Greetings from Uganda

We have arrived –  the flights were awesome. It was beyond wonderful to hug our girl. Emmy kept starting to cry she was so grateful  that we were finally here. The team is a group of precious ladies… seven plus me and Emma… The team has bonded tightly together and they all have  such pure…

Memorial Box Monday: $10,000

Since mentioning last week that we are going to begin doing Memorial Box Monday on the first Monday of each month, I have been so excited. Many of you are new to our Place Called Simplicity, so let me briefly explain. In the Old Testament God told the Israelites, after a miraculous intervention on His…

It’s My Turn

I have this blog friend named Martha. She lives in the Southeast and for years she tormented me. Every February/March she would post pictures of flowers growing in her yard.   Beautiful flowers. Brilliant in color. Splendidly blooming.  Plentiful.  And every year, about the time she would post them, I would look out my window…

Graham’s Prayer

Almost daily we need reminders. Think about it. That’s why we have alarm clocks and calendars. We have day timers and cell phones with alarms. Sticky notes in any color of the rainbow! If you need to be reminded, there are literally, bunches of possibilities at your fingertips. And let’s be honest. So it is…


Wow. You, my bloggy friends, are such a blessing – showering me with so many surprises! Emma’s Virtual Surprise Birthday Party was, indeed, a complete surprise.  I laughed and got all teary when I saw that I had been hacked.  Thank you Emmy!  That was just way too fun!  You are so thoughtful and I…


All your comments were really fun to read.  Thank you for taking the time to speak!  It was kind of comical, I would read one and say in my head, “Ohhh, good point.”  And then the very next comment would say the opposite and I would say, “Ohh ya, you’re right.”   I was clearly…

You Guys are Amazing…

Today’s just one of those days…. Tina, Pink and I have been texting and the general feeling from all three of us is:  weepy, overwhelmed, humbled, thankful. Thank you so much for loving Pink.  She has been blown away by your love, kind words and concern for her.   Some of you even said you…