You Guys are Just TOO, TOO Much!! and a peak at Miss Elizabeth’s Coat

First off, you guys are unbelievable!! I have laughed off and on since posting the post about someone dropping off as friend after friend decided to join the ranks of Public Follower!! You guys are just too much!! Special thanks to: Adeye, Nancy, Julie, Gabby, Sally (even you?!!), The Thompsons, Fi, Sue, Tracy, Tesseraemum, Jamie K (look at their picture – are they cute together or what? Yes, I am a tad prejudice. Jamie is a military wife – and married to my cousin – and oh how I love them both! Pray for them please: he is deployed and she is expecting their first precious miracle!! Yippeee Jesus!! xo), Jodi, Kelli, Nancy, Kari C., Jane, Cel, Jhand, Laura, Debbie, Chris, Stacie, PettyPoo (one of my dearest friends in the entire world – not sure where the “name” came from – but no matter what I recognize that face Miss L…love you and miss you oh-so-much!!), Grace H, and Michy.

Thank you ALL for being so sweet to me! And I as typed each of your names (and if you have blogs, I linked to you – and if you don’t – well get a move on!!??) I prayed for each of you…that Almighty God would move in an even deeper way in your lives and that you would continually see Him as the Miracle-Working, Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring, Gasp-Giving God!!

And many of you have asked to see Elizabeth’s sweet little coat, given anonymously….I was gonna’ show you, but she was in the tub when I did the post so I couldn’t take any pictures…
But here she is looking all spiffy and beautiful, between services at church yesterday….big brother Ty is with her….

20 thoughts on “You Guys are Just TOO, TOO Much!! and a peak at Miss Elizabeth’s Coat

  1. Oh my gosh…I really would love a jacket like that for Lucy!! Next time we come visit, I’m getting her one!!

    I had no idea Bren texted that “drafty” comment to Em!!! How funny!!!

  2. Hi, not sure how I came across you blog, but so glad I did. I have been stalking it for several weeks now and have actually started my own blog, you can visit/stalk me at, I would love to link up blogs with you if you agree. You are an inspriation and blessing to many, and I would feel blessed to continue to follow your journeys. And maybe figure out how you got your hubby to love children so much, that he would want so many?? I need the secreat, mine says we are done at three. Kristi

  3. Hi Linn. I have been following your blog ever since I started the Dream Releasers class and was given the address to Kim Beach’s blog and then found yours! You are incredible…so inspiring. I feel blessed just to read your blog and see your unfailing faith. I have been coming to tRC since May and am just in awe of you, your family, and that hubby of yours ability to preach it! WOW! So…thanks for sharing yourself with all of us. You are such a blessing!


    ps- just you saying that you prayed for me brought a tear to my eye!

  4. Hi Linn. I have been following your blog ever since I started the Dream Releasers class and was given the address to Kim Beach’s blog and then found yours! You are incredible…so inspiring. I feel blessed just to read your blog and see your unfailing faith. I have been coming to tRC since May and am just in awe of you, your family, and that hubby of yours ability to preach it! WOW! So…thanks for sharing yourself with all of us. You are such a blessing!


    ps- just you saying that you prayed for me brought a tear to my eye!

  5. Oh goodness, thank you so much for your prayers. I really appreciate it. Thanks for visiting too 🙂
    Love the new family pic. Been thinking about you and praying for you as Tyler leave (or has already left). I know it must be so hard to say goodbye!
    Would love to meet someday too 🙂

  6. So cute!!!!! The little tights too…I can’t wait to have a girl! So nice to see your Tyler in the pictures. It must be wonderful to have him home. : )

  7. She’s beautiful! No wonder your awesome husband fell in love with that little girl!!! He must be some man of God! So tender – so compassionate – so handsome – so much of a man’s man — yes – he is my hero! Signed annonymouse

  8. Elizabeth is so cute! Love the tights too. We’ll have to have some of those for our Katie. I don’t know how to be a “friend” but I agree with you about the tithing. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways and now He’s adding to our family too. Another big blessing, hopefully soon!

  9. Love the coat, and the little one in it too! It reminds me of the Christmas stockings my boys have…they are made out of antique blankets, and quite special.

  10. What a precious coat but an even more memorable story. I was able to retell your story today to encourage someone dear to me that God provides for us in ways we cannot imagine when we put our trust in Him.

    Bless you! Lisa C.

  11. Thanks Linn! I love you too! Steve is doing well in Iraq..working longs hours and sleeping few. He is over the moon with excitement about our miracle baby boy due at the end of April. I am too!

    Love the new family pics! Your newest additions are so precious.

    Love you! Jamie K

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