Sweet Blessings Today

This morning the charge nurse came and said that someone was looking for me.  She is not allowed to tell them that I am here, but she wondered if I knew this person and if I would want them to come in to see Ruby and I.
She gave me a perplexed look and questioned, 
“She says she reads your blog??”
I laughed.
I recognized her name {see, the perk of delurking}….
and so I had her come up to Ruby’s room.
Such a sweet visit with a bloggy friend, Gina,  {who happened to bring yummy bagels and cream cheeses for the family too!}
About noon, Dw arrived with the kids.  I took them and we went to run some errands and spend time together.  
We ended up at a coffee shop so I could grab a quick of coffee and when we went in the door a customer sitting at a table alone  immediately clasped her hands together and exclaimed, “What a beautiful family!”  
Before long she and I struck up a conversation.  She was a precious lady who happened to mention that her birthday was coming.  I said, “Which day?”  She told me and I said, “That’s mine too!”  {Is that crazy or what?}  
We continued talking and she started to share some recent health struggles and then leaned closer and said, “I was born with hydrocephalus.”  
I almost fell over.
Only God.
We visited a long while.  I asked if I could pray with her for healing.  She happily agreed.  What a privilege to meet this precious lady.  We exchanged email addresses and I promised to write her tonight. 
Then while I was gone, another bloggy friend came to the hospital to see us.  I have never met this friend, but she visited with Dw for a while and brought Ruby a gift:
Red Slippers

“Because every Ruby needs red slippers and
 because there’s no place like home!”  

How blessed we were to have the Lord bring such sweet encounters to us today in this city of 5 million.
Then a little bit ago the doctor came by.  He had me come to see the CT scan results.  He showed me what he had done in the two surgeries so far.
He finished by saying, 
“I needed good news today and she is good news!”
I told him that there were lots of people praying around the world for her {that would be you guys!}….
Surgery may be Wednesday or Thursday.  We will know more tomorrow late afternoon.  In the meantime, Ruby is beautiful and slowly healing.  
Thank you soooo much for your continued prayers.  
We are forever grateful for each of you.

23 thoughts on “Sweet Blessings Today

  1. Gosh, and *I* needed good news today (my 2yr old dog died this morning, the 2nd dog I've had die in 7mths), and this was great news and words to read after a long day and heavy heart. Thanks and I'm praying for you all…

  2. No fair! Lol ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I tried coming by too – several days ago, but they couldn't even find you in the system. Sigh.
    But I'm so glad you were able to have some wonderful visits with friends in this foreign city, so far from home! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. How cool to meet the wonderful lady in the coffee shop!

    Isn't it absolutely amazing the precious people you meet through your blog? God blesses us with SO many new friends.

    Continuing to pray for your sweet Ruby.

  4. God is sooo good!! We are so grateful that we can pray for you all. You pray for us all so much! We are still on our knees for little miss Ruby's healing. And for the doctors and surgeons ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. So thankful for the good news about Ruby today and wishing I was close enough to stop by and bring bagels or some ruby red shoes!!!! Praise the Lord that healing is happening!

    Love to you all, Lisa K., Whidbey

  6. So happy for all the good things God gave your family today! I hope y'all never feel alone, because we out here in bloggy land are in constant thought and prayer for and with you.
    Love the gift of the shiny ruby shoes for your Shiny little Ruby!

  7. Oh, Linny how I love reading about God's perfect timing in all things. I'm grateful that I found your blog. God has blessed me beyond measure!
    Praying for sweet Ruby. I'm believing that she will see those ruby red shoes with her own sweet eyes! God is able!

    Blessings for another day, how grateful that He renews our strength each and every morning! Praising God for what HE had done and what HE is doing!

  8. I am brought to tears everytime I read your blog. The way God is working in your lives is simply amazing and by you sharing he is working in my life too. Love the shoes and they are prefect for Ruby! Will continue praying for her and your family.

  9. Love this! She is good news indeed. I love how God loved on you all through the bloggy community and especially love how the doctors and hospital are seeing the love. Praise Jesus for little Ruby Grace. Praying! Lori Florida

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