Our Wild Adventure – Part SIX

Sweet friends, this is kind of long…so grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the unbelievable story of God’s mighty moving…..He is so powerful and leaves me in awe all the time!

Okay, so…. (Get your ‘gasper’ ready)…..from the top…..

I knew that Dw and Emma were going to be going to the attorney on July 11th so like I said, I fasted off and on throughout the days leading up to this meeting. After all, this was going to be huge. I fasted for wisdom and direction for Dw and for favor with this man. And yes, I was so excited waiting I could hardly stand it. After all, the Lord had been telling me for months that we had an Elijah coming and here was the fulfillment of that prophetic word unfolding.

In Uganda they are 9 hours ahead of our Mountain time zone so on the night of the 10th I went to bed wondering what time the attorney’s meeting was at. I eventually fell asleep and would wake up checking the time and wondering what was going on over there. And praying like crazy!!
Since our communication was so limited I hadn’t heard what time the meeting was at, only that the director was also going and we would have to see what she said. Now I knew in my heart that God had given the prophetic word about Elijah so I knew that he would come home, but there are smooth times when God moves and then there are mountainous movements. I was praying for a smooth one! Isaiah’s Ch*nese adoption was a mountain one and that had been not that long ago and is still fresh in my memory!

When I got up on the morning of the 11th I could not wait for that phone to ring. I kept myself busy, but inside it was driving me crazy. What exactly was going on in Uganda? What had the attorney said? What had the director, Barbara, said? Seriously!! I was going buggy.

Finally at about noon my phone rang and it was my sweet hubby in Uganda…..I was out-of-my-mind giddy as my first words were, “FINALLY!!!! I’ve been waiting for your call! Did you go to the attorney’s office?”
My husband’s next words were FIVE of the sweetest words I have ever heard in my life as he ever so gently said,

“How big are your arms?”

It took me a second to understand the magnitude of what he was asking and then I gasped…….

I said, “They’re huge Whitey (which is what I call him), they’re huge! WHY? Are you bringing me more than Elijah???”
He said, “I’m bringing you two! Linny, I’m bringing you two!”

Then the story poured out and as he told it I sat in shock, awe, and with such a deep love and respect for this man of God that I have had the privilege of being married to for the last 30 years!

Here is the story that I still weep when I talk about…..Dw had never told me this but when he went to the attorney’s office the first time he had mentioned to the attorney that he would even like to maybe take two? Remember he had told me “no” when I asked him about bringing two, and I had never questioned him at all. I had just said, “okay”. So unbeknownst to me he had gone ahead and talked to the attorney about it.

At the Baby orphanage it was clear that only one was allowed to be adopted at a time, so Dw didn’t really think it was possible, but he mentioned it to the attorney anyway.

So on the 11th at 3:30pm he had the second meeting with the lawyer. He and Emma said that the lawyer and Barbara (the orphanage director) went back and forth in Lugandan without them understanding a word. Eventually, Peter (the lawyer) turned to Dw and said, “Okay, now we will talk about your case.”

Immediately Peter started asking Barbara (in English) if Dw could take two? To which Barbara said, “Absolutely not!” She said that they would have to see how one went and then we could always come back for another one. The lawyer argued that there are so many children needing homes and went on to tell how his wife is a school teacher and three different times she has come home with a child who needs a home and they have stayed forever, along with their birth children.
Peter also argued that Dw and I had already adopted many times before and that we also pastor a church! He was our advocate, to be sure.

Dw said he just sat there watching them go back and forth, back and forth and Barbara continued to stand her ground! Peter would not give up – he persistantly argued on our behalf.
Dw said he didn’t say a word but kept biding his time, because God had given him an idea. He knew that all these children were leaving soon (although he didn’t know when) for the Big Orphanage and just what if……So finally after they had spent a considerable amount of time arguing back and forth Dw said he leaned forward and asked, “What about Elizabeth?”

((Elizabeth was one of the little ones who was about to go to the Big Orphanage. Dw had told me about her from the very beginning. She was only 2-1/2 and was already leading worship during the worship and story time in the orphanage. She was precious and Dw had fallen in love with her also. If a littler baby was crying Elizabeth would sit on the ground and pull the little one over to her and stroke them and comfort them – such a tiny mommy’s heart at only 2-1/2! He had mentioned her many times and my heart had longed to love her and let her be the little girl she is supposed to be. It was breaking Dw’s heart that Elizabeth would go to the Big Orphanage and so he wondered if just maybe they would let him take her also.))

When Dw said, “What about Elizabeth?” he said that Barbara raised herself up in her chair, sat straight up and gripped the arms of the chair she was sitting in. She turned to Dw in this very upright position and said with huge, wide eyes, “There are only some things that God Himself can orchestrate! Yes, I will let you take Elizabeth too.”

Sovereign God had indeed orchestrated events in such a way – listen to this: That very day, July 11th, Elizabeth and a group of children were scheduled to be picked up at 2:30 pm to go to the Big Orphanage BUT Elizabeth and several of the others had been sick. Barbara had called the Big Orphanage and told them they were sick and they had said, “Okay, we will come next week.” **As I have mentioned, once that little one leaves the Baby Orphanage for the Big Orphanage they can never, ever, ever be adopted.**

Had Elizabeth not been sick she would have already been gone by one hour. I weep everytime I think of it….this sweet baby girl was sick because God was moving on her behalf. He was orchestrating events so that she would not spend her life in an orphanage, but so she could come to America because He has another plan for her life!

Okay, now I’m bawling typing this: How mighty GOD is! How powerful He is and, yes, I believe, there are times that sickness is from God….Barbara then went on and told Dw and Peter that she had been in agony sending Elizabeth to the Big Orphanage, infact, she was broken hearted about it! She wanted a home for her but no one had ever spoken up for her or even asked about her? Of course we know why that is! Because she was destined since the beginning of time to be our daughter and we are thrilled beyond words.

And yes, the sweet baby girl next to my profile is my Elizabeth. After coming home from Uganda Emma had searched the internet for pictures and found that one….it is the earliest picture we have of our precious little Elizabeth, our miracle baby girl – rescued at the very last possible hour by our mountain moving, miracle working, awe inspiring, gasp-giving GOD!!

When we hung up the phone that day we vowed that we would remain silent about Elizabeth and Elijah until Jubilee came home because we did not want to compromise her adoption in any way. We thought that Ch*na would immediately pull the plug on the adoption if we adopted Elizabeth and Elijah before her. But there is more to that part of the story too – so very soon I will write about that miracle as well….So when you wonder if God is working….remember He is always working behind the scenes to accomplish His plan.

Just imagine…..God is bringing her to me, because He loves me so much and He knows how this once-barren woman begged for a boatload of children and He is fulfilling the promise that He gave me way back in 1982 – that He would make the barren woman (me!) to be at home, the joyful mother of children!

I was shaking by the end of the phone call that day and when I hung up I could hardly think straight! My mind was reeling with overwhelming gratitude and exuberant joy – we were adding two more children, besides Jubilee. How many children would we now have? I couldn’t think!

That might sound funny, but really I just couldn’t think. I had to stop and count and I actually stood at our kitchen island and counted with my giddy-beyond-belief-quivering-with-delight fingers….we have seven, Jubilee makes eight, Elijah and Elizabeth make nine and ten! I giggled as I realized I now had 10 children!! Yipppeee Jesus!!!
And yes, if you head to your window you will faintly hear happy shrieks and that is me in my little log home nestled in snow with a view of the Rocky Mountains rejoicing loudly that I have been able to share with my sweet friends around the world about our miraculous God and my miracle babies that are heading my way!! YIPPPE YIPPPEEE YIPPPEE JESUS!!! Rejoice with me!!!
Check out the look on his face and how his hands are clasped in sheer delight….. Can you tell how smitten he is with her? Is she not absolutely beautiful?? Oh my gracious – meet my precious baby daughter – Elizabeth!
Elizabeth and Dw – she is singing a worship song with him…..

“For I know the plans I have to you my most precious Elizabeth,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you HOPE and a FUTURE…” (Jeremiah 29:11)

**This is my Memorial Box Entry for this Memorial Box Monday – and we shall find a symbol that will be stored in our Memorial Box to serve as a reminder of how Almighty God rescued our baby girl Elizabeth at the very last possible moment!! If you have any suggestions what this little symbol should be….I’d love to hear them….**

35 thoughts on “Our Wild Adventure – Part SIX

  1. Even though I already knew, I still can’t help but cry at this amazing miracle. You two are walking examples of faith in the everyday life! I am so giddy to love on these THREE new precious little ones! Thank you, again, for being transparent!

  2. I’ve been clicking on yours site all day. 🙂 I love her,too!! What a precious little girl. Yes, 10 kiddos!! Ok…Ok….so when do they come home???? Who’s bringing them..or you going to get them….and when do you think you will travel for Jubilee? Big Hugs!!


    After reading your post, this chorus was the first thing that I started singing!! Yep, you were right, this is a true gasper!! God is so AMAZING!! This is certainly a story for all times. Elizabeth is–perfect— in every way! ADORABLE! I can’t wait to hear when they are coming home. As well as Jubilee. Oh, those Rockies haven’t seen anything yet!! Just wait until all the “lovin” starts once everyone is HOME!!

  4. Your story only gets better. She is beautiful. When do they come home?

    A memory for your Memory Box!!! How about an hour glass? Just a thought.


  5. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh..GOD IS SO STINKIN’ GOOD!

    Yes, I gasped. Yes, I cried. Yes I praised Jesus! New friend, your boatload of dreams is certainly coming true, and I’m so thankful you’re letting us witness it!!!

    I love Lisa’s idea of an hourglass for your memory box. Just when we think time has run out, Jesus adds a grain or two of sand.


  6. Okay, I thought I was going to be so orginial, but great minds think alike!! I love the idea of an old fashioned glass hourglass!

    Oh, how I love this story, just can’t wait to read the epilogue once they are home!

  7. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I never read the rest of the story, Linn! I can’t believe it, but I can because God is soooo good and amazing, and I am so happy for you!! I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story. They are just beautiful children!

  8. Praise the Lord! Now bring those babies home. Brings to mind a hymn we sang on Sunday at church Whom shall I send? Is it I Lord? He has sent your DH and daughter and now they are bringing home two more babies to forever families! Bring them home quickly Lord all three of them! You have a beautiful family created in God’s image!
    Love, The Peters Family in Indiana (3+3 makes 6 for us)

  9. Wow.

    Just WOW.

    I’m a sniffling mess and I am just so very grateful that God cares for the little things (including us).

    I saw so many parallels in this story and my own life!

    I am the barren woman who God gave that same verse to (and He made me able to laugh with joy at the doctor’s confusion when I delivered a son!)

    My precious miracle boy is 2-1/2 years old.

    The same age as Elizabeth.

    And those expressions on her face – are the same ones on his when he sings his favorite worship songs (alone in his crib – his hands signing the words, singing “Bible tells me so” over and over again).

    She brings that exact kind of joy to my heart in those pictures.

    Oh I am so rejoicing with you! God is SO good!

  10. Wow.

    Just WOW.

    I’m a sniffling mess and I am just so very grateful that God cares for the little things (including us).

    I saw so many parallels in this story and my own life!

    I am the barren woman who God gave that same verse to (and He made me able to laugh with joy at the doctor’s confusion when I delivered a son!)

    My precious miracle boy is 2-1/2 years old.

    The same age as Elizabeth.

    And those expressions on her face – are the same ones on his when he sings his favorite worship songs (alone in his crib – his hands signing the words, singing “Bible tells me so” over and over again).

    She brings that exact kind of joy to my heart in those pictures.

    Oh I am so rejoicing with you! God is SO good!

  11. No matter how many times the devil tries to keep you from running after God’s will, you run even faster. Your perseverance will no doubt be honored and rewarded. You and Dw are such examples of how we all should live. Never, ever stop because we need you as mentors!

    I will never stop being in awe of what God is doing through you, which gets me all giddy knowing He can do great things through me as well.

    THANK YOU for your humble, obedient walk (run) with the Lord…it truly is making a difference in lives all over the world.

  12. Oh my goodness you have me ready to jump on a plane to Uganda. Actually I just emailed my friend Rett that shared this blog with me and ask her if she was ready.

    I dream of having a big rainbow family and my family thinks I’m crazy. I was crying reading your blog knowing that God could creat for us a beautiful, big, rainbow family someday.

    Isn’t it so much fun when you can see God in every detail?

    Congratulations and I can’t wait to follow along on your journey!!!

    Sarah (mom to 2 bio and 1 adopted from China so far)

  13. Linn~
    It sure is hard to type while your eyes are running over in tears. What a beautiful story of God’s amazing guidance and providence. I can hardly wait to hear the “rest of the story”. We too have a Chinese miracle. Addie Ruth will be three in January. She is a miniature joyful Hunan fireball–but we are so in love with her and the miracle of adoption. We strongly believe “our quiver is not full”—just waiting for the Lord’s “go ahead”. We have been so moved through Addie’s story. What a beautiful journey to travel. I have followed your sweet journey with Isaiah Sammuel and marvel at the mighty hand of God in moving in his little life. (we too keep a Journey to Me journal for Addie Ruth). Thank you again for sharing your story and testimony of God’s will and purpose. Paula Jacoby

  14. What a miracle Linny! What a blessing!!! Wow, I'm just speechless. Only the hand of God himself, but of course you already know that!

    And the picture of her with her hands raised to heaven. That says it all!!!

    blessings to you & yours as you sit in your log home in the mountains and possibly have a moment to ponder the miracles of the Almighty!!!

  15. Linn, I am so full of joy as I read this! What perfect little miracles for your family!!!
    Thank you for the reminder that God is always working even when it feels like nothing is happening…We are waiting for our precious three from Haiti, and not very patiently I’m afraid 🙂
    When are your Ugandan babies coming home? I can’t wait to hear the next installment in this edge-of-your-seat story!!!

  16. Linn,

    What a blessing(blessings!)! This is Sydney’s mommy. Stefanie posted a prayer request recently and you left a comment on her blog – thank you for keeping Sydney in your prayers! So, anyway I clicked over to your blog and something seemed familiar and after scrolling down a bit I realized that I had been praying for your sweet boy while he was on the waiting list at AHH. and now Sydney is in your prayers! God is SO AWESOME! Grace was also our family advocate! I followed along on your “Journey to Me’ site while you were in China! Just wanted to say hello.

    Continued blessings,

  17. Okay, so I wanted to be the 21st comment and I succeeded! Holy Cow Linn! I’ve never seen so many comments! It’s so cool that we all get to be a part – in any way possible – in the awesome miracles of God. I can’t wait to meet these next two. How much longer? 🙂

  18. The love I see pouring through your words is a testimony to all who read this. What you and your family have gone through to have these beautiful children in your lives can only be through the hand of God.
    Thanks for sharing and being a friend.
    Love from afar,

  19. Wow!!! What more can you say then that? That is one of the most amazing stories I have ever read!! Praise God!!!

    As a side question,did you adopt all your children?

    Oh and never mind about the other question before.

  20. Amazing, amazing, our God is so amazing! Gasp!!! From the beginning of time He had Elizabeth’s story written! Thank you for sharing it with us. I wonder what He has in store for her . . .?

  21. I am continually amazed at what an amazing God we serve! Thank you for sharing this amazing story. I have spent the last hour and a half just reading this miracle story! I am truly blessed by it. I can’t stop the tears even as I type. God does move mountains!! We are in the process of adopting a child and we have just been trusting God through this amazing journey. He is supplying money as we’ve needed it even though we don’t have an extra penny to our name. I know that he will be faithful to his promise and will bring our baby home soon!! Thank you for giving me hope! Bless you and your beautiful family!

  22. Words I don’t have, tears of joy…that I have and I gladly share with you.

    I also offer up a prayer to God to let me have big arms…oh, that He would trust me with more, and more and more…orphans…but I want them to be x-orphans, children who are loved and grow to serve Him and Him alone.

    a girl with secondary infertility-barren
    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  23. I weep! How inspiring! Your story reminds me of the pure joy I felt when God broke my heart for a precious, sick little girl in China that is now our Claire!

  24. what an amazing and beautiful little girl! and what a testiment to the awesome things God has planned for her!
    i just found your blog and i'm in tears reading your about your beautiful family!
    my husband and i have two boys and we are in the process of adopting our daughter from china. i long to meet her and hold her and snuggle with her…i'm heartbroken at each moment i spend without her, but i am continually trusting in God's providence!
    thank you for sharing your life and your story…you have encouraged me so much today and i am praising God for the family you are raising!
    with love,
    the weldons

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