Bells Are Ringing!

Have you ever heard of the ringing of bells in rural areas to call friends for help? In fact once upon a time bells being rung from low tone to high tone signified an attack had taken place.

Consider this post me ringing the bells from low tone to high tone for all to hear: There has been a grisly attack!

Two nights ago I awoke to a text message coming in. It was from a dear friend asking for us to pray for our mutual friends who are currently serving on the mission field. The words of her text made my heart race: “They have been attacked in their home.”

Truthfully, I began to shake. Could I possibly be reading that right? I sat up straight and read the texts steadily coming in – overcome with panic at the horrendous details.

I have asked permission to share this post but due to safety reasons, it must be vague.

Our friends were attacked in their home in the middle of the night by a gang of men. The attack was horrific, violent and devastating – leaving the mom and dad severely injured as well as injuring their two oldest children. (Other children were not injured.) The mom had to undergo a 3 hour surgery today. The trauma to her body has been extensive as they fought for their lives with their attackers.

Personally I have cried off and on since hearing, unable to sleep and thinking of little else. And truthfully I wish i could post a picture of my friend and I which we took the last time we were together. She is beautiful, inside and out…a true kindred spirit as is her husband and precious family – who we know well.

We are devastated for them and the violence they have experienced. It’s been said that they will never want to return to their home there as blood is everywhere – the attack was so brutal.

Friends, I’m ringing the bell loud and clear! Low tones to high tones! There has been a horrific attack – would you please pray?

Would you write “bells” (or something else) on your hand as you commit to pray for their healing: physically, emotionally and spiritually? If you are part of a Bible study would you ask the others to please pray? If you have a church prayer chain, would you please send a request to them and activate it? I cannot emphasize enough this clarion call pleading for prayer for our precious friends. The situation is so serious on every level that those who serve around them have also been understandably shaken.

And actually would you please add other missionaries around the world to your prayers? The price they pay is high to serve the Lord. The least we can do is pray diligently for them.

10 thoughts on “Bells Are Ringing!

  1. It’s so hard to believe, but so very real, and so heartbreaking! My prayer has been for emotional healing as much as physical healing for the family and their guards. May God redeem this tragedy as only He can.

    1. Oh Kathy, I’m with you. I truly feel traumatized just hearing about it and I’m on a different continent. I can’t even fathom what their trauma is. ONLY GOD can do the healing – but we must pray! And we must be diligent to pray for all missionaries and their safety. And oh how precious this family is – as you well know!

  2. Praying for this precious family right now. May our God and loving Father heal their bodies, hearts, and minds of all of the trauma inflicted upon them. May He bring justice to those who committed this horrific act of violence against them.

    1. Praying for all of God’s people and missionaries through out the world. The family is trying to come home to the states for healing and more Medical Care, they have a large family so it’s going to be expensive. They started a GoFundMe account to get them home and for more medical care. If you’re interested here is the Link:

  3. Oh no! That’s awful. Praying for healing and peace and comfort and safety. Immediately yesterday’s study verse popped into my head and I believe it for this family:

    2 Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

  4. Praying with you for healing both physically and emotionally for this dear family, praying for protection, for strength, for peace and for the community in which they serve. Also praying for their attackers. May the Holy Spirit come upon them and reveal Jesus to them. I am praying that this family will meet them again as brothers and sisters in Christ and they will marvel at the power of transformation in them. I will continue praying for the missionaries around the world as persecution appears to be ramping up everywhere. Lord have mercy!

  5. Praying for this family. So brave and dedicated to their work for the Lord. I’m so sorry this happened. I pray they and their children are okay and will fully recover.

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