Just When We Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse

I am sitting in the Operating Room waiting room at the moment. Our Graham is in surgery at this very moment.

Graham didn’t sleep much of the night. His belly was hurting so much. Dw went in the direction of sifting through the ashes and I went to the hospital with Graham.

We have very close friends who were such a help. Cheryl is the Clinical Director of the Surgical Center and her husband Bob is a trauma surgeon. They got us right in. It turns out Graham has appendicitis.

Please pray for him. He has never had surgery before and really guys, at this point, I am so overwhelmed and trying not to be overcome with fear. It’s amazing how yesterday left me feeling so unnerved.

Emma is here with Dw and I because Dw came straight from the house to see Graham before they took him to OR. Emmy keeps crying. It is all very sad and overwhelming. I have been telling the kids that they need to talk about how they feel. I feel sad, grieved, overwhelmed and like crawling in a hole.

Your prayers are more than appreciated and we are so thankful for each and every one of your comments. We cry as we read each and every one of them.

We praise Almighty God for allowing friends like Bob and Cheryl (dedicated Christ followers and passionate about using their skills on their “vacations” to minister on Mission Teams around the world – they are awesome friends!) who are helping to meet our needs.

PLease pray for Bob’s skilled hands and the anesthesiologist.

Bob and Cheryl With Dw and I on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago..at that home we sold up on the mountain….sweet memories….

We love you each and everyone of you and on THIS Thankful Thursday I thank God for each of you..

98 thoughts on “Just When We Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse

  1. On my knees in prayer………praying for Graham’s full recovery. Praying for strength, courage, understanding and peace for you all. Yell my way if I can do ANYTHING!!!

    In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me BOLD with strength in my soul.
    Psalm 138:3

  2. Crying, praying, and just so stinkin mad at Satan right now. I am sure those are all emotions that are understatements for you guys feel right now. Love Jo Mama

  3. Oh, my goodness! Linny…enough, already! Honestly, the very first thought that came to mind was “My, how Satan wants to bring them down! Boy, that really shows how pleasing their service is to God! Ol’ Slewfoot doesn’t stop at burning their house down, even THAT wasn’t enough in his eyes!”

    Sweetie, we are praying…all over the world, we are praying! Rest easy…God is in control, despite all the evidence to the contrary. He loves you with an everlasting love…and He loves Graham with the very same love.

    Hugs and prayers and love…Nancy (proud mama to ShaoXi, age 12, adopted Shaoyang China on Nov. 26, 1997, age 14.5 mos.)

  4. Praying on my knees to the most high King of Kings, the all mighty God who hears and answers. Praying for your strength and peace for all the children. Praying for a complete and quick recovery for Graham.

    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Oh, my goodness! Linny…enough already! Seriously, my very first thought was “Wow! Satan is REALLY bothered here! Just goes to show how much they are on the right track, serving God!” Sweetie, remember, God loves you with an everlasting love…and He loves Graham with that very same intensity!

    Praying for you…all over the WORLD we are praying for you! I am honored to be just one of those who can “hold up Moses’ arms” when strength wears out!

    Love and hugs and prayers!

    Nancy (proud Mama to ShaoXi, born 9-6-96; adopted 11-26-97!)

  6. Oh Lord Jesus—this amazing family needs a breakthrough Father! My heart is absolutely aching for you. I wish I could just make everything better :(. I know this may all seem so absolutely overwhelming—almost unbearable! But, precious friends, remember this day that God has NOT abandoned you, He is still there and promises that He will NEVER let you endure that which you cannot handle!!!!!
    KNOW that you are prayed for and loved by sooooo many. Our prayers will carry you through. Joy WILL come in the morning—I promise 🙂
    Be kind to yourselves and take things easy, please! So many of us, perfect strangers, have fallen in love with your family. We are here for you and are PRAYING with everything that is within us. Just keep us updated with prayer requests and we’ll be on it—let the prayers and love of others carry you through—as I’m sure you have done for countless people over the years. The glorious Body of Christ is here for you via blog-world!

    Sending you the biggest blog comment hug ever!

  7. You don’t know me but I found you through MckMama. My husband is a prebyterian pastor and we are in the process of adopting a baby from Korea. I just saw this post and wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your whole family during this uncertain time. I pray that God would wrap His arms around you and keep you all safe!

    In His love,
    Jen Marshall

  8. We are praying for you in PA. I was thinking about you all day, but this stuff is piling up. Remember God is still in control even when it does not feel that way. I feel it in my heart to replace your quilt,but I’m not sure what it looked like…so sometime

  9. Oh Linn!! I don’t know you other than through this blog and I am ready to drive to Colorado just to give you all a HUG!!!!

    Praying for a successful surgery.

    -Becky C.

  10. Oh Linn…how I wish we could all be there with you at this moment. I wish I could be there to give Emma such a big hug. All of you. I continue praying for you and your family. I pray you see God move in big ways the next few days, and that he keeps you in the palm of His hand, showering you with His unconditional love. Sending you hugs from Iowa, Jaime D

  11. Sometimes there are just no words to say what you are feeling. These are the times when me and my girlfriends just look at each other with tears in our eyes and say “no words” and all is understood. So I am looking into your tear filled eyes and say “no words”. I am so sorry for all of this if any of us could take away your pain and fear we would in a heartbeat. We will continue to pray on bended knee. I am reminded this time to have you read
    69 Psalms. It has always helped me through difficult times.
    Peace and Faith
    Sheri Keys

  12. I have been praying for you all morning since I saw the link on Sally’s blog about the fire. This is INSANE that you are even dealing with an added stress of a surgery that is usually over the top for people to handle. You guys are such an inspiration and one thing I know about you just from reading your blog is that God WILL get ALL of the glory in each and every step in your life. I am reading Job right now as part of my OT reading and I can’t help but compare a little of how the situations feel similar. Please hold on tight, God is your fortress all of the time and I am praying for you constantly way out here in CA.

  13. We are praying for Graham and the doctors and nurses has he is going through surgery right now. God Almighty is right there with him and all will go well. Give Emma a hug. It will take a while for all of this to process. I am sure it is so overwhelming. Keep your spirits up, the world is praying for you and lifting your family up. Every blog I go on today, there are prayers being lifted for your family.

    We Love You Guys,
    Lisa from Ohio

  14. Satan is definitely attacking you! He has to be. Your evangalism is amazing and your life has been impacting so many people. And God knows you can handle this. That you have enough faith in Him to get through this. (Holy stink pile! The book of Job – just popped in my head.)
    Rebuke satan – he will not cause us to turn our eyes from God!
    Praying for strength and guidance and comfort and healing for all of your aching hearts.

  15. We are praying, praying, praying. My 4 yr old and 2 yr old have even joined us in storming the Throne Room of heaven on your family’s behalf. We are praying that God will set a hedge about you so that discouragement will not set in. We will also pray for the overwhelmed feeling to be lifted so that you feel like you can breathe again.

    You have encouraged so many people, now it is time for us to encourage you! Isn’t God’s circle of love awesome?!

    Carrie and family

  16. Graham is a strong young man, and God will keep him safe. I’m also so overwhelmed by what has happened to you all. Just know that I pray for you, and know that things will get better, God knows exactly what we need from Him. I just want to put my arms around you and Emma (thats how I deal with things)and hold you until everything is better!

  17. Oh, Dear Lord, please give some Heavenly Peace and Rest to this dear family. We don’t understand why you allow these things to happen, but we pray to you, The Greatest Physician and Healer to be with the doctors, nurses and all who will be ministering to this dear little boy. And please allow for the Holy Spirit to give this family all the rest and comfort they so despirately need. Lord, I beg you for Grace and Mercy for this family. In your Name, Amen.

  18. Dear Linn, Dwight and kids,

    I have tried to post this few times but the screen comes back blank instead of saying it will be available after approval! I wanted you to all know that you are on our hearts and in our prayers. I was speaking to a friend who faithfully follows your blog as well. We both agree that your family will come out on the other side of these trials stronger than ever before. Graham, know that we are all praying for you and that God is holding you in His hands and guiding each person in the operating room with you.

    Many blessings, Lisa C.

  19. I don’t even know what to say. I just cry for you and pray. I want you to know that I have added you to our church prayer chain and my favorite Christian radio’s prayer chain.

    On this Thankful Thursday I thank God he has blessed me with your blog. Please know that I am praying for you all constantly.

  20. Oh Linn,

    I am praying right now as I type. Praying for strength and peace for the whole family. Praying for healing for Graham and for the doctors and nurses caring for him. Hang in there. Everyone in bloggyland loves you and your family.


  21. Yikes…hope 3x’s a charm. I can’t seem to post a comment…anyhow…

    Linny…enough, already! No, seriously…my very first thought was “Wow! They are obviously a threat, cuz ol’ Slewfoot sure is trying to bring them down!” Oh, Linny, God loves you with an everlasting love…and He loves Graham with that very same intensity!

    Am praying for you and yours here in chilly CT! Although I am SURE it is not as chilly as where you are!

    Love, hugs and prayers!!!

    Nancy (blessed mama to ShaoXi, born 9-6-96, adopted in Shaoyang PRC 11-26-97)

  22. We are, still, in prayer for you. Please tell Emma that if she would like, I am here to talk WHENEVER! We love your family so much – our hearts ache right now. And, like someone else said earlier, please remember “But God…” HE IS WORKING THE NIGHT SHIFT LINN!

  23. We are still here and still praying…Now for healing as well as everything else. He hears and is holding on to all of you through this horrible week.
    We just sent a box of clothes for the three babies that will be at the church in two days. I wish I could have sent you a whole new home…
    We love you!

  24. Linn and Dwight and all,

    What do I say? It’s all too much, but it’s not too much for our Heavenly Father. Praying that you all can lean into Him until these awful storms pass. May He protect you from the chaos that swarms around you, and still the storm.

    Father, Please be with Graham and all that are helping him at this time. Thank you for putting Your people in place, right when Linn and Dwight, and Graham needed them the most. Hold each member of this precious family tightly Lord, hold them. Help them just to breathe Lord, and let them feel Your mighty arms holding them up.

    Praying for you sweet friends,


  25. I don’t know what to say. But, I will be praying and remembering the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow is forever. Praying for a fast recovery for Graham and healing for your entire family.

  26. Praying that Graham has a speedy recovery. We all need to remember that it is not just the little babies,you and Dw but the other kids have to be so troubled now and I pray that they can open up about their feelings and are able to deal with all that has happened.

  27. I just came across your blog via My Charming Kids. Please know that my constant prayers are with you and your family, especially Graham. I have spent a better portion of the day reading your blog and getting to know your family’s story. I firmly believe that you and your husband are doing God’s work in caring for His children. I’ll be praying for your son’s safety and your peace of mind.

  28. I just came across your blog via My Charming Kids. Please know that I will be in constant prayer for you and your family, especially your son Graham. I firmly believe that you and your husband are doing the Lord’s work in caring for His children. I will pray for Graham’s health and your peace of mind.

  29. I am so sorry about everything that has happened. I found your blog through MckMama this morning and have been praying since. I hope Graham comes through the surgery without much in the way of pain. God bless.

  30. Precious friends,

    Satan is attacking you. Don’t forget that God will not give you more than you can handle! Poor Graham. We are praying for him as well. Just take things one moment at a time and focus on God’s Word full of wonderful promises for you. Satan is wanting you to be fearful. You can focus on sweet Jesus who has promised to never leave you.

  31. Linn,
    Bless your sweet heart. I have never seen your blog before until today. My friend Teressa who has adopted children from China apparently keeps up with your blog, and she forwarded it to her friends to see so we could pray for you and your family. I backed up and read everything starting from about Monday or Tuesday. I have been moved to tears. Started laughing and ended crying. But your attitude through this trial is amazing and encouraging. What you have been through is unbelievable. No trite words of advice or wisdom here. Just know that I hear you and I am praying for you and your family…For all the children’s peace and especially the two new babies. I will pray for you and Dw to be able to walk through all the hard places you will be called to walk through in the coming days and for you both to be strong in the Lord and in HIS mighty power.
    Loving you in the Lord, from Georgia.

  32. I found you through Heart Smiles and wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I have a prayer blog and have listed your needs on there, also.

    I can’t imagine losing my home to fire, let alone having a child needing surgery at the same time. I’m thankful that you know the Lord during this time!

  33. Okay – I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but my family, like yours, is a part of the body of Christ – that makes us ALL family and I am praying right now with tears flowing and listening to my baby boy sleep that God will be with you in this very moment and wrap His arms around you! Please, Please know that you are being lifted up by me, in Canyon, TX that God will continue to bless you as only HE can!

  34. Thanking God for you today and praying for your family – Graham’s surgery and all of you as you deal with the aftermath of the fire. We love you and appreciate you so much.

  35. Praying for God’s mighty hands and unending love to scoop you up and allow you to hide in His care. I am also praying “Lord, please, no more!!” Anxiously waiting for an update on Graham.


  36. I tried to leave a comment and it didn’t work earlier. I haven’t “known” you very long, but am so burdened to pray for all you are going through. You have inspired my faith and I know that God will be with you throuhg all of this. Hugs and prayers from Virginia~

  37. We lift you and your family up in prayer. The enemy is trying so hard to break you down but with GOD by your side you WILL prevail. We have an awesome GOD who loves you and will never forsake you. We ask GOD to guide the surgeon hands to fix the problem as quickly as possible and for Graham to have total healing. The Lord has great things in store for you. Stay strong. Lisa

  38. Oh, my sweet blog sister, I am adding your family to my prayer list today.

    I had shivers down my spine as I read the story of your day before the fire. God has His arms around your family.

    I often pray for my husband and kids that God “hold them in the palm of His hand”. He did that with you, didn’t he.

    He did not stop the storm, he caused the storm to not physically hurt any of his beloved.

    He has a future and a hope for you that will show up after the grief has passed and the way to healing has begun.

  39. Wow, not sure how I landed here, obviously somebody linked you. Just read through your previous posts and my heart raced with you as you recounted the events of the fire. My friends just lost their home on the 5th – also a total loss. Please know that I am praying for you and for your family. Your faith is amazing but also so necessary at times like these.

  40. Dw and Linn,
    We are so sorry to hear of the loss that your family has sustained yesterday and then today for the urgency of surgery for your son Graham. My heart is so deeply saddened for all that you are going through.

    As I'm sure you already do, know that our hearts are in constant prayer for you and your family as you journey through this tragic life situation.

    From one adoptive mother to another,
    Ruth & Brian in Washington

  41. My goodness, Linn, it just goes on and on for you, doesn’t it? Know that you have so many of your blog followers, and friends lifting you up in prayer. God will hold you in his hands and be your strength. God speed, Linn.
    Big hugs from me to you….and I’m still praying for you all!

  42. Hi, I just tried to post a comment and it got all messed up, so sorry. Anyway, I was trying to say that I had just found your blog today from MckMama and had been praying for you all about the fire with my children all day. Then I checked in on you and saw that your son was in surgery. We will continue to pray. My son Jonathan(13, 12 at the time) had an emergency appendectomy in July. It was so scary to send my “baby” to surgery. My husband and I both work in the medical field and the surgery was done at the Children’s Medical Center where my husband works by an awesome pediatric surgeon that I have known for 20 years. Jon did great after surgery, was home less than 24 hrs later. He even went to our favorite Pine Cove, our favorite Christian Camp, on Sunday after having surgery on Wednesday! (This was partly because I was the camp RN at the elementary camp while he was at the jr high camp and our surgeon’s daughter was at the sr high camp!) Anyway, we will continue to pray. That was a rough day for this mama and we didn’t have anything else going on like you do!

  43. Oh Linny, I will praay even harder here from China. This must be a nightmare for you . I worried about you all night and got up quick to check the blog and found this. Please, take care of yourself so you can take care of everybody. Give the babies hugs for me and Graham will be fine. Love(Lots of it )from China Kathie

  44. Linn,
    We are praying Romans 15:13 for you: that the God of hope will fill all of you with joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  45. We are thankful that you choose to share your lives with us and by doing that, encourage us in our faith.
    We are praying for Graham–for courage, for freedom from pain–and for the doctors–for sure hands and wisdom and guidance from God.
    May you be able to see God’s blessing on your family in your time of trial.

  46. Oh Linn! I am SO sorry. Poor Graham! God must REALLY trust you to know that you can take all of this on. I know I’d be totally unraveled by now.

    Prayers continue for all of you….



  47. Oh my goodness. My heart is breaking for the pain you are going through. I wish I could send you my portion of peace and I only “know” you as an occassional lurker on your blog. I pray the surgery for your son is quick, and recovery is pain free. I am so overwhelmed by all you are experiencing, I wish I could just reach through the computer screen and hug you! Hold tight to the Lord, as I know you are, He will get you through this bumpy roller coaster ride you seem to be on. Sending prayers (and wishing I could do more) your way. And praying that very soon your life is plain old BORING.

  48. Praying, Praying, Praying! So sorry for this incredibly stressful situation!! I know you know…cling to His Everlasting Arms…”Be still and know that I am God”

    May God surround each and every member of your precious family. May he grant you peace and comfort.

    Sending love and hugs,

  49. oy vey! (Yiddish exclamation of dismay or exasperation)Really, I don’t know what else to say. I’ve been praying and holding you close in thought all day. Whenever my thoughts turned to worry, I’d mentally sing the song “Blessed be the Name of Lord” and that’s what I keep praying for you: that while you walk through this, you’ll find it in your hearts to say “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” What a very deep sacrifice of praise for you to pull off at this moment. We’re praying . . . .Liz

  50. Oh DEAR! How horrible is this week!!! I know exactly how He is feeling because i’ve had appendicitus before and it was the most painful thing i have ever experienced. I will indeed add his recovery to my prayer list for your family. I am so sorry for your terrible day!

  51. OH NO! I’m am so very sorry for all that your family is enduring.

    I will be praying for Graham, may his surgery go well, may his recovery be quick. I can only image your worry over him.

    I’ve been offline for a bit so only just found out about the terrible fire. I am in tears. You don’t know me, I’m on the other side of the world, I’ve been following your life via blog since the adoption of Isaiah. You really touch me through your words. I confess I’m not a religious or spiritual person, I don’t attend church, I don’t normally pray….but I’m on my knees now…praying for you and your family.

    I am so so sorry about your beautiful home, for the loss of many precious items, for the loss of the familiar for your babies. But very thankful every member of your family is safe – (once Graham is out of surgery and safely in recovery)

    I wish there was something I could do for you.

    I WILL pray.
    Jennette (Australia)

  52. Dear Lord, please deliver this family!

    Linn and Dwight we are praying with you through this storm. Wishing we could be there to hold your hands. Standing with you in SPIRIT.

    With Much Love and Unending Prayers,
    Amy, Chris, JT, Harry, Mac and Gracie

  53. Oh Lord, please deliver this family. We are standing with everyone else in prayer for you Linn and Dwight and for your precious family, and especially for Graham at this time. May he have a speedy recovery.


  54. Linn & Dwight,
    Just a friend of a friend from the adoptive world hearing of your plight… and now Graham's surgery. Sending continuous prayers. May God Unfailing Love and Compassionate Arm surround you so you feel His presence.
    Barbara Lyman

  55. Linn,
    I found you through a friend that was in my China travel group whose husband is also a pastor and you connected with her. She has sent out the word to PRAY for you all and that is what we are doing! Consider the State of Florida interceding on your behalf! I’m sure you will be restored to even grander things once this is all over. The Lord is good that way – just ask Job! Praying for Graham as well.
    In Christ,

  56. Oh my, Satan is having a field day with your family. Little does he know, he picked the wrong family to attack! Prayers are being sent up for your family during this trying time.

  57. Too much to process or try to make sense of – but in the middle of all of *this* GOD IS GOOD. I know He has amazing blessings, miracles and JOY in the season ahead of you. And yet, I know right now it really does NOT feel good to be sifted. I pray that God will remind you who His is in the midst of your fear, sadness, grief, anger and worry. I pray that He will remind you of who you are as well – His beautiful, beloved children! We will pray you through this and trust that God will provide exactly what you need each and every moment along the way of this deep, deep valley. Psalm 23 comes to mind as I’m writing this. He will guide you. He will provide. He will give you His rest. Keep on praising Him, it’s the most powerful weapon we have. Praying sweet blessings, peace and rest upon each of you – and healing for your beloved son. With love, Amy in OR

  58. Oh my goodness…praying for your family…that Graham’s body will be healed, that he will recover quickly, that your needs will be met. I have no words of wisdom, just humbly asking Mighty God to embrace you tighter than ever before!

  59. Dearest Linn, Dwight, Graham, Emma, all your sweet family…..We are sorry to hear this news! We just found out about Graham… We have prayed all day for your family anyway, but we will press in and pray some more!! God is so faithful, and He promises He will not give us more than we can handle (although we definitely doubt our own ability to cope!!) We are standing with you all, in the same way that Aaron and Hur stood with Moses and held up his arms when the battle against the Amalekites seemed to not be going in the Israelite’s favor! We (all your loving family and friends, near and far…!) are holding you up by prayer, and you SHALL BE victorious!! We love you very much, and continue to stand in the gap, praying a hedge of protection around you! Let us know what other help we can be in a practical way, too. With deepest love, the Zee Family

  60. Sweet Family,

    My o’my doesn’t Satan have those firey darts aimed at you for sure!!! But what he intends for your harm OUR LORD will and HAS used for HIS GLORY! The WORLD is praying for you! I am sending out your message to my prayer warriors as I speak! Tennessee is lifting you up in prayer!


  61. I have just come to know your blog yesterday and started praying for you all right away and I will continue to lift you in my prayers.From one adoptive Mom to another God Bless you all!

  62. DW and Linn~
    We are praying, praying, praying. May God continue to uphold you even when the minutes are unbearable and so frightening. Praying that Graham is recovering well and knowing God’s peace. Our little Addie prayed the sweetest prayer for you “to find a new home with no smoke”. May you continue to be blessed and encouraged by so many who are standing in the gap for you.
    Much Love, Paula Jacoby

  63. I just came across your blog tonight and as I read of the loss of your home I just cried and then prayed for each one of you.
    I am a mommy of 11, soon to be 12, little ones and just the thought of being in your shoes right now brings so much sympathy. But I know our ever loving, faithful Lord will give you the grace and strength and provision you need each and ever day…moment by moment.
    I am soooo glad all your precious children were not harmed. Thank you Lord!
    I will pray for you each time you come to my mind.

  64. You already know that Rach and I have been praying for ya. and from reading the comments above you have received more than enough spiritual uplifting (and it blesses my heart that, that is so.) So I deam it unnecessary to continue in that mode. So let me look at this more pragmatically.

    Lets call it the glass is half full approach, Graham will have the coolest scar to show off.
    the house issue? a little harder maybe, but can you imagine what Dad has in store for You guy’s,his beloved????? (the song by MercyMe: I can only Imagine, and I think the name of the album is Almost there!!)comes to mind. I’m sure you must have heard it, but if you haven’t your in for a blessing.

    Your family: will only grow stronger, the immediate one, and the one you are discovering on this journey.

    And DW that darn old crawl space will have to be remodeled, :o) and the pain of those broken fingers must be a distant memory? and those Mocha’s will get a little sweeter each day. (along with the cinnamon rolls.)

    and I will finish up with our Dad, our wonderful Father, Must love you extra special, and trust you bunches to allow Satan to touch your surroundings like this. Remember what doesn’t kill us will only make us stronger.

    with love and prayers

  65. I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been so touched by your stories of adoption. I am on my knees praying for your family. Fear is not of the Lord a friend tells me all the time. Please know that we will continue to lift you up in prayer.
    Also, I hope this gives you a smile –my husband and I just brought home our first daughter from China after 11 years of waiting on His timing. You have so encouraged us to start the process again and trust the Lord to provide! Thank you for serving our Lord and Savior.

  66. Oh Linny, I sit here a half a world away with tears in my eys … a friend of mine who was in your travel group for Isaiah emailed me and told me about your lovely log home. I just read your notes, my heart and prayers go out to you. And now this with Graham.

    I pray Father that you hold this family in your loving embrace. Hold them tight and be with them step by step Father.

    Linny – You and your family must be so scared now, but God will see you through this. What a miracle and a blessing that you listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit such that you even listen about alarms.

    Blessings to you & yours from China,

  67. I don’t know what to say except that we love you guys and are praying for a fast recovery for Graham. God is our Strong Tower! Continuing to pray for peace and strength – Cecelia, Jes, Cody and Brett

  68. Linn, I left this comment on the other site your friends in China have started, but wanted to leave it here as well.

    What a relief to hear about your son! We gathered our family this evening and told them the story of ‘aplacecalledsimplicity’ and how tonight there are no familiar jammies to wear, no special blankies to hold, no favorite stuffed animals to cuddle with, an unfamiliar bed, etc.. we watched our children’s eyes grow wider and wider. Then, our 4 year old Elizabeth started to cry. She went to her room and began to sift through her things and got a box to put them in. Our son joined in and took scotch tape from a drawer to ‘tape’ the box. The items in the box would probably be so insignificant as far as every day use but the fire has touched our children’s hearts in a way we never could.

  69. My heart goes out to you and your family. I've been reading your blog for a few days, and I can't begin to imagine the stress you must be feeling at this moment.

    This scripture comes to mind right now…

    "So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

    No kidding, huh? (((((((( hugs )))))))))

    This one also came to mind:

    "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:29-30

    God will carry this for you too…

    Blessings & Prayers from Canada

  70. I was led to your site from MckMama. This is long, but I would love to share with you. My son-in-law is a Pres. minister. Last January when we almost lost their newborn, he posted this on his website, I am not sure of the author. I hope you receive a blessing from it. I am praying for your entire family.

    Jackson, MS

    Here is another snippet from my devotional this morning. Each of these has been exactly what my heart needs. At times up here I’ve been angry, confused, struggling to find hope, a poor husband to my recovering wife and yet Christ is here comforting me.

    “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.” Mark 6:50

    Listen, then, to the voice of Jesus in the storm. It is I who raised the tempest in your soul, and will control it. It is I who sent your affliction, and will be with you in it. It is I who kindled the furnace, and will watch the flames, and bring you through it. It is I who formed your burden, who carved your cross, and who will strengthen you to bear it. It is I who mixed your cup of grief, and will enable you to drink it with meek submission to your Father’s will. It is I who took from you worldly substance, who bereft you of your child, of the wife of your bosom, of the husband of your youth, and will be infinitely better to you than husband, wife, or child. It is I who have done it ALL.

    I make the clouds my chariot, and clothe myself with the tempest as with a garment. The night hour is my time of coming, and the dark, surging waves are the pavement upon which I walk. Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. It is I—your Friend, your Brother, your Savior! I am causing all the circumstances of your life to work together for your good. It is I who permitted the enemy to assail you, the slander to blast you, the unkindness to wound you, the need to press you! Your affliction did not spring out of the ground, but came down from above—a heaven sent blessing disguised as an angel of light clad in a robe of ebony.

    I have sent all in love! This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God. This bereavement shall not always bow you to the earth, nor drape in changeless gloom your life. It is I who ordered, arranged, and controlled it all! In every stormy wind, in every darksome night, in every lonesome hour, in every rising fear, the voice of Jesus shall be heard, saying, “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.”

  71. I was led to your site from MckMama’s blog.
    This post is long, but I would love to share this with you. My son-in-law is a Pres. minister. Last year, we almost lost their newborn. He posted this on their blog.
    I hope you receive hope from reading it. I am praying for your entire family.
    Jackson, MS

    Here is another snippet from my devotional this morning. Each of these has been exactly what my heart needs. At times up here I’ve been angry, confused, struggling to find hope, a poor husband to my recovering wife and yet Christ is here comforting me.

    “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.” Mark 6:50

    Listen, then, to the voice of Jesus in the storm. It is I who raised the tempest in your soul, and will control it. It is I who sent your affliction, and will be with you in it. It is I who kindled the furnace, and will watch the flames, and bring you through it. It is I who formed your burden, who carved your cross, and who will strengthen you to bear it. It is I who mixed your cup of grief, and will enable you to drink it with meek submission to your Father’s will. It is I who took from you worldly substance, who bereft you of your child, of the wife of your bosom, of the husband of your youth, and will be infinitely better to you than husband, wife, or child. It is I who have done it ALL.

    I make the clouds my chariot, and clothe myself with the tempest as with a garment. The night hour is my time of coming, and the dark, surging waves are the pavement upon which I walk. Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid. It is I—your Friend, your Brother, your Savior! I am causing all the circumstances of your life to work together for your good. It is I who permitted the enemy to assail you, the slander to blast you, the unkindness to wound you, the need to press you! Your affliction did not spring out of the ground, but came down from above—a heaven sent blessing disguised as an angel of light clad in a robe of ebony.

    I have sent all in love! This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God. This bereavement shall not always bow you to the earth, nor drape in changeless gloom your life. It is I who ordered, arranged, and controlled it all! In every stormy wind, in every darksome night, in every lonesome hour, in every rising fear, the voice of Jesus shall be heard, saying, “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.”

  72. GOD IS GOOD. I know He has amazing blessings, miracles and JOY in the season ahead of you!!! Satan is working overtime because he knows that your family is doing wonderful things for God!

    You have been such a blessing to everyone you come in contact with and such an inspiration. We are continually praying for God’s supernatural protection around everyone of your family members and for you to continue to feel God’s wonderful love and blessings!

    You have a special work you are doing and touching more lives than you will ever know! We love you for being so open and willing to share your lives with us and willing to give God the Glory in your lives!

    Thank you and God Bless your Family Beyond Measure!!!

    Wish I could hug you in person right now!

    Fellow adoptive mother and mother to 10!

  73. Wow. That’s all I have to say. I will pray that God will continue to show himself to you through all of this and your babies will all have peace.

  74. I sincerely hope and pray you are all feeling more settled now ,and starting your recovery in earnest,Love to you all,may you have a beautiful life–cottonreel

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