For four days in January I can’t help myself. I must get a picture of these six because of their ages for those four days.
It happens on January 24th when Elijah has his birthday and ends four days later on January 28th when Isaiah has his birthday.
They are (left to right)…
Jubilee (17), John (16), Nehemiah (15), Isaiah (14), Elizabeth (13) and Elijah (12)…and what a joy this sweet pile is to our souls.
Yes, yes, yes, that’s mistletoe still hanging in the archway – cause I love using it as an excuse to kiss my handsome hubby if he’s anywhere in the remote vicinity (even when he’s in the garage – that’s close enough for me cause you know, it’s hanging in the foyer arch – haha)… and of course the pictures are all crooked in the background, wheelchair nicks and bangs all along the bottom of the wall, unmatched shoes (thanks to Birdie the shoe-heister) dotting the floor everywhere…..clearly the Pinterest police would not approve of our home. But we are so grateful for our unconventional life – I mean look at these kids. The Lord knew how much we would need them and we are a strong, praying team together when difficult times come.
#wheelchairsarentscary #largefamilieshavebigfun #dwellinhope
Just look at those smiles! I can’t believe how big they’ve all gotten!
I LOVE IT! Probably especially because I get the joy of the same experience for 5 days in March, when we take our picture (which this year will show 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 on a sign in front of each respective child). So fun!