Just Might Have To….

Yesterday we rounded up all the kids and went to a mall in an area of Phoenix that we are not usually in.  It’s about 45 minutes from our home and in a beautiful part of the city.  We had to pick something up inside the mall so we decided to walk around a bit…

Be The Voice

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves”  Proverbs 31:8a  niv Every night, without exception, my little ones come to me…. and the question is always the same: “Mommy are you going to tuck us in tonight?” I never thought much about it, but more recently I curiously stopped to wonder aloud, “Hey guys, please…


All your comments were really fun to read.  Thank you for taking the time to speak!  It was kind of comical, I would read one and say in my head, “Ohhh, good point.”  And then the very next comment would say the opposite and I would say, “Ohh ya, you’re right.”   I was clearly…

Taunting Mommy

Friday night was an especially sweet all around memory-making night. After dinner, the little ones were being exceptionally rowdy.  There is a long hall, with a tile floor, leading off the kitchen to the three kids bedrooms.   They have enjoyed racing down that hallway quite a few times. Sliding.  Racing.  Screaming.  Giggling. This particular…

Look Up!

Did you see? Did you see? Did you see? Check out handsome Mr. Nehemiah Judson on the header. How cute is that?  He fits perfectly. And yes, he is 5 months older than Isaiah. I squealed when I saw that he was there. Thank you Kim Foo.  You so totall rock!

And His Name Is…

Disclaimer:  Please forgive my long delay in posting his name.  I intended to write this and post this morning, but situations wouldn’t allow it.  I’m so sorry.   And on with the post… We sure have had fun reading all your ideas.  Actually many, many, many of them were names that were on our ‘short…