Thank you for Your Prayers – We Still Need Them Desperately!!

We were on a mission today – get the VISAs….so went straight to The Surgery to see if they had sent the medicals. The young Ugandan man, Joseph, who had helped me so quickly with Elijah and Elizabeth was there to help again. He had thanked me when I was there doing the physicals with the kids for taking them to America and giving them a good life. I told him that WE were the blessed ones because these little treasures were going to fill our lives with such joy!!

So this morning Joseph checked to see and sure enough, they had been sent by courier the day before. He said, “Would you like a copy of who signed for them at the Embassy?” That was perfect and so wonderfully helpful.

From there we headed to the Embassy. The young woman who we had met with is from Wisconsin and she had told me yesterday to just drop the pictures at the Reception. Dw said he wanted to speak to her so we went into the cubicle again and waited. She sent someone else to say, “Just give me the photos.” Dw said, “We would really like to talk to Sarah to see if there is anything else she needs.” Again the woman left and came back and said, “Sarah said there is nothing else she needs – she will call you.” Dw said, “My flight is supposed to leave tonight, could we please talk to Sarah ourselves?”

When Sarah appeared she said she had everything she needed and she would call us in a few days. Dw pleaded with her and asked what could possibly need more time if we have met every requirement. It didn’t matter. She would not budge or offer any hope. I started to get choked up and cry and she raised her hands and told me, “Ma’am! I will call you.”

She knows that I have flights scheduled to take the children back with me for tomorrow night. She definitely doesn’t care.

This morning before leaving for the Embassy and The Surgery we phoned Jayne. Jayne is the sweet woman, who follows my blog, who responded to Dw’s post about “Does anyone know anyone going to Uganda?” I asked Jayne for permission to use her name. Anyway, Jayne is a lawyer in DC who, with her husband, have connections in high places. She and her husband are all over this. Jayne cannot understand what the hold-up could possibly be. Their connections are going to look into the matter.

Funny isn’t it? The Ugandan side was a piece of cake – it’s the Great Country that our Son serves that is giving us the hassle. It just doesn’t make sense. We serve a mighty God – He is more than capable to move someone to issue the VISAs so that we can leave tomorrow. If we don’t hear this after noon there is a possibility Dw will send me home and he will stay. Either way, it will cost thousands of dollars that really don’t need to be spent – if the US would just do the paperwork.

Your prayers are desperately needed. We are powerless to do anything – which we realize is exactly where the Lord wants us…

Yesterday I saw a blurp and it happened so fast that I was unable to write it down…but it said something like this:

If I were able to hear Jesus, in the next room, praying on my behalf, I would not fear a million enemies…

Thank you for your encouraging words – they bring us joy and hope! We love you all!! From Uganda on our knees…Dw and Linny, Emma and Graham…

10 thoughts on “Thank you for Your Prayers – We Still Need Them Desperately!!

  1. Linn and Dw..

    We are all hear for you , standing in the Gap. HE will come through for you… haven’t we seen more than a few mountains moved at the last minute? I will be on my knees.. Stay strong, Have Faith. all will be GOOD, According to HIS plan!

    Love you tons and tons.


  2. Ugh…it’s hard not to get angry over this! But that would only distract from the focus on our mountain moving God so I will keep praying to our God who is FAR BIGGER than any person the enemy throws in His path.


  3. I heard a quote a while back: Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.

    You guys are so blessed, God seems to be giving you both: A great experience, and what he wants for you:o)

    I do entertain a little testosterone fantasy: that some one in high places from over here, will call some a certain someone over there and instruct her in the etiquette of service with humility:o)

    you guys are in our thoughts and prayers

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