbing their camera during a volatile situation and the pressure and fear have got to be ten fold. These officers just want to go home to their families. They have been to way too many funerals to know that’s not always the case. Truly I feel that unless you have been in someone else’s shoes please don’t pass judgment. Let the experts do it. There are lots of facts that don’t ever make the mainstream media. They chose what story gets told. And when they hand down their recommendations we must take it for what it is. I also might note that as a “white” (Heinz 57) female I have felt more racism coming in the opposite direction lately than I ever have in my life. I just hate to see people become that which they hate in the world. Love must come first! Healing must come from Jesus and not from hating others back. Two wrongs will never make a right! I will continue to teach my children the way I was taught and that is to be “color blind” and that inside we are all the same, God’s children.

  4. Wow. Amazing words. I shouldn’t expect anything less. And my heart breaks also. There is just so much hatred out there that sometimes people get overwhelmed. You are right that we have to set an example for others. Love everyone. And every one of us is a sinner and fall short of Grace. And God still loves us. Prayers for healing all the families affected and for this nation. We so need God. One day at a time.

    1. Thank you Tim for taking the time to add your heartfelt and encouraging words. Grateful for you and Elizabeth as well as thankful that you guys join us in prayers for the families affected.

  5. You have an uncanny ability to put into words the exact way my heart feels in regards to the tragedies that have occurred. Thank you. I needed this.

    1. Years ago when we pastoring at one of our pastorates about 20 years ago, there was some racial tension in our city. Our church was located on a very busy road and Dw put on both sides of our church marquis, “It’s not a skin-thing, it’s a sin-thing.” (No doubt, the Lord gave him the phrase as we had never heard it before.)

      The next morning there was a giant black swastika across both sides of the entire marquis. The Charlotte news station came out and interviewed Dw. I was so proud of my husband for standing for righteousness in an area where racial prejudice ran thick.

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