Power of Prayer

Only by the hand of Almighty God! Yes, prayer works!
Yes, I believe in the power of prayer. Yes, God is faithful!

The Judge has ruled and the King reigns.

I talked with Linn at about 12:40 am and she still had not been called in yet – then the clerk came around 1:00 am our time. She said the judge is almost ready.

Linn text me about 30 minutes later and said, “call me – it’s good”! Well the Judge ruled, not on one but both. We are now the proud parents to be of two children! Yes, the Judge said yes on both children at the first meeting. I started crying and screaming — to which Liberty came out and wondered what was going on, “are you Ok Dad?” Not really, I’ve just become a parent again after a long labor!!!

Please let me introduce you to our two new children – Elijah Muller Saunders and Elisabeth Mercy Saunders. Elijah’s middle name is after the great man of faith and advocate for the orphans, George Muller. He is one of our families hero’s and so fitting – don’t you think!

Elisabeth’s middle name “Mercy” is after our view of what God did. His mercy set Elisabeth free. I played Phillips Craig and Dean song over and over as I prayed out to God and asked for His Mercy on this little girl tonight. Listen to the song on Linn’s blog and you will understand. The song says, “Once there was a Holy Place…. evidence of God’s grace… I can almost see Mercy’s face… pressed against the veil…. (can you picture a little girl pressing her face against an orphanage glass wanting a hom?) The song continues, “Mercy came a running, like a prisoner set free.” Yes, little girl you have been set free to be part of the Saunders “Forever Family.” There’s another part of the song that says “justice no longer in the way… Mercy came a running…. listen and see if you can see her running to me…Tata when “I couldn’t reach her” and into her Momma’s arms. It will forever make me cry and we always want to remember she is part of our family because of God’s mercy!

Linny said she came out of Court and lifted her hands skyward praising Jesus. Let the whole world know – Our God reigns! She of course is of course over joyed. She will blog soon and you will hear the first hand scoop.

Truly these are the days of Elijah.. and next stop the year of Jubilee! (Our song for Elijah and Jubilee)

Thanks for all your prayers if only i could hug each one of you who prayed… of course i might have to tour the entire US and the world to do so. Thanks for standing in with us to fight the good fight!

The Judge has to finish paperwork, then there’s immigration and a bunch of paperwork. Pray for favor and speed. Two weeks from tonight I should be welcoming my wife and kids home and wrapping my arms around my new son and daughter. Wish you could be here to experience it all! May the Lord of Mercy bring grace to you all! dw

66 thoughts on “Power of Prayer

  1. Thank you Jesus! I’ve been sitting here at my computer in Texas, praying, and working on my Bible study . . .listening to “Mercy came a running” . . . and refreshing your page . . . I prayed again, and in my mind I saw Linny coming out of an open door LAUGHING . . . I refreshed the page again and through sleepy eyes, saw a new post pop up! Wooooohoooooooo! How GREAT is our GOD!!! Times TWO!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Elijah Muller and Elisabeth Mercy have been set free to flyyyyyy! Thank you Jesus!

    Rejoicing with you in Texas!


  2. He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL!! Praise the Lord for E and E and for bringing them home! I’m listening to Christmas music and rejoicing that this year they will be home with you! Love you always!

  3. Its 5:30am I had to get up and check your blog to see what had happened. Praise the Lord!!! What awesome news!!!!!! All your prayers are answered. What a blessing!!!!

  4. Oh THANK YOU JESUS!!! I woke up around 4 AM tossing and turning as I prayed…I knew something was going on! I finally decided I had to get up and check in and I'm so glad I did! Wow! Though I'm not surprised…I knew the One who cares the most about the fatherless would come to E & E's rescue and allow them to come home to you.


  5. Dwight, Linn and family,
    With tears streaming down my face, let me say, in Linn’s honor, YIPPEE JESUS!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! I found myself praying and talking to God ALL day and night yesterday! Because of your faithful to His word, His favor has been rained down!!!! The praying must not stop here. We still need to pray your family HOME!!! HOME!! FOREVER home!! What an awesome thing for 2 little babies to have……….HOME!!

    Praising God,

  6. There are not words to describe my joy for your family this morning! Thanks be to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I prayed throughout the night, every waking moment, and ran to the computer this morning! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m looking forward to the details!!!

  7. Woo hooooo!!!! Our God is an awesome GOd! Couldn’t wait to check in this morning and see what the Lord had done. Well I guess we’ll all be able to get some sleep for the rest of the week (unless Linn already has her eye on another one of those precious children :)). You’re quite the blogger Dw – Had to cry at the song the Lord gave you for Elisabeth- it’s so fitting – I love her name.
    I sooo wish I could be at the airport to see them when they get home.
    Congratulations Linn on your first two deliveries over 50!!!

  8. God is SOOOO awesome!!!! Congratulations!!! Truly the mountain was removed by all of the prayers. We can’t wait to meet your little ones. What a blessing and gift you and they have received in each other!!! We love you!!

  9. God is Good!

    I am so happy for your family. I am sure was gleaming. I will look forward to her posts later on today. Try and get some rest.


  10. Yay, Jesus! Praise God! I could hardly sleep last night for the praying and wondering in my head. Oh, I’m so excited for all of you! God really does do more than we can ask or imagine!

  11. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy!! Sweet, sweet news to wake up to this morning! Rejoicing with you…praising God for this wonderful work He is doing.
    Psalm 28:6-8 Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
    Enjoy your day…and night…

  12. Wow…what a amazing way to start the day. I'm always amazed at how God works… I only know Linn through the internet and yet when I went to bed last night, I said, "Ok Lord, you can wake me up at 2 a.m. (we're Eastern time) so I can pray." Well, when I woke up at 3:30, I was so frustrated. I actually thought, "If you weren't going to wake me up on time, then why did you wake me up?" But I prayed anyway! When I read your post and your time frame, I was blown away!

    Thank you for sharing this journey with us! You have given me such a gift, an opportunity for God to grow my faith as I watch Him work in your lives! What a Great and Mighty God He is!!

    Congratulations Mom & Dad and brothers and sisters! Thank you Jesus for loving these precious children and moving the judge's heart to accomplish Your amazing plan!

  13. I knew God wouldn’t let those babies down because he loves them too much and the timing with Elisabeth was too much of a miracle. I will be celebrating with you guys in prayer today.

    I was just thinking yesterday that if I never get a chance to meet some of the incredible bloggers that I’ve gotten a chance to share in their lives with that someday we are going to have to have a big party in heaven.

    God is Good!!!

  14. I was awakened about midnight central time by the Lord to pray and intercede…my specific prayer was that the judge would find favor and make a ruling that both of your babies would be released to come home together.

    Oh how my faith is strengthened seeing the hand of God at work.

    Blessings to you.!
    Middle TN

  15. Rejoicing and praising God with you! I was awakened about midnight central time. The holy spirit directed me to pray for a favorable ruling from the judge. More specifically, that the judge would release both of your babies to return home with LInnie, together, this trip.

    My faith is continually strengthened as I sit in awe and watch God’s mighty hand at work answering our prayers.

    Have a blessed day!

    Rejoicing Rejoicing Rejoicing. What an incredible start to my Friday!

    Middle TN

  16. Hello from Indiana!!

    I don’t know you personally, but I have been following your story. 😀 I guess you could call me a blog lurker. 😀 I’m a friend of Lori’s and I am a freshman at Indiana University. I wanted to let you know, I have been praying for you, and your whole family. I’m so excited about what you guys are doing!! God moves mountains, I have seen it in my life, and It thrills me to see it with others as well!! God bless your beautiful, GROWING family!!

    Sister in Christ,

    Morgyn from Indiana

  17. Oh man, let me dry my eyes long enough to say 'WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE'. I'm just overwhelmed with your story, what a blessing for you guys and what a blessing for Elijah & Elizabeth and before you know if – for Jubilee too.


  18. Praise God! Praise God! What a mighty God we serve! I think it is very fitting that you live in the mountains because God is in the mountain moving business!

    Praising God with you!


  19. After getting coffee, this was the first thing I did 🙂 Checked to see if those two were coming home! Praise God that we get two more here in Durango, to love on and minister to! I can’t wait to meet them. I am so very, very thrilled for the Saunders. We love you guys! Thank you for updating us. Prayer is…amazing!

  20. The Zajiceks rejoice with you and your family and we know that God is in control. Jubilee will be coming home next!!!! Praise God ~ He is a mighty God, and sooooo faithful!! (Dwight: Gary says we gave a “super bark” to God as a thank you! You’ll understand!)
    We love you and are honored to stand with you!!
    Love, Diane and Gary, Morgan, Ashley and Zachary

  21. We rejoice with you in the news and praise God for His faithfulness! We know the power of prayer and are in awe of His mightyness! Jubilee will be coming home next. It is an honor to stand with you! (Dwight: Gary says we gave a “super bark” to God as a thank you! You’ll understand!) We can’t wait to see everyone home again. We will continue to stand in prayer (Eph. 6) We love you. Gary, Diane, Morgan, Ashley and Zachary Zajicek

  22. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow is God so awesome or what!! The power of so many coming together in praying is just amazing!!! I think we all feel like we’ve been in labor with you. We can’t wait to meet your little ones. What a blessing God has given to them with you and you with them!! We love you and can’t wait for you to get home!!

  23. Just completely in thankful shock.


    I didn’t include it in my comment, but I kept getting the word MERCY when praying for those children. That God would show the judge that He has sent his MERCY for them.

    It didn’t make so much sense to my human brain, so I didn’t share it.

    My oh my – I should never doubt. Just type what the Lord has impressed on my heart.

    And Mercy it is… ABUNDANTLY!

    I am just tearful and joyful and man I cannot wait until your family is back home with you!

  24. God was at work this week-so glad for you guys and I can not wait to see them. Their pictures are just adorable. Hopefully all will get some more sleep tonight.

  25. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD! I believed this would be the judge’s ruling because y’all have such favor about adoptions. It is SO obvious that y’all have the Father’s heart for orphans.

    Rejoicing with you!!

  26. Amen! God is nothing but goodness. I woke up in the middle of the night and just began praying in the spirit… focusing solely on those two babies coming here. I fell back to sleep in the middle of my prayer. HE DOES WORK THE NIGHTSHIFT DW…while we rest.. he works…what an awesome, loving most beautiful God we serve and love. All the praise to Jesus for bringing those babies. Home. PLEASE let us know when they’ll be here in DRO. If i can get to the airport, I’ll be there! 🙂

  27. YIPPEE JESUS! YIPPEE JESUS! YIPPEE JESUS! Oh man, I'm crying, and giddy, and jumping up and down, at work even! It is so amazing how Daddy orchestrates life for His babies! What a precious, precious miracle! I can't wait to find out what is going in the Memorial Box for this one! We will be praying for smooth flights & lots of rest for everyone! Please let us know when the flight is scheduled to arrive – we will be there with bells on!

  28. What an amazing day this is! I along with my twin Morgyn Carey am a faithful blog-lurker, i only know your family through the internet, but i am great friends with Lori and i must say i have followed your journey for quite some time and it just goes to show how mighty and powerful our God is! Congrats new parents, your new children are beautiful!

  29. I have chills and goosebumps as I read your post! God moves in incredible ways. Everyday I am amazed at the mountains he moves for his people when we gather and pray. I truly believe God has his hand on these two precious babies and they will grow up helping Him move mountains.

    God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family!

    Whidbey Island, Washington

  30. Thank you God! What a mighty God we serve
    Woke up at 2am, begging God and His omnipotent power. What a blessing it is to be able to rejoice with you
    Can’t wait to hug all of you!
    xx, c

  31. Yay!! I woke up early this morning to check your blog, and I just can’t tell you how happy my heart is for you all! What amazing blessings! We have been praying here in OH for you every day, and we are in awe always of what He can and will do for us all. Thank you so very much for sharing your story with us. And I am sure that “the best is yet to be”. What a wonderful holiday you all will have this year! We will continue praying for a safe stay, quick and easy paperwork, and a very safe, NON-turbulent trip home.

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  32. Oh Praise HIM! His works our wonderful! I woke up twice last night and prayed until I fell back asleep. The Lord hears our prayers.
    Congratulations! I am elated for you! TO God be the GLORY!

  33. Yay!! I woke up early this morning to check your blog, and I can’t tell you how happy my heart is for all of you! I am truly in awe of what He can and will do for us all! We have been praying for you every day here in Ohio, and we will continue to pray for a safe stay, quick and easy paperwork, and a safe, NON-turbulent trip home. Thank you so very much for sharing your life with all of us; you are truly amazing, and I am sure that “the best is yet to be”. God Bless you all, especially little E and E as they transition into such a remarkable family.

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  34. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. How faithful and mighty is he!!! I can say that with Bryson smiling at my feet!!!! I am elated for Elijah and Elisabeth as well as the entire Saunder family!

  35. Thank you Jesus!! I usually never check email or do anything else before I have my quiet time, but this morning I woke up, and it hit me that you guys would have known by now, so I jumped up, turned my computer on, and came to your blog, and was absolutely thrilled to see your post, that you will be bringing both children home!! Yay, praise the High King of Heaven!!!

  36. Whoooohoooo!!!! That is so fantastic. Our family rejoices with you. He is GREAT and GREATLY to be praised!!!!!! What a beautiful gift for your family. I can hardly wait to see the pictures of the little ones at home with their family. FAITHFUL GOD!!!!!
    Adeye Salem

    I’m reminded of this song and just makes me want to sing over and over again !!!!It’s perfect!

    Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth
    Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth
    The heavens declare Your greatness
    The oceans cry out to You
    The mountains, they bow down before You
    So I’ll join with the earth and I’ll give my praise to You

    And I will worship You
    I will worship You
    I will worship You (I will worship You, Oh God)
    I will worship You
    We will worship You (We will worship You, Oh God)
    We will worship You


    This just makes me want to sing this song over and over and over again!!!
    Very perfect for what God has done…

    Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth
    Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth
    The heavens declare Your greatness
    The oceans cry out to You
    The mountains, they bow down before You
    So I’ll join with the earth and I’ll give my praise to You

    And I will worship You
    I will worship You
    I will worship You (I will worship You, Oh God)
    I will worship You
    We will worship You (We will worship You, Oh God)
    We will worship You


  39. Let the faithful declare the goodness of God! Wow, reading your blogs is like following this crazy high-speed chase that has lots of stoplights but the finish line is within sight!
    We’re praying for you all!
    Your friends at CARE- who know that incredible feeling of “birthing adoption.”

  40. I am thrilled beyond words for you all. I, like many others, awoke in the night feeling the Holy Spirit move me to pray. I am thanking the Lord right along with you for His abundant blessing. What a precious Christmas gift to you all.

    -Susan E

  41. WOW! Isn’t our Father faithful to us. I can’t amagine the excitement in the Saunders family. I know the children could not becoming home to a more loving (and crazy) family. Congratulations Dwight and Lin.

    I reckon I will have to bring my tent next time I come to visit. love yo guys.

    Dennis in Amelia

  42. I have been following your blog and have tried to e-mail several times but couldn’t get it to go through. But I just wanted to say Praise God I am so excited for you. You guys have been such an encouragement and blessing. Thank you for sharing. I have been praying and will keep praying for you all.
    God Bless you
    Melisa P’Pool

  43. I am a big blubbering mess. If I werent so behind, and desperatly wanting to catch up, I would have to spread this out. I am most definitly going to get a headache from so much joyful happy crying.

    Thank you God for moving that mountain! PTL!!! PTL!! PTL!!!

    Sending you so much love. So very very much LOVE! and so many prayers!


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