A Simple, Short {MBM} Story

This week I am going to repeat a very, very simple story I told a couple of years ago.  It happened while Dw was in Africa leading a team. I need to tell this story today, because quite honestly, I, personally, need to be reminded at this moment that God cares about the teeniest, tiniest…

$12.32 Total for All Three

When Dw resigned from senior pastoring to move to Phoenix for Ruby’s medical needs, we knew that God would faithfully provide.   The Lord had gone before us in such a mighty way to know that it was finally time to launch International Voice of the Orphan.  He will faithfully provide for each of our…

Tomorrow’s Post

A blog friend, Emily, wrote to me asking if I could please start posting some Memorial Box Monday stories again.  I had taken a pause, as you all know.  Not because God’s working in our lives had stopped for two reasons: I wondered if people were getting tired of them and I had also wondered if…

The Rest of The Story…

This past week was a week that we will never forget. Just a few days ago I was beyond giddy because I had done something out-of-the-box-crazy by putting an offer in on a house without Dw even seeing pictures of it.   {All your guesses made the time even more giggly!}   I didn’t wait…

Memorial Box Monday: SOLD!

We {often} set aside Mondays to remember…. remembering the faithfulness of God.  Much like the Israelites were told by God to gather stones and set them in a pile to constantly be reminded of how God had moved on their behalf.  They were to tell their children, their children’s children and so on. Although our…