Our Little Log Home

I am sitting at Seth and Maria’s. They are in San Francisco looking for a place to plant their church and they have graciously opened their home and anything they own for us.

Our dear sweet bloggy friends around the world…..we are humbled by your outpouring and love and prayers. I will post another entry tonight (its therapy for me). I have cried buckets and buckets of tears. It was one of the scariest days of my life.

Yes, we are safe. Our home though is pretty much gone. The contents are gone. They are not sure about the structure….someone is going to have to come and see about that.

I know it’s just “stuff” but it’s familiar and my heart is broken. The things we love were destroyed by the fire itself or by the heat from the fire or by terrible smoke and/or water damage. The precious gifts Tyler gave to us (just before he deploys). Gone. The treasures from our kids. Gone. The little pink coat I just posted about. Gone. Treasures from Africa. Gone. Treasures from missionary trips. Gone. Our newly remodeled bathroom. Gone. Wedding things from 30 years ago. Gone. Our just remodeled kitchen. Gone. Clothes. Gone.

We ran out in our jammies, although I kept yelling to the kids to put coats on the babies and themselves – – – I completely forgot mine. It was devastating to watch our home – smoke billowing out from all different places and still no fire trucks on the scene. There were 15 fire trucks eventually.

The first firetruck on the scene got stuck in our long lane that is narrow and banked with lots and lots of snow. From then on out they had to hand carry everything to the house.

Anyway, I will write more soon……I have many things to do to settle everyone in. Although our hearts are filled with gratefulness, we are grieving our loss. Dw was away and came home when I called him with the house starting to fill with smoke. He was there about an hour later.

Please pray for Elijah and Elizabeth, they were starting to relax and feel comfortable. Now nothing is the same. No crib, bed, afghan, bumper pad, room, home, clothes, stuffed animals, toys, dollies, high chair, plate…nothing is the same.

This we know…Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. His name is “yes” and “amen” …and more than anything we know that He is ALWAYS faithful. His mercies are new every morning. We cling to this. And I am thankful for my memory box, charred, that still holds the memories of His Complete and Total Faithfulness.

Please pray for us as we grieve and as we tomorrow begin to sift through the ashes praying we can find the sentimental things that we have been crying to find……. From our temporary home….to yours..we love you all….Linny and Dw and our kids grown and home….Abby, Ryan, Tyler, Autumn, Emma, Graham, Liberty, Isaiah, Elizabeth and Elijah (and Jubilee soon)

73 thoughts on “Our Little Log Home

  1. Oh Linny,
    I’ve been in shock watching your blog today and waiting for the latest bit of news. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with you. We are so thankful that you are all safe, but I know that doesn’t diminish the loss and heartbreak you are feeling right now. God Almighty, we will all praise You in this storm because we know that ALL things work to good for those who love you. Much love and many blessings to you and your entire family.

  2. Oh, Linny, I can just feel your heart. Know that here in Iowa, I am completely grieving with you as you go through this terrible day. I cannot imagine.

    Praying with you…

  3. Oh Linny,
    I’ve been in shock watching your blog today and waiting for the latest bit of news. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with you. We are so thankful that you are all safe, but I know that doesn’t diminish the loss and heartbreak you are feeling right now. God Almighty, we will all praise You in this storm because we know that ALL things work to good for those who love you. Much love and many blessings to you and your entire family.

  4. Oh Saunders family my heart aches for you! I cant imagine how ya’ll feel. I will continue to storm the heavens with prayers for your sweet family. I pray that you are able to find some precious belongings amongst all the ashes.

  5. We are thanking God for your safety, praying for peace in the midst of chaos, and that God will surprise you with what He chooses to give you back from the ashes.

    You will soon be overwhelmed with what God will pour out from the many who have come to love your family even though we’ve never met you.

    Thank you for taking the time to write to all of us who have been praying for you and your family and wishing we were closer so that we could help in some way.

    May God grant you His peace that passes all understanding.
    Journey to Addie

  6. We love you, Linn! Our hearts are overflowing for you! I am praying from the bottom of my heart that some of your precious memory things will be saved.

  7. Oh Linny. My heart is grieving for you and your family. I will pray, pray, pray that Jesus will bathe you in His peace. I will pray that tomorrow you find the things that are so dear to your heart. I will pray for those sweet, sweet babies – that though they don’t understand, they will feel Jesus’ peace surrounding them. Please know that you all are constantly in my thoughts and I will pray for you without ceasing. If there is anything, absolutely anything, I can do for you, please let me know. My email is jackjujam@live.com. Love, Michele

  8. Linn & Dwight,
    I am so sad and heartsick for you and your family. Please know that I am praying, praying, praying! And don't forget those wonderful two little words….BUT GOD….

    Your house was suddenly on fire today…..but God wasn't caught off guard. Many of your possessions are gone …..but God is Jehovah Jirah, the Great Provider. You have so many needs right now…..but God knew about those needs before any of us spoke them. Your lives have changed drastically today, and tomorrow is so uncertain……but God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    Much love and many hugs to all of you from me!

  9. Vince and I (and our coworkers too….they’ve been following your adoption stories with us) have been praying for you all day. We are thankful everyone is safe and praying that God’s peace covers your family and that His provision is quickly seen.

  10. Dw & Linn, we're thankful for your safety, but our hearts are broken for you and I'm weeping as I type. We didn't know about your tragedy until this evening when I got home and checked email. We'll pray. We're here. We'd do anything for you – say the word. Love, Dave, Liz & girls

  11. Linny and Dw, we are so heartbroken for your loss. Although we are new blog friends we are grieving with you. This is the devil at work trying to undermine your faith, your sharing of your testimony and your commitment to orphans. God is bigger and more powerful. Surrounding you in prayer and hugs. Ann Marie am@ronsman.com

  12. I’m crying as I read of your loss, grieving with you, but knowing that our good, loving God will bind up your broken hearts and provide for your every need. Let us know how we can help Him take care of you. The verse I think of right now is I Peter 1:7 “These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” May you sense God holding you in His everlasting arms.

    Kathy in Oregon

  13. So sorry to hear of your loss. will be praying and thinking of you guys. I knew it was bad when Rach called me at work, she never calls unless it’s something big or bad, to hard to communicate with her by voice, we usually text message cause of her severe hearing loss.
    We will be grieving with you. May Dad comfort you and yours totally.

  14. Oh Linn and Dwight! I truly couldn’t believe my eyes when I read and saw pictures of the fire on your blog earlier today!! I have been checking back again and again to hear from one of you in person, so am so thankful that you posted, Linn, and to know that you are all safe! That is the important thing, BUT I can’t begin to comprehend the loss that you still have had. Please give yourselves time to work through all this, and know that there are many, many of us who are loving and praying for you all over the world!! You have given so much to so many – please don’t hesitate to let others give back to you. Please let us know what we can do and how we can help! Love from the Hays family

  15. My heart is so heavy for you and how I wish I could be there to help. KNow that the world is praying for you. We are so glad that you are safe and glad to hear from you.

    Please let others give back to you and your family. We are all hear to help you.

    We Love You Guys,
    Lisa from Ohio

  16. This is actually my first visit to your blog, reading of your amazing family and your willingness to follow God’s leading in your life. Although I am so thankful to hear that all of your family escaped the fire unharmed, the other losses are heart-breaking and I lift you up in prayer tonight, especially your two newest additions who need so desperately to feel security. May just having you surround the be enough. My prayers are with you as you rebuild this part of your life.


  17. I am so desperately sorry for your loss! Oh my goodness, I am so heartbroken for your whole family. Uuuggg, I wish that bad things did NOT have to happen to wonderful people—I guess we will never understand it, this side of heaven. PLEASE know that you are COVERED in prayer. No, this did not take the Father by surprise—-He WILL restore to you EVERYTHING that has been stolen. Trusting that you can recover those things that are so close to your hearts.
    Sending you all all our love and prayers,
    Adeye and the Salem family

  18. No words could describe what is in my heart. Other than to simple say that Matt and I love you guys, we are praying for you, and we are here if you need anything.

  19. I also wanted to let you know that I, just yesterday, boxed up 15 pairs of pants my little girl has outgrown. They are size 4t. I can put them in the mail tomorrow for Elizabeth. They might be a little big, but that is ok. I also have a brand new thick, warm coat that would fit Elijah – boys 3t. If you have just a second to send me an email as to where to mail the box, I can do it tomorrow. jackjujam@live.com. Love, Michele

  20. I have felt so helpless all day knowing I couldn’t physically being helping you. Therefore, I have been praying that the right people in Colorado know exactly what and when to do things for you and your family. Whether it be a meal, clothing, or just a warm embrace w/ a shoulder to cry on, my prayer is that every need is provided at the perfect moment.

    Inspite of everything, I praise God for keeping you all safe and wait upon Him to heal your broken hearts and give you direction in the days to come.

  21. Linn, I am speechless, and have such a heavy heart for what you have endured today. Thank you for posting tonight and letting us know what’s going on.

    I’m so very very sorry and you and your whole family will be in my prayers.

    Sending (((HUGS))) and prayer’s from Ky.

  22. UGH!

    I've nothing profound to say.
    I ache for you and I've gone from being so grateful for your family being unharmed, to worrying about all the mllions of things you have to do, to being angry that the enemy wants to use this to devastate you and discourage you, and then back to the word of God.

    Isaiah 43:2: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

    That first part was for us this past week with the flooding. The second part was what came to mind when I began to pray.

    Linny & DW… cling to God. He is THE familiar thing. Nothing has changed with Him at all. HE is your provision and His faithfulness and mercy are unchanging.

    I know – easier for me to sit here and say that (from my waterlogged home), but I am praying for such assured peace to absolutely overtake you. To give you miracles in the middle of this disaster and hurt.

    We are sending something your way. PLEASE keep us posted on what you need… and allow the Body to take care of you with what God has blessed us with.

    Much love and many tears and prayers.


  23. sweet friends… no words seem to fit. My heart is just sick for you.and my first thoughts were E& E… how confusing this must be for them. Know we will be there for you lifting you up in prayer. No doubt in my mind you will be okay, but I know the loss hurts so much. May HE be everything you need right now. We will be praying hard. And I just know you are going to see more support from friends near and far that you know what to do with .. and I know it will bless you immensely. Just know as you sit there on the couch thinking about what is gone.. we are praying to get you through and for what will be. Love you tons and tons.. And sending you so much love.

    Hugs dear ones..

  24. I am so sorry for your loss. All day I have been thinking of your family and also thinking about Job when God said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant…?” And we all know how that one turned out! Satan lost. You’ll be in my continual thoughts and prayers.

  25. Thought I would check your blog one more time before bed–was relieved to read and hear peace in your words. Thank you for giving specifics in how we can pray. I will close my eyes tonight remembering Elijah and Elizabeth and will ask their Heavenly Father to give them peace and contentment and the flood of memories to bring back the “sameness” of just yesterday to them.
    Rest dear family, you are being held.
    Paula Jacoby (rpjacoby@yahoo.com)
    Journey to Addie Ruth

  26. I am praying! It will all be all right, that is true eve nthough anyone would have trouble believing it going through what you are. Just keep saying it to yourselves and trust that God has a plan so that eventually you will be almost glad it happened!! That is how He works as I know you know. Hold on!!

  27. We are so thankful you are all safe! I pray that you will find some precious treasures tomorrow that were saved by God for you. Please let us know what we can do to help you. All the family in NY are praying for you.

  28. Precious Saunders Family, We weep with you, and we pray with you. You are dearly loved, and we know our FAITHFUL GOD will see you through this. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He promises to make all things new. We are here to help in ANY way we can. We love you. The Zee family

  29. Dear sweet friends,

    My heart is broken for your your loss and sadness. I can’t even begin to imagine how you are feeling. I am in shock even as I type this. I thank God almighty for getting you all out safely. I am praying for complete restoration and for healing of emotions. It is okay to grieve the loss of your stuff. They are your precious memories. Please be bold and specific about your needs. We all love you guys and want to help with whatever you need big or small….so please, ASK, ASK, ASK. We are praying that God meets your needs before they are even known. It is so easy to doubt during times like this, but I am praying for God’s glory to reign and shine during this time.

    Love and Blessings,
    Julie, Curt and Isaiah

  30. Saunders Family, I am crying along with you and everyone else. My heart hurts for your family. Your story has touched me and I have been blessed by your words. God is ever present and HE will be continue to be your foundation. We are also willing to help in any way we can. O’Brien Family NC

  31. Oh Linny I know it’s been said, but my heart is broken for you. I want to wrap my arms around you and weep with you. I am reminded that God often puts our lives through the fire only to be transformed to Gold.. Guess that is actually happening here!!

    I can’t wait to see the Gold God has in store for your PRECIOUS family. Please Please know how many are praying for all of you.

  32. Linn & Dwight

    I was shocked to hear you had lost your house to fire yet thankful and relieved that you are all safe. I am sad that your lovely home is gone and I am grieving with you all. This morning as I was leaving Durango Joe's (by WalMart) and heading for work I heard a siren go by and barely got a glimps of a fire emergency vehicle. I got in my car and started praying as I always do whenever I hear a siren. I prayed for the people who are involved and for the help that is on the way. Then as I am heading into Ignacio I see more fire trucks heading out of town. Immediately I'm pray because I'm thinking this is pretty serious. All morning I felt that I needed to keep praying. So I did off and on (because when your teaching you do what you can during your down times – which are short). Then I get home and my mother tells me that it was your house and again we began to pray for peace and then got on your blog to find out what I could. I know you have felt the prayers from all of us who are praying for you and the kids. The days ahead will be tough but know that we will continue to hold you up in prayer. We love you guys – Cecelia, Jes, Cody & Brett

  33. Oh dear ones,

    I'm weeping with many over the loss of your place called Simplicity, and all it held for you . . . all of your earthly treasures. I thought of Elizabeth's little pink coat earlier, such a tiny little thing, yet so much love was wrapped up in that little pink coat . . . and it held such a big God story.

    I know that the big God stories to come out of these ashes will have us shouting Yippee Jesus . . . But for now, for your precious family, the hurt is deep. . . and scary. Praying for the babies for something familiar to cling too . . . as I type, the Lord reminds me that you and Dw, and all of their brothers ans sisters are the "familiar" now for E & E. And that in the midst of trying to get settled in someone else's home . . . while your treasures lay in ashes, He is the Familiar.

    May our Father, who loves you all more than we can comprehend, comfort you, hold you, wipe your tears, and see you through to a new day. He is Able.

    Holding you up, with a heavy heart, in Texas~


  34. Linny,

    I was at a complete loss for words when I logged on this morning and saw what had happened. Immediately I started praying, and my prayers will not cease. I know material things could be replaced, but all those sentimental things mean so much. My prayers will include that as you sift through ashes, you find those treasures near to your heart. I continue to praise our God for allowing everyone to get out safely and for you having a safe and warm shelter to be at.

    Sending prayers and blessings, wrapped in a huge hug…


  35. Just wanted you all to know you’re in our thoughts and prayers. I know we have never met, but I feel like I know you all so well! I found you on Journey To Me when you adopted Isaiah and have been a faithful follower ever since. I admire you so much and I wish you all the best.

    Julie French and Family
    Troy, IL

  36. I found your blog a few days ago. When I find a blog I like I read the archives first, and work my way up to most recent posts.
    I intantly burst into tears for you and your family when I read what happened to your home. 🙁
    Thank GOD you ALL are safe. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are all going through. You are and will be in my prayers. ♥ ♥

  37. I’m sitting here literally watching your traffic (on the right sidebar) and am stunned to see how many visitors you are getting. Can you imagine how many are actually reading your testimony for the very first time tonight?? May God be glorified through all of this. Nothing can take the sting away of this tragic situation, but just know as you sit in perhaps total shock as to what has just happened you are exposing others to Christ across the globe this evening…

  38. My heart breaks for you as I realize what you all lost. I am so glad all that really matters made it out all right, but I know that still doesn’t help the pain. Please know there are many out there who care and are praying for you.

  39. Oh sweet, precious family…I am praying!

    Lord, I thank you for protecting this family. I ask that you comfort their grieving hearts. That you fill them with a peace that only you can give. Protect the children’s heart from fear. Continue to cradle this sweet family tightly in your arms. Give them wisdom and guidance in the days to come. You are a GREAT God and I know your plans are perfect. In Jesus Name, Amen

  40. I realize I’m a complete stranger and I saw a link to your blog on MckMama’s blog (who I also don’t know in real life), but I just wanted you to know that I’m praying for you and your family right now, and I’m praising God that you are all safe!
    God bless!
    -Chelsea from Oklahoma

  41. From here far away in the Philippines we are praying so hard for u guys.I was so shocked when I got on ur blog this am and saw the blog postings. Thinking of u all
    Much love From Susanna

  42. Sweet, Sweet friends:

    We love you more than words can say. You are never far from our hearts, even though we are so far away. I wish there was something more we could do, but know that we are doing all we can from here.

    We Love you, each and every one of you.

  43. Oh Linny, I am sitting here in China reading your blog and crying. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family but PTL everyone got out safely. I know how much your cabin means to you so I know this is not easy.
    I wish I could be there right now to give you a big hug. I will pray for you all the way from here. Again, I am soooo sorry!!!!
    Love Kathie

  44. Linn Dw and Family. This is my first post to your site. I have recently joined as a follower but have been following for a long time. You faith amazes me. I wish I can have the faith you have. As I read the blog this morning with tears in my eyes I wondered why this would happen to you of all people ( not that it should happen to anyone). I am thrilled that everyone is safe and in the end that is the most important. I will keep you in my thought and yes prayers. Debbie

  45. Sweet Linn and family,

    My heart is breaking for you… I am still just stunned. Funny though, one of my first thoughts was of the Memory Box and I’m so thankful that you mentioned it in your post.

    I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness to protect that for you… The things that remind you of His faithfulness and He protected it from the fire! Clearly a picture of God pausing in the midst of eternity…in the chaos of your tragedy and reminding you… I AM faithful!

    You are an inspiration to us all!


    P.S. I guess you realize there are two Sharla’s here (I’ve never had that happen before! She even spells her name the same way!)

  46. I have been following your family since you brought Isaiah home. I am so sorry about your home and things. However, I am rejoicing that your family is safe. I will be praying for ya’ll, especially Elizabeth and Elijah. My five year old was sitting on my lap when I read your post and she said that you just need to come and live with us. So, if you need a place in the Atlanta GA area, come on over! We would love to have you!

  47. There are no words that I could say that would make this all go away or bring back your precious home. I am deeply saddened by this as I know your hearts are aching. I wish I could lift this burden from you. But we know the One who can.

    Satan doesn’t realize that his attack on you yesterday will turn to bring glory to our GREAT GOD. He doesn’t realize that he messed with the wrong family.

    PLEASE call us for anything you need. I know we are far away but at least one of us will be there in a matter of hours if you need us. I’m serious.

    Please know that we are continuing to pray for you and we love you so much.

    Your Gardner friends

  48. Dear Dw, Linn and children,

    I am in tears reading your post, and have been off and on since yesterday, thinking about the loss you have suffered. I did think about the little ones, just home, just settling in, and now this. But, you are the most important daily physical being in their lives and you remain, so they will be okay. I know that you will be held in the arms of Jesus and that is where your comfort will come from. You are in my prayers constantly. Sending you hugs.

  49. I was awake off and on throughout the night, praying for your family. I know God is listening to all of the prayers being sent up for your family in this time of need. I am especially praying for Elijah and Elizabeth as they must be so confused by this upheaval.

    Sending a big blog HUG!

  50. One of your regular readers let me know about what happened. She reads my blog and she said she knew I was one who would pray.

    I have now subscribed through Bloglines to your blog. I want to follow how God is going to bless you very much.

    In every trial my family has known (and some severe), Jesus has turned it for good… what the enemy of our souls intended for evil.

    I’m praying!

  51. I am heartbroken at this tragedy. I don’t even know what to say. You have given so much of yourselves, and now your own lives are upside-down. I am so deeply sorry to hear about this terrible turn of events, but I am so relieved that everyone is OK. We are praying for you here in Ohio. And I, too, know that something big and wonderful will come of all this, someday. For now, I hope you all can find comfort, peace, and rest, and I do hope you find some irreplacable treasures as you tackle the most humbling and draining task of sifting through the rubble. We will be praying for you and will join whatever long-distance effort we can to help you all. God bless all of you!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  52. Dear Linn,
    I am so, so sorry. Please know that our family is blanketing you with prayer.

    I would love to send you some winter clothes for Elizabeth that our youngest daughter has just outgrown. If you have a moment, please email me where you would like me to send them and I will do it today.

    Although I have never commented on your lovely blog, I have prayed with you and for your family many times.



  53. Linny, I don’t know quite what to say. I have not commented until now because I was hoping for some great word. But nothing. You have been such an encourager to me over these last few months. I only wish I could do the same for you. If it is any comfort, please know that you and your precious family are ever-present in my mind and heart and I just pray quietly asking God to be ALL to you. Sending His love and hugs, Leslie in TN

  54. Dear Linn,
    I am so, so sorry. Please know our family is blanketing you with prayer.

    I would like to send you some winter clothes that my daughter (3t and 4t) has just out grown. If you have a moment, will you email me where you would like them sent and I will get it to you today.

    I have never left a comment on your lovely blog, but I have prayed with you and for your family many times. Your blog always blesses me as I know it does others as well. Thank you!


  55. Praying for strength and endurance for you, Linn, at this time… I am so sorry to hear of all those precious memories that have been lost to the fire. I hope you are able to salvage some from the ashes.
    You are so wise to cling tightly to His promises right now… how HE will be glorified through all this! He will keep His word!!

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