Our Wild Adventure Begins…..Part ONE

First let me say, that as I look outside my little log cabin windows this morning it is snowing like the dickens out there….almost blizzardy conditions….crazy!!

Anyway, I have prayed long and hard about how to exactly share this most incredible, amazingly awesome story….and this is what I have come up with. A series of posts over the next several days that allow you, our friends to hear the story, share in our story, pray with us each step of the way and rejoice with us as God’s mighty hand moves as only He can do. He is always faithful. He wants us to live a life absent of complacency. He wants us to take bold steps that are filled with complete trust in His grace, His courage and His power.

We have invited you in to a very personal part of our lives and so we ask that you (1) pray with us through it all and (2) please share our joy by posting comments which we will, one day, print out and keep in our “Memorial Box”……. Even you blog lurkers – this is your chance to come out from the shadows and “publicly” rejoice with us…..yes, that even means you Frank!! Now come on dude, I know you’re out there (JoJo told me so!) -so just do it – give this almost 5-0 year old a bit of a thrill and drop a comment! πŸ˜‰ Actually – Freak me out Frank: Become a Public Follower – you could even become a new phenomenon – Instead of “Where in the World is Waldo?” it would be “Frankly, Who’s Frank?”

So all you blog lurkers – come on down!!

Now, there are some of you, which are our close friends and you already know the end of the story. SO…please, please, please post your happy thoughts too – just don’t spoil the surprise!!
So! Here ya’ go………

As with every story, one must really begin at the beginning to fully understand just how miraculous the story is, how Almighty God moved and how He orchestrated events to accomplish His plan.

One final thought – We are thrilled at this very God-sized opportunity and challenge we are on and we invite you to personally join us in the adventure of our lives (to date!). I grin as I type – How mighty God is and how I am bursting to tell you, our friends around the world, what God is up to in our lives…. so let the adventure begin!!

The story starts really back in November, the 13th to be exact, of 2005. That day God gave me a prophetic word through Benjie, one of our young staff pastors. He came to me and said that he had a really weird word for me. He said the Lord wanted me to know that “the best days of my life were ahead of me.” I gasped. This young pastor would have no idea that I had recently been whining to the Lord that I felt the best days of my life were behind me...and no one knew that I had said that, except God Himself. So when I was told this special word I knew that I knew that I knew that it was the Lord speaking.

Over the next weeks I spent time pondering and praying and told the Lord that this must mean LOTS more kids because that is all I long for. I reasoned that if it was to be “the best” and if I already had 6 kids to date, then it would have to probably be 7 more (if it was going to be better than the previous years). =) (If you missed our Journey to Isaiah– you might want to check out that Journal….it is a supernatural story of God’s power to reverse the Ch*nese Government’s decision and allow Isaiah to come home – thank you Jesus!)

So fast forward to this past Spring 2008, probably somewhere around April or May. We were getting ready to send our Letter of Intent for Jubilee and we had been singing the song “Days of Elijah” (on my playlist below). It talks about it being the “Days of Elijah and the Year of Jubilee.”

While singing it almost daily and sometimes many times a day I began to feel very clearly that God was speaking to my heart. This is what he was saying, “You have an Elijah coming – – – simultaneously with Jubilee.” HUH? Really? Now God how are you going to do that? I was perplexed. Yet, because I can usually recognize His voice very clearly, I knew I was hearing it right. I didn’t tell Dw this word – no need to give the guy a heart attack, right?

About that time I did decide to ask Jubilee’s agency if it were possible to ask for a little boy from Ch*na with special needs as well as pursuing Jubilee? (I’d mention it to Dw if they said “yes”. Again, no need to put anything more on my man’s plate!)

I wrote to Jubilee’s agency. In record time an email came back. They didn’t even ponder asking Ch*na, they just said, “NO!” Ummm, okay Lord, am I really hearing you right? Cause if I am, then you must be bringing our Elijah from some other place – but where? And you must be bringing him some other way, but HOW?”

Now the amazing thing about God is that He is always working behind the scenes regardless of the situation to accomplish His plan and His perfect will. So at that point I prayed, “okay, if I am really hearing you right, then our little Elijah is not coming from Ch*na, but where Lord?”

I spent my days playing that song a gazillion times and pondering it all in my heart. And each and everytime God’s word resonated in my heart – Elijah is coming!! Elijah is coming!! I still didn’t mention it to Dw. After all, if this is a God-adventure, why not watch and see how the Lord shares it all with my man?

Everyday I heard that song I honestly had no clue about anything – I was just so stinkin excited – what an amazing adventure! Yippeee Jesus! Bring our Elijah home – bring him home! But exactly where are you little one – where are you?

(To Be Continued Soon) πŸ˜‰

16 thoughts on “Our Wild Adventure Begins…..Part ONE

  1. I am beyond THRILLED that our Mighty God has prepared yet another awesome journey for you!!!! However, I can NOT stand the fact that I have to WAIT to hear “the rest of the story”!!! I will go CRAZY (ok, crazier) here in Indiana!! Thanking Jesus for what he is doing in your lives!!


  2. OK you’ve got me. I checked your blog several times yesterday and this is the 2nd time today and I am excited to hear…..the rest of the story!!! God is good!

  3. I think I know where this is going. You are going to keep us all waiting. You know I have checked it more than once today looking for Part 2. I will be praying for you daily as you continue to follow God’s calling.

  4. First of all, snow?? There you go, showing off your rocky mountains again! I am jealous, I won’t lie. πŸ™‚

    I love this story!!!!!!! And can’t wait for you to spill the beans for all to hear!!!

  5. What a way to bring someone out of “lurkdome”! Come on and share the rest of this story!!! I can’t wait to hear the details!

    On another note, I hope you know just how inspiring your blog notes are.

  6. Oh no, I thought I just posted a comment but I’m not seeing it. Wow, what a way to bring me out of “lurkdome”!

    Can’t wait to hear your story!!!

    GOD is SO GOOD!

  7. Linn;
    Well, imagine my surprise as I am reading your blog today and I see my name mentioned…..hmmm could that really mean me. Well, all I had to do was read the next sentence to see that yes it was indeed me. How could I refuse your request. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts, I can really see your passion in your writing. Your ability to recount and tell the story of God in your life is an inspiration to me at a time in my life when I truly need it. I am truly thankful that God has placed this upon your heart to share with others and has truly blessed you with the ability to communicate in such a powerful way. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story. My prayers are with you and your wonderful family in this time of healing.


  8. There is no grater gift then the children God brings into our lives. What a wonderful encouragement and joy to listen to one of my sisters in Christ tell of Gods sweet blessings in her life. Now ** I must read on…

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