Family night at our home has been renamed by Isaiah. On his own, he started calling it “Happy Night”. Each week (usually Tuesday) we play together something as a family, talk, laugh, giggle and always end it with ice cream. Of course the kids favorite game for us to play during Happy Night is Hide-N-Seek! All the lights get turned out just except for a tiny little light that allows us to barely see home base.
No matter what your age….there’s just nothing quite like the thrill of walking into a pitch dark room from an almost pitch dark hallway….*gulp*….and no matter how old this gal gets it doesn’t get any easier….for the record, the kids and Dw are relieved I had a hysterectomy with a bladder repair surgery alleviating most of the ol’ trickle problem when getting chased in the dark by “It”……….*sigh*….the joys of being a woman….
The second favorite thing to play is Charades….Isaiah decided (on his own) to act out the skunk that sprayed our dog Lucy….
Liberty being a rolly-polly bug…..Emma being all dramatic….(oh she would so kill me if she saw me posting this….)
Nelly watching the whole thing and probably thinking that she could do a far better imitation of a dog….whatever Nelly, whatever….
I think Happy Night is a perfect name for it. Sounds like you all had a lot of fun.
Love it! Hugs and kisses all around! Lynsay