Friends that Make Us Laugh

I was working on my computer yesterday evening, inbetween packing and repacking for Africa when I saw an email come in. It was from my sweet friend Lori and I only caught a bit because of how the computer shows the email coming in….I caught the “urgent” in the title and I saw the “ASAP” in the body of the letter. I guess I am feeling in a ‘heightened alert’ state with heading in less than 36 hours to Uganda, so I thought, “Oh no! What is wrong?”
I quickly opened the email and here’s what it said:

Ok girlfriend….look at the attached pic ASAP. We insist that after Uganda and China…you come to Kansas to adopt!! Love Ya! Lori

After reading the letter I thought, “Oh boy, must be an entire family that needs to be adopted….” So I opened the picture and found this:

If y’all remember Lori was once a blog lurker, who came out of the shadows, we became great friends and she and her family came to visit us in October for almost a week. We had an absolute blast with these down to Earth fun-lovin’ family who we now have the privilege of calling precious friends.

Our kids now text all the time and have become great friends. Infact earlier yesterday, as a family, we were laughing about something K-man (Lori’s husband) said/did while he was here. Wouldn’t want to embarass him, so I won’t post it, but every few days we laugh and laugh thinking about what he asked us??!? (Peaked your curiousity I bet, but mums the word from me.) =) And for the record, you owe me big time K-man for not telling the world….and I mean BIG TIME!!!

PS….According to Lori, Brendan photoshopped the picture

and worked really hard on it –

but K-man gets the credit as it was all his idea!!

5 thoughts on “Friends that Make Us Laugh

  1. LOL!!! I doubt that K-man would mind if you shared what he did/said at your house…but I would die of embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!! We still talk about that too! In fact, it came up at our Thanksgiving dinner…I still can’t believe it. What a charmer I’m married to huh?

    Love you guys!!!

  2. Oh how cute! They’re honorary family members anyway, right?

    And speaking of friends that make us laugh… DW had me *howling* with laughter at his comment on Mr. Daddy’s story of the BC smile.

    Please tell me… he was not SERIOUS about including that in a message this morning??? And if so, I’m just fine with not taking any credit for it! haha

  3. I read somewhere that Friends are a gift that you give yourself:o) Here’s to great gifts:o) thanks for the comments, I think they were funnier than the post!!

    Rach and I are praying for a safe trip and wonderful joining to your family of the little ones from Uganda…”O” and Jubilee when it’s her turn:o)

    God’s blessings to you and yours..

  4. K-man here! I hear that you are nervous about going to halfway around the world.Well if you can stand before the church and make anouncements (which is something i could never do in the first place) and make an anoucement about a certain awareness month then you can do this. Psalms 27 v1&2 You Go Girl!

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