Prayers Answered – – – Yippee Jesus!

It seems that the prayers you all have been praying have been heard. We have a verbal agreement (lease to follow) on the rental of a home – Yippee Jesus!

There are some interesting things about having a trauma like being in a fire where your home is destroyed. It does weird things to your noggin. I am the girl who has always said, “Plunk me down in the middle of 500 acres in a house and I will be the happiest lady around” – – UNTIL the fire. At this moment all I want is people around me and I want to live in a sub-division. Dw was like, “HUH? This cannot be my wife!”

Here’s what I know so far:
1. I am feeling very vulnerable and I need “community” around me.

2. I don’t want to go anywhere alone – it sounds overwhelming.

3. I am reliving the fire over and over (still!).

4. I feel like I am swimming in molasses, with my nose barely bobbing above the molasses.

5. I can’t remember much post-fire. I know friends called, texted, etc., I can’t remember anything. People have said they told me this and that (all important things)…yeah, like I said, no clue.

6. It feels like the fire was over three years ago (no kidding).

7. If you called, emailed, or texted and told me something important that I needed to remember and I haven’t gotten back to you…….please forgive – I don’t remember it at all! I am slowly responding to all the wonderful emails you friends have written, but I am starting at January 14th and working forward so please be patient!! I am so thankful for each and every encouraging word – you guys rockt!!

The home we found is in a sub-division. It has a killer view of the mountains (looking forward to taking pictures of them and posting them for you, my sweet friends, to see). The gentleman who built it currently lives in it. It is only 2 years old. He showed it to us days after the fire, but was reluctant because he has never had any children, but “he felt sorry for us”. =) We’ll take “sorry” if it means we can move into something more permanent than the hotel. This sleeping in two separate rooms – around the corner and down the hall from each other is just not-so-much fun to this mama and her sweet hubby – especially at a time like this!! I miss that man of mine’s snuggles!!

Anyway, the home is a four bedroom. We had even considered a 3 bedroom but didn’t want Ch*na to get fidgety with Jubilee coming home and us only having 3 bedrooms. We are so thankful that this gentleman is willing for us to rent his home. He is going to move his things out. We will probably be, Lord willing, allowed to move in about 2 weeks.

I called my friend Tavi to tell her we had found a place. Her husband, Terry, wanted to know when we would be moving cause he wanted to help. I told him that so far we only own a crock-pot so I think we got it covered. (Have to add a speck of humor to get through these difficult days.) When Celestia came this past week she brought me a crock-pot full of chili and said to keep the pot – thank you precious friend!!

People from church have made a list of what people are willing to donate to our home. I have not seen the list, but we will be checking it soon. Shopping for things, again, overwhelming.

Many of you have written and want to know some specific prayer requests:

1. As much fun as it might sound to outfit a home, it sounds completely overwhelming to me at the moment to set up house for 8 people, especially since I am swimming in molasses. Please pray that we have the strength to do it.
2. The kids and I have been having lots of nightmares (even our grown kids)…horrible nightmares…please pray that they end and that the Lord would heal the memories.
3. Please pray for the contractors who are looking at bulldozing vs. “repairing”….as much as we love our little log home we are praying that they just bulldoze it and get rid of the memories.
4. Please pray for Tyler and the rest of our troops and their families.
5. Please pray that the time spent here in the hotel we will be able to be used to draw people to Jesus Christ. We have become friends with much of the staff and they all adore the kids. We want this time here to be productive for the kingdom – so please pray!

6. I am not sleeping much at night. Actually, I admit that I am kind of afraid to go to sleep. (Yes Leslie, I was up at 1:45am typing the Memorial Box Monday post.) And then after doing the post I was talking to Lynsay (in Ch*na) on the phone. I know all the scriptures and I know that my God has always been faithful. This is just a difficult adjustment time.
7. Please pray for the kids. There are so many thoughts and feelings floating around and I am attempting to help each process them.

Thank you all, dear friends! Speaking of friends, since I last mentioned all the new friends a bunch more have joined in: connie, Karen, Carla, Anita, Jen, waitingarms, Tonya, My2Blessings, Glo, Hay Family, Selima, Laura, Joy Portis, Berg, Esther’s mom, Team Krupa, Kristin, Shonni, Tracey S., StressedBlessedMom in GA, Jackie Egan, Jessi Shoup, jennifer, Kelly, Debbie K., The Costa Family, and Andrea Nielsen! Your love and friendship is amazing to us!!

Thank you for your prayers and may the Lord shower His love on each and every one of you!

36 thoughts on “Prayers Answered – – – Yippee Jesus!

  1. Sending my love!! Thank you for sharing your heart, and your specific prayer requests! Know that I am lifting you and your requests up to the Lord!

  2. I am so glad you posted. I have just had this real uneasy feeling today that you were having a hard day so I have been praying and checking your blog.

    I was up with sick kids last night so I decided to use that time to pray so I want you to know that I was praying for your Tyler last night.

    Also God had Jubilee on my heart during my shower today so I was praying her home today.

    I am so glad that you will finally have a place to call “home” even if it is a tempory home.

    Hugs and prayers from Indiana!

  3. love you guys! Let us know when you’re moving. We can help move stuff, watch the kids, sing songs during the move :)…whatever you want. We’re here for you! And we miss you. I’m praying for all of your list and more.

  4. What an awesome answer to prayer! 🙂

    I'm so glad you have found a house! How exciting. I hope & pray you can find everything you need & make the transition easily.

    God Bless!

  5. I’m so thankful for your new place to live! I understand the things you are saying. Tragedy changes you. Makes you a different person than you were before. I can also relate to those nightmares and not sleeping. It was the worst time of day for me after Lili died. I prayed every night that I wouldn’t relive it as I fell asleep. Your mind is no longer “busy” and every little thing can creep in. I’m praying for you each and every day!


  6. Continuing to lift you all up in prayer for peace and understanding that only He can give us. For God to clear your minds so rest can come. So glad you found a house to rent. Praise God! Hugs from Florida!

  7. I am so happy that you found a house to rent, that this man is giving up his new home to allow you to rent it! How cool is that!

    Your family has been on my mind alot and I am praying for you all. I hope the nightmares end for you and your children.

    Have a great day!

  8. congratulations on finding a temporary permanance! i can only imagine how nice it will be to be in a home.
    you are so loved. in my difficult times, i think of you, and though i know that you are down, that you have incredible faith in God to provide and heal. it encourages me.

  9. Praise the Lord that you have found a house!

    Don’t worry about forgetting the “important” things lately. No one will hold anything against you. It’s so understandable. Post traumatic stress or something, right?

    I continue to pray for your family. I can’t wait to see your family in your new home.


  10. So thankful with you about the house. That’s wonderful news.

    We had a family tragedy a few years ago and I CANNOT remember what happened the two weeks after…I don’t think I ever will. I don’t know who took care of our kids, I don’t know what we ate. It still bothers me that I didn’t thank the right people or do/say the right things, but it is all a blur. Thankfully people are understanding, as I’m sure they will be for you as well.

  11. I am so glad that God has touched this man’s heart to allow you to live there! I will be praying that he will be blessed by listening to the prompting of the holy spirit. I am also praying PEACE, PEACE and more PEACE on you and your family as you endure yet another transition! God Bless You All!!

  12. So glad to hear that you are going to be renting a house! What a nice man he is to let you all stay in it. I’m still praying for you and your family and hope only the best for all of you. I’d say it’s only normal that you are reliving the fire over again. May God be w/ you!

  13. It’s so good to hear more of the pre-fire Linny in your blogging:o)(not talking bout your spiritual side, just the free and easy humor you interject into the blog) I know that there is more to work through, just rejoicing over the distance you guys have come through this.
    If the distance wasn’t against us, we gladly would have let you stay in our rental, it’s only a 3 bedroom, and the commute for DW to the church would of been a bit of a challenge, but one bright note is that if Ty is re stationed at the same base he could be home every night:o)
    Are DW’s fingers doing ok? I hear typing is good therapy…..*smirk*
    O yea! remember the offer for getting you and DW a room in Africa???
    I’m sure if I mentioned it to Rach the offer would apply to Durango!!!!!ROFL

  14. I know that feeling that you are feeling and it is very uncomfortable- it is kind of a post traumatic stress thing. I will pray for you all- it will take a little time to get through it- bless you all and especially you dear mom of many! Your are awesome- even if you feel weakened sometimes!

    Congratulations on your Home! I know you will make it feel like home- how can it not with all those incredible kids running around! That dear man (the new landlord) will be blessed for either feeling “sorry” OR taking a chance!


  15. Yahoo! I think of you everyday.
    I’m so glad you’ll have a “home” again!

    Thank you Lord for blessing this family in their time of need…and grief. Please let her feel your big hugs during her darkest hours.

  16. I don’t know if you’d be willing to or not but would you consider doing a wish list on and providing us with a shipping address? I would defintely LOVE to help and purchase something for your family. I could also post on my face book and blog so that more folks can know and I know others would be willing to do the same!! Please email me vbayouangel @ with no space!!

  17. Yippee! Jesus! I was praying for your rental again today. We will continue to pray for your peace of mind. Don’t be too hard on yourself your brain is in recovery mode. God will heal.


  18. Sweet Linn, I will pray for some restful sleep for you. Praying for your other requests as well. Praise God that He has provided a place for you all to live!

  19. Yippee Jesus indeed!!! So glad you found somewhere you feel comfortable with.And I am loving that extra bedroom.. cause I’m coming to visit.. though.. I would sleep in your bathtub.. but still. I have a feeling you are going to put that bad boy to use!

    And you know I am praying. I just wish I were there to get my hands dirty and help.

    And give me a quick update when you get a chance on e-mail the other day… 🙂

    love you girl!

  20. Yay!! We are so, so happy for you … a place to live is such a big step in the right direction! I hope you can move in and start to feel a little more normal and a little more settled, one day at a time.

    Still praying for you, of course!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  21. Linn and family,
    We are praying for you all. We rejoice with you that you have found a house to rent! We will continue to pray that the Lord will be your peace in this time of grief and chaos.
    Many blessings to you and yours,
    Alycia and family

  22. God Bless your new landlord! I can’t wait to share your happy news with my family, Linn. We’ll continue to pray specifically. Take heart, sweet friend. You Are LOVED!

    {{{Big Hugs}}},

  23. such a sweet answer to prayer. i hope this will be a peaceful place for you to begin rebuilding your home and your lives. i am praying for your sweet jubilee!

  24. such a sweet answer to prayer. i hope this will be a peaceful place for you to begin rebuilding your home and your lives. i am praying for your sweet jubilee!

  25. What a blessing the Lord has given in a 4 bedroom house. Jubilee’s process has been heavy on my heart to pray for. Did you loose all the paperwork?? Birth certificates, authentications and such???? I know that I felt the need to keep hold of my dossiers until the end and I was praying that you had sent yours to your agency already. We continue to pray.

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  26. Oh Linn, PTL for the house! And your perspective on the man feeling sorry for you all … why can’t I be like that more often! YES, we’ll take feeling sorry! I LOVE your spirit! OK, I am so sorry you are not sleeping. I was trying to be funny but I guess it is not at all! SORRY! I wish I could be there to do something. People asked me to speak at the impromptu gathering of people at our house the night we arrived home and I distinctly remember saying that I had learned that prayer is the NUMBER ONE thing we can do for brothers and sisters in Christ who are present with us in spirit but not physically. Because so many of you all were praying for us (as you could not be there in China), I realized how POWERFUL in a new way that prayer are when given to our FAther. I will pray over your requests Linn, specifically about the nightmares. I have not been where you are … I do not know how you are doing it. Hugs to you sweet sister!

  27. Praising God for an answer to our prayers! I’ll be praying that you are able to “set up” house easily and completely!
    Continued blessings!

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