Thankful Thursday – from the hotel

“In EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
I Thes. 5:18

Thankful Thursday is one of my favorite days. I get to tell the world (okay, so just the part of the world that reads my blog) what I am thankful for.

The fire has definitely turned our world upside down. But in the midst of the chaos, confusion, commotion and heartache we are still attempting to be very thankful. I told Dw yesterday, “If I cave in to complaining it will just breed unthankfulness – and I refuse to do that!!!!”
So what am I thankful for?
This Thankful Thursday I am thankful that God heard my prayer and gave me a promise way back in 1982. He promised me that HE would “make the barren woman to be at home, the joyful mother of children.” This chica only ever wanted a bazillion kids and I am on my way to my dreams coming true!!
I am thankful for my precious treasures: Abigail and Ryan, Tyler, Autumn, Emma, Graham, Liberty, Isaiah, Elizabeth and Elijah (and soon Jubilee)….(most of these pictures were taken when we were at Abigail and Ryan’s for Thanksgiving or when Tyler was home two days before the fire – such precious memories)….
I am thankful for the privilege of being married for 30+ years now to my best friend (who also happens to be a hunk)..picture taken at Abby and Ry’s at Thanksgiving…
I am thankful for Africa and the privilege of going there in December to bring home two treasures (so far!)…
I am thankful that Emma thought to grab my computer (I had no clue!) so that the pictures on it I still have….
And I am always thankful for all my bloggy friends – you guys warm my heart and knowing you care brings great comfort….xo.
This picture of Abby (with her handsome hubby) always makes me laugh…

And this picture was taken just two days ago…they had a campout under the little kitchen table here….

What are you thankful for this Thankful Thursday??

25 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday – from the hotel

  1. I am thankful for the things we sometimes take for granted: Our God who is always with us, even though we sometimes forget; the world wide web which helps us make new friends (and addictions to reading their blogs-ha-ha) and serves as a way to renew our faith even though there are miles of distance between us and our bloggy friends; for healthy, happy children who live in a great nation and a system out there to help children who don’t have those same things. Thanks for this post today, as sometimes we tend to dwell on the negative not the positive!

  2. OK friend,
    God just kicked me in the butt with your post. I just posted my Thankful Thursday and well if you have time to read it you will understand why God just kicked me in the butt.

    Thank you for getting me into Thankful Thursday and I truly think it is something everyone should do. You have taught me that even when I’m grumpy I need to look for things I’m thankful for.

  3. How absolutely precious.
    Mmmm—-I am sooooo thankful for many things. Mostly thankful today that God is stirring our hearts for another adoption. A little one has captured my heart—wwhooooo, journey’s in the Lord, so much fun 🙂
    You are a blessed mommy to many, friend.
    Love and hugs

  4. I am thankful you found a rental home! I am thankful for your willingness to share your family’s stories to strengthen our hearts and bring God glory!
    I am thankful for a puppy I “have” to take outside every 30 minutes because that means I can enjoy God’s creation A LOT! 😉

  5. I am thankful that the Lord has given you so much to be thankful for in spite of the tough times you all have gone through… many people would only dwell on all the loss, negativity, thoughts that God has let them down, etc. but you continually look up and that is such a great inspiration for all who read your blog as well as come into contact with you. Please know that God has given you and your family something special to share with the world through testimony, love and determination to always glorify Him. I just posted this passage up on my kitchen cupboard today (others fill it as well) but thought this was a great one to encourage you all and to know that I truly think of you all the time…
    “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. AND THE PEACE OF GOD, WHICH TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING, WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS.” Philippians 4:4-7
    I love you, Jen and family

  6. I am thankful that the Lord has given you so much to be thankful for in spite of the tough times you all have gone through… many people would only dwell on all the loss, negativity, thoughts that God has let them down, etc. but you continually look up and that is such a great inspiration for all who read your blog as well as come into contact with you. Please know that God has given you and your family something special to share with the world through testimony, love and determination to always glorify Him. I just posted this passage up on my kitchen cupboard today (others fill it as well) but thought this was a great one to encourage you all and to know that I truly think of you all the time…
    “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. AND THE PEACE OF GOD, WHICH TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING, WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS.” Philippians 4:4-7
    I love you, Jen and family

  7. (That campout looks fun!)

    Thankful for:

    1. Bleach…to clean a 2 boy soon to be 4! boy bathroom. :o)
    2. In-laws…who are coming for a visit.
    3. Hubby…he’s just some kind of wonderful.
    4. Pizza…for I cannot even THINK about cooking.
    5. Joshua…my superhero helper of a 13 yr. old. He is Mr. Responsible.
    6. Caleb…my quick witted zaney 11 yr. old. He’s Mr. …um… Prankster.
    7. Missionary…who is teaching our little Daniel ASL in Uganda.
    8. Suffering…God uses it to bring us closer to Him and glorify Him and produce fruit of peaceable righteousness.
    9. Sonship(or in my case Daughtership)…I have been adopted by my wonderful Lord who has made me a joint heir with Jesus. WOW! Can ya believe it?
    10.You blog…where you testify to the truth of Jesus, His workings and faithfulness in your lives.

  8. I love those pictures. I’m so thankful I found this blog, made a new friend and seen the hand of God move in ways beyond our wildest imaginations. I’m so thankful there are people like you guys who love the orphans. It touches my heart everyday I come here. You Linn are such a blessing to others. How can we not be thankful to know you, even if only through the blogging world.

  9. Thankful for a kind, loving and Gracious heavenly Father … the one who is there always & forever. Where would we possibly be without His love and the hope He inspires.

    blessings to you & yours on this cold February day!

  10. I am thalnkful for you. your faith and family are an inspiration to me. I one of the lukers who hasn’t revealed themself until now. I hope to send you a box soon with stuff my friends and I have gathered for your family.
    sending you this from frozen minnesota, Candice

  11. Oh I am so glad that you have some sweet pictures from your computer!!!! What a blessing .. Linn, this story is one that God will se for SO long to touch SO many lives.

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  12. I still need to post my Thankful Thursday! Just one of the many things I am thankful for is that the Saunders family has found a place to live! Thank you Jesus!

    I am also thankful for our new World Vision sponsor child– who, in honor of Elizabeth and Elijah, is from Uganda!!! Her name is Winnie and she just turned five, on our Teddi’s birthday! Thank you Linn for sharing the plight of Uganda while you were there. I will share more about the God story of Winnie, in my TT post later.

    Love your post, and all your sweet babes (and your sweet DH too). So thankful that Emma saved your computer, and the pictures on it!

    Blessings to you dear one~


  13. I am thankful to see the positive change in Elizabeth and Elijah’s eyes. Even in the midst of all the MAJOR changes in their lives, the look in their eyes in those last two pictures is priceless. It seems to have gone from uncertainty and/or surface happiness to a joy that comes from the soul.
    I remember thinking while I was in China that my son had a beautiful smile and that he seemed a pretty happy child for a 3 year old orphan. After we had been home about 6 weeks I was going through all the pictures I had taken and was stunned at how different his eyes looked. How much deeper they were and how much more feeling you could see in them. His face went from having a smile to showing joy. I am thankful that God can change the eyes of the orphan by providing them a HOME, even if it is a hotel room 🙂

    I recently learned that our adoption agency now has a Uganda adoption program. They are located in Alabama and were wonderful to work with. If you have readers that are interested in Uganda but reluctant to go without agency support this could be an option for them.

    I am thankful for you for loving the orphan and for sharing you faith, hope and love, with the rest of us.


  14. I am thankful for you and your family and your blog! It is a joy to read and an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your ups and downs AND your steady faith in God!
    Bless you tonight on your ride along!

  15. I’m thankful for You. And Our Heavenly Father that You have helped me get closer to. Reading your blog all these months and the wonderful e-mail you sent me awhile back has done more for me then you will ever know. God Bless you and yours,

  16. I am thankful for your blog, and for you and your family whose unrelenting faith is carrying you through a very difficult situation. You are continually a testament to Him, even in your darkest hours, and your faith is inspiring. I am thankful to be one of the many who pray for you daily and who will join in praising God for all the good that will soon come to you.

    I am also eternally grateful for my wonderful husband, my three sweet children, and our next daughter somewhere waiting for us on the other side of the planet. And I am grateful for His help in guiding us to finally meet her, someday!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

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