Since bringing home my precious little treasures I am finding that “Memorial Box Monday (On Tuesday)” just has a really nice ring to it. =)
It wasn’t that I didn’t think about Memorial Box Monday yesterday, it was just that most of the items in our box have a really long story connected to them….or at least longer than I had time to type yesterday.
Then as I lay awake last night in the middle of the night the Lord gave me the wording to share for one of the items ……you see, there is a little item in our box that represents something in our family for one of our grown kids. It was placed in the box recently.
But because we pastor there are some things about our kids that we just will not share publicly but suffice it to say that this thing we were praying for weighed heavy on our hearts. Our child didn’t know that we were praying for it, but will one day. =) It was one of those secret prayers that parents pray over and over. Actually, I would be more accurate to say we were begging the Lord for, pleading over and over throughout the day. We fasted. We agonized. We fasted some more. We asked a couple of close friends to pray for this situation with us.
Then around my 50th birthday things took a turn. The circumstances got even worse. They looked significantly MORE hopeless. Yet we know that we serve a mighty big God and He is bigger and mightier than what any circumstance might appear. I love to call Him our Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring, Gasp-Giving God. And when we found that the circumstances were even worse we continued to pray; tearfilled prayers – oh yes – we prayed!
And around my birthday, when the situation looked the most bleak was a very good time to look into our Memorial Box and remind ourselves of all the other things that God has been faithful in. Remind ourselves of all the things that He has moved mountains for. Remind ourselves just how much He loves to work in the impossible and remind ourselves of just how completely trustworthy He really is. And then to pray some more!
As I lay awake last night the Lord told me to tell this vague story to remind you my bloggy friends that God is Almighty!! He is Faithful! Even when your circumstance looks bleak – keep praying! Even when your situation looks hopeless – keep pleading! Even when your circumstance looks like it is beyond repair – keep trusting! Even when your need looks too big – keep fasting! He is Jehovah!! And He is working the night shift on your behalf, He is moving mountains and He is orchestrating things behind the scenes that you are not even aware of.
Why is He moving? Because He loves you that much! Because He delights in you! Because He desperately longs to show Himself strong on your behalf. Because He is 100% faithful.
Let me just assure you, this situation was such that Dw and I were crying out in desperation! And little did we know that God, even when it looked like there was no hope, was STILL working!!
Then in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning, laying in our bed at our daughter Abigail’s home I awoke and looked at my cell to see the time and there it was. A text message. Hmmm. Weird. How had I slept through the ring of it coming in? Who was it from? I checked. It was from one of our kids.
And then I read the message. Oh my gracious! There in a text message was our miracle answer. I read it. I read it again. I blinked and read it again!! I gasped!! Did it really say what I thought it said? YES! Yes indeed! Yes, My Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring, Gasp-Giving God had moved!! I could not wait for Dw to stir so I could tell him this monumental news.
The situation had looked so bleak, so hopeless, so desperate and yet, as bleak and as hopeless and desperate as it had looked – Almighty God had been working the night shift on our child’s behalf.
So whatever you are praying for, begging for, pleading for – keep on! Fast! Watch and see “the salvation of our Lord.” Yippee Jesus!
PS And one day, years from now, I will most likely share exactly what it was….but for now….please forgive, but it must remain a mystery. =)
Thank you, I needed that reminder!!
Wow…how awesome is our God. I will have to keep following your blog for the next several years to find out the mystery.
Thanks so much for sharing this story! I have been praying for direction and this confirmed what I heard in a beautiful way! I wish I could share more but I guess we’ll have to wait for a cup of coffee in Heaven for that! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Many Blessings, Lisa
Thank you Jesus, for answering the prayers of your faithful servants. Amen.
I just wanted to say “Yeah an answered prayer” that is just awesome.
Melissa in KY
This is the second time in two days the words, “God is orchestrating” on my family’s behalf. That exact word “orchestrate”. I mean, who uses that in everyday talk? Thanks so much for this post. Our homestudy is Friday and then more ransom is needed to proceed with immigration. :o) God told me during a dream (that still sounds so weird for me to say…) that “It’s all paid for.” So. I trust Him. :o)
What is a Memorial box? It sounds like something I’d like to do.
He DOES move mountains and I’m glad you’re reminding everyone of this!
FYI–I’m praying for the same chickadee you’re praying for Linny (S)…praying that if God is speaking to her, she better listen! He is a BIG God!
Happy Tuesday!
Thank you for the amazing reminder. I so needed to hear that today! We are dealing with so many issues as we learn to parent our new daughter—phew, it is a journey of challenges, one I feel so inadequate to do. But, you are so right, God CAN move any mountain that stands in our way.
Thank you for the beautiful encouragement today.
I love your little African Snow White 🙂
WOWWEE!! What a great reminder this is for me! I have often told others about the faithfulness of our GREAT BIG AWESOME God, but for some reason, I really needed to hear this right now. Thank you for sharing this amazing story, in spite of the mystery (tee hee!) God is sooo good all the time! I am grateful for His unchanging character – that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. As a matter of fact, I would say that His unchanging character is my favorite attribute of God. He is so reliable, dependable, available, consistent, accessible – no matter how uncertain or unstable the circumstance or situation is , He IS UNCHANGING!! Faithful to the end! Praise the Lord!
PS – Your Snow White is so very precious!
Praise the Lord…He is so good. 🙂 He is just so good.
He is FAITHFUL indeed! Thank you for sharing His faithfullness with us! And speaking of sharing, there is something for you at my nest, please come visit when you have a minute!
I have had and do have teenagers. I don’t know what your specific problems are, and don’t need to know, but God does. Though I understand!
I am glad you got your miracle with your teen! God is good!!
Congratulations on the answer to your prayers. Our God is so awesome. I think we just forget that His timing is not the same as ours. It has been a hard lesson for me to learn, but I am finally getting it. Thank you Jesus! I understand about trying to keep family issues private. I teach a ladies class at church and so many times have wanted to use experiences with my kids in a lesson, but know that certain issues need to be kept within the family. We have definately had some God-sized answers to prayers with our kids and glad you have too!
Your little Jubilee has been on my heart lately. How is your process going for her? How long have you been waiting for your next step? So glad to hear about God answering your prayers with your child. It is encouraging to hear how God will move in our children without us micromanaging the situation! The least and most we can do is PRAY! Blessings, Lisa C.
I just read this old post! Are you going to share what the prayer was about? 🙂
Maude: No, this one will remain private for the rest of our lives. But it was still just as miraculous.