Moving Day

I promised myself when I started our family blog that I would be transparent and make myself vulnerable. So here’s the real deal:

Sunday Dw and I spoke together about what it is like to be “in the valley”. We shared through tears much of our struggles. In the second service Dw had a very clear and dramatic revelation of one of the aspects that I have been wrestling with – it was powerful and instantly I started to cry. (Soon I will write about it.) We couldn’t have been anymore open and honest. Today or tomorrow the service will be available to listen to on our church web site: River Church

If instead you would rather have a CD of the service you can email Kelly (Dw’s administrative assistant) here:

Anyway, today we are moving into our rental. But being completely vulnerable both Dw and I are weepy and keep crying. The reality that we are not going home is hitting us with a new flood of powerful emotions: profound sadness and grief. Although the rental is very nice and has spectacular views we long for our little log home tucked away amidst acres of farmland.

Many of you have written or posted comments that you are praying for us and we thank you. We don’t know how we would have made it this far without the support of sweet friends here and bloggy friends around the world. We cannot repay you for your love and support, but we pray that God will multiply his blessings upon you for loving us so tenderly and lifting our weary arms. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you dearly and pray that one day we can personally hug your neck.

35 thoughts on “Moving Day

  1. If you need to get away to a cabin-we live in one-just you or you AND YOUR ENTIRE CREW are welcome here in Kansas any time 🙂 I know its not the same as your home but you are welcome just the same 🙂

  2. Interesting….365 followers…one new friend for each day of the year. Send me your new address so we can send you all the fun stuff. Will be praying for you today. Moving is no fun in any situation. I know the kids will be so happy to have more space. I can see them now running around..going into ‘their room’…lots of laughter. Hang on Linny. HUGS!!! You will have your home back soon..very soon..we pray.

  3. Stay strong Linn, God is taking you and your family on yet another journey. We are lifting you up in prayer. Take that wonderful family and enjoy this temporary new home with all God’s glory showering around it. Blessings to you all.

  4. We are praying for you and will continue. The song by Addison Road – Hope Now – keeps blaring in my head for you. Everything rides on hope now. Hope of a new place to call home, hope of rest, hope of the family being settled to completely bond with the new little ones and the ones to come, hope for Jubilee to come home safe and sound. It is just a great thing that our God specializes in giving hope AND a future!

  5. Oh goodness, my heart has been so heavy for you today—now I know why! My heart aches for you—I can only imagine how you must be feeling, so raw with emotion. Please know that I am praying for you today—trusting that the God of the Universe would bring comfort and peace to your weary heart, that He would give you an extra big squeeze today. Praying that you would find rest in the shelter of His wings. This too shall pass, sweet friend. Keep pressing in and pressing on—beauty for ashes are just around the corner. I just know it 🙂

    Sending you an extra big today.

  6. Praying for you as always…wishing I was there to help. You know how much I like to help you move!! Can’t wait to see you soon. Love you much, Jojo

  7. So glad to hear that you are moving into a rental day. I know it goes with great emotions. We are all praying for your family has you make this trasition. We all know God has big plans for your family. Could you please send me a mailing address? I have a box of goodies for you and I am not sure where to send them too.

    God Bless,
    Lisa Freeman
    Newark, Ohio

  8. Linny,
    I will plan on listening to the service as soon as possible. God is using you to minister and reach so many people. You won’t know the extent of it this side of Heaven. I hope the new rental home will hold unexpected blessings and will bring you rest and renewal during this season of life.

  9. Linny,
    I will plan on listening to the service as soon as possible. God is using you to minister and reach so many people. You won’t know the extent of it this side of Heaven. I hope the new rental home will hold unexpected blessings and will bring you rest and renewal during this season of life.

  10. Praying moving day goes smoothly!

    It’s natural for you to be grieving for the home you have lost but think of the excitement of settling into your new home! I’m sure your new residence will feel much more homely than the hotel.

    Love xxx

  11. We are praying for you!
    It will be good to spread out a little AND your just one step closer to home. God has amazing things for you on the other side of this! Not that He hasn’t already!)
    I keep hearing that you gave up your big house to be able to bring home more kids and the Lord is going to bless your obedience with a home beyond your wildest dreams!

  12. Linny, continued prayers here for you and your family. None of us know the extent of what God is doing, and yet I firmly believe it’s going to be something truly powerful. Hugs from Canada.

  13. Continuing to pray for you all here in Kentucky. I can’t begin to comprehend your sorrow – a heavy burden for a heart to bear. Trusting that God will give you the grace you need for today…and will help your children to feel safe and secure in their new home.

  14. You’re all in our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers today and everyday. We’re so sorry for your pain, Linn. Oh we are hoping that all of you being cozy together tonight will bring some much-needed comfort to each of you.

    With Love and Prayers from CT, Amy and Family

  15. My husband and I caught your message on Sunday (via stream) and shared your heartache and pain. We just went through a rather large valley and understand your grief and loss. I am so sorry and think of you all daily. Just know that we all are pulling for you and will help you through this trying time. Thank you so much for your message and telling your story. Many blessings and we will continue to pray.

  16. We are still praying for you here in OH! You are so strong, and I know He will lead you through all this. I pray that the rental gives you room to spread out and begin to feel a little more normal, as you wait for a more permanent resolution. Thanks for sharing this journey, painful as it is. We are really pulling for you, praying for you, and sending you love!

    All the best!
    Nicole A. in OH

  17. I’m so sorry for the sadness you are feeling. I wish I had something really profound to say, but I just keep thinking how sad and unsettled I would be feeling if I were in your place. I will continue to pray for you, and please know that I really do try to lift you up before our Father at least once during each day. I care about you and send my love.

  18. you know I’m the worst person out there for posting comments, because really I just want to call and say hi. Maybe tomorrow I will do that too but in the meantime, I love you, I miss you, and I’m so thankful you get to get out of the hotel, but I’m so sad that you don’t get to go home. From here it is hard to imagine when you tell me about the house, and how beautiful it is etc…because I can’t imagine you anywhere but home. See, this is why I don’t comment, I just make things worse. That being said, I’m thankful that you have a place, I’m thankful that you have a beautiful view of the Colorado that you love, I’m thankful there is enough room in this house for all the kids, and I’m thankful there is a big freezer to hold Ice Cream in. Love you tons!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Linn,

    If you moved yesterday, you must have spent your first night in the rental. We are and continue to to pray. I cannot imagine what all you are going through right now. I look forward to listening to your message from church on Sunday. May God continue to open your eyes to pieces of the puzzle that will complete this section of your journey with this loss.

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  20. Oh my goodness, I had no idea what you had been through the past month, I have been gone to Florida for a month because our oldest daughter had a baby! I didn’t haqve all my blog addresses with me, on my new laptop. I am so sorry for all you have endured but I know that you know God is faithful!!! Please know, That now that I know, I am praying for you!!!!!!

    God be with you!

  21. So many adoptive families in Pagosa are praying for God’s mercy, grace, strength and supernatural sufficiency to carry you all. May you feel the safe shelter of His holy embrace.
    Your friends at CARE

  22. Linn…so sorry for all of the grief you are passing through. Reading your blog, it reminded me that our adopted kids must feel just the same way you are feeling right now. They just want to go home–but “home” in their birth country is gone. Nothing is familiar, the people are different, etc. I believe God is giving you a deep glimpse into the heart of your children as you walk this road of loss and grief. Praying that He will continue to hold your hand.

  23. Linn…I am so so sorry for your pain and grief. As I was reading your post, I couldn’t help thinking that maybe God is giving you a glimpse into what children feel at adoption…especially the older ones. They are torn from all that is familiar with no way of going back. Even though God has something wonderful in store for them, they can’t see it yet. I believe God has something wonderful ahead for you, but since you can’t see it yet, you have to walk this dark valley, being willing trust the One who holds your future. He is with you, holding you–just as you are with your newly adopted children, holding and loving them as they grieve all that they have lost.
    By the way…it’s so cool to ‘know’ someone else who has 10 kids! 🙂

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