Memorial Box “Monday” – The Box of Zipl*c Bags

I was talking recently to some new friends. The wife mentioned an illustration I had used that had greatly impacted her thoughts when I spoke a couple of years ago. I said, “That’s exactly the story I thought about telling this Memorial Box Monday.”

Many, many years ago, when Dw and I were first married he was in law school. I worked as a secretary/bookkeeper to “put hubby through”. I got paid a $150.00 per week, which even many years ago was not exactly rolling in the dough. We faithfully tithed. We gave away secretly. Amazingly God took that $150.00 a week and stretched it like spandex. We paid all his tuition without ONE student loan – Yippee Jesus!! We even were able to take a trip to visit family by air. It was something only God could do – BUT we were faithfully tithing and giving away.

On a sidenote…Dw and I continually want God’s best for people. We are perplexed when people feel “they can’t afford to tithe”. We say, “You can’t afford NOT to tithe.” We have been without income (when we planted a church) and yet God always provided above and beyond all that we could think or ask. If you are struggling with finances and aren’t tithing – then start tithing and watch what God does. Even when your income may be small and your 10% insignifcant from that small amount – do NOT rob God! He sees, He watches and He waits. He will provide – because His word promises to – WHEN you tithe. He is not obligated if you are not tithing.

Anyway, back to the story. On our limited income many things were not part of the budget. I got $15.00 a week for groceries. I was so careful as to what I bought. We s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it all. One thing I really felt I could use were some quart size Zipl*c Freezer Bags. They would be so handy for leftovers, etc. I thought about it, then finally I splurged and bought some. As I was putting them in the cupboard I felt like the Lord said, “Do not look in the box, do not count them as you use them. I will make these stretch like you can’t imagine.” So I put them in a high cupboard above the stove. This was going to be fun!!

As a need arose, I would reach up in that cupboard (which was well up over my head) and reach into that box. Months passed and each time I reached into the box there was another one. I would laugh. I was getting a stinkin’ kick out of this endless supply of Zipl*c Bags. Over a year passed.

Now, mind you, I was a good steward. I would recycle the used bags: washing them and using them again. But each time I needed a new one, I would reach in and there was always one more. *giggle* It was just too fun!!

One day as it neared the time that Dw would graduate I reached in and pulled out the last one. I could tell the box was empty and the supply was gone. My best guess is that for a box of 30 there had been 100 (or more) – at least! I still smile as I see a box of Zipl*cs reminded each time of our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God!

There is a single Zipl*c in our Memorial Box to remind us of God’s complete provision. And for the record, after losing our home to fire and now dealing with the insurance adjustor it is easy to grow concerned what will happen (which is another story for another time)…but I am reminded of even the little Zipl*c freezer bags that God multiplied to provide for us. He will not be leaving us high and dry (or in Colorado snowy and cold)…He WILL provide a home – just because He loves us so and He who was faithful with the Zipl*c bags will be faithful now!! Yippee Jesus!!

If I did not have our Memorial Box filled with symbols of His faithfulness during these difficult days I would have to wrack my brain to remember what God has done. The Memorial Box is the most important part of our home, next to our Bibles. If you do not have a Memorial Box, I explain it here. If you would like to be included in the giveaway, please leave a comment with this post saying so. I explain the giveaway and many of you joined the giveaway on this Memorial Box post weeks ago.
Dw and I and the kids are going Memorial Box hunting for the giveaway, hopefully this week to another neighboring town. Soon we will have the drawing I pray!!

PS If you want to ask a question as mentioned in this post, but don’t want to leave it as a comment….please email me separately(see sidebar). No name will be used with any of the questions….. Love you sweet friends!! xo

27 thoughts on “Memorial Box “Monday” – The Box of Zipl*c Bags

  1. Hi Linny!
    Only God can take a ziplock bag memory and use it to help you believe for a house! Thanks for reminding us how fun our Father is. Tell Dwight we hope he had a happy birthday.
    Love and hugs,
    Mark, Lisa, Tavin and Taleah

  2. How awesome the timing of this post. I have been inspired by your blog and your life story for many months now. Following along quietly without leaving comments. This post comes at such an awesome time. Our Pastor is having us read the TREASURE PRINCIPLE. It is challenging us to tithe. I am a stay at home mom of five children. We have been Christians for 20+ years. We use to tithe. Than I’m not sure what happened, but it stopped. I am normally the conservative one in the family. I am strongly encouraging my husband to tithe again. The money truly is not there. I am telling him to trust in God and HE WILL PROVIDE. It may make NO SENSE to us, but I to know we serve an AWESOME GOD and he can do above anything we could ever imagine. I will have DH read this post tonight. God’s continued blessings on you and your family!!!

  3. Thanks for this post! It truly is such a joy to tithe and to not do so is to deprive oneself of so much. To the world it must make no sense at all!
    And thanks for sharing another story of God’s provision. Those are the best stories!
    Oh! And we’d love to be included in the Memorial Box giveaway!

  4. Ziplocs are special in our home too. I went to use one 10+ years ago and involuntarily my Mum shouted, ‘No!’ She wasn’t usually a stingey person so this was very unusual and something we laughed about often. From then on plastic bags were a symbol of our love for one another, Father Christmas even used to bring them for our stockings!
    Mum’s been dead for nearly 5 and a half years but I still can’t use a ziploc without thinking about that day!

  5. I saw your original post about the memorial box giveaway, and while I wanted to enter I hesitated because I didn’t feel spiritual enough, or good enough, but after seeing you post about it again, I decided I needed to enter. I was raised in a Christian home, went to a Christian school, Christian college, etc, etc, etc but I have never felt like my relationship with God was all that special. Lately though, I have really been feeling God drawing me to Him, and your blog has had a lot to do with inspiring me to pursue a deeper relationship with Him. I look at you and see how great a relationship with God can be, and I feel like how could I not want that?!?! I think the memorial box would be a great way for me and my family to take the time to start recognizing God in our lives and being aware of His presence and the way he blesses me and draws me onto Himself.


  6. Linn,
    I would love to be in the drawing for your Memorial Box. Regardless if I win or not. I think that I will look for a box myself and if I do win and already have a box picked out maybe I can do what you are doing and give it to someone else. Thank you for your post today. I think we all fear at times stepping out in faith that God will take care of our needs.I know I do. I dont want to, but that stupid “human thing” always seems to get in the way. But I do know that the Lord loves me and He has always taken care of me, and I love the way He does it in only a way that He can.
    This is not a financial story, however it is a story that is a testimony to how much God loves us and that He knows our hearts desire and how much He delights in our happiness. Last year I was working as a custodian for the post office. My husband and I were going through some true life challenges at the time and everything just seemed so overwhelming. One day after leaving work we went to town for some appointments that we had and then to have some lunch together (an actual date). When I went to use the bathroom before we left, I washed my hands and happened to notice that the diamond in my wedding set was gone. To say that I was freaking out would probable be an understatement. I frantically dropped to the ground looking under the stalls in the bathroom, around the trash can, and then out to the table where we had eaten. But I didnt find the diamond. I was heart broken, My husband tryed to be so sweet and insisted that we could get a new one to replace it, although I knew that it was something that couldnt be afforded at the time, and to me a new one just wasnt the same. That day on the way home I prayed about it. I knew that the Lord knew what that sparkly rock meant to me, so if I was meant to have it back He would give it back to me. And then I just kinda let it go. The next day when I went to work, I worked slowly, hoping to find the ring. I swept the floors slowly, mopped the floors slowly, I checked around the trash cans, sinks, every bin I could find. No Diamond. Three days after I had lost the diamond I was at work out in the main lobby where all the boxes are and where there is a constant stream of traffic everyday with people checking their mail. I was dust mopping the floors like I did everyday before that one and when I shook the dust mop to sweep up all the dirt, I saw something small, and shiney in the mix…when i reached down to pick it up it was my SPARKLY ROCK!! Oh my goodness my heart was pounding, and immediatly I was praising and thanking God. He knows us! HE knows our desires and He loves us! Every single one of us! If we let Him into the smallest details of our lives, not just the big ones we would have every day miracles in our lives. Just like the never ending supply of ziplock bags. Bless you Linn.

  7. Linny,

    That was a great story about Ziploc bags. I used to work for the company that made them. That tickled me that they would be so precious to you!

    We needed that story of God’s provision as we get closer to collecting everything we need for our new adoption. Everything that is except the money!! LOL We know God will provide! We are just praying, waiting, and watching!!

    Janet and Kevin

  8. That story is such a great reminder to me of how deeply the Lord cares for even the tiniest desires of our hearts. I haven’t found a box yet but I’ve started Memorial Box Monday posts on our family blog too. It is SO important that we don’t forget His faithfulness!

  9. I’m just in tears. We need God to move a mountain right now….w/ adoption. My heart is so stirred I can hardly breathe. My thoughts are continually in Uganda. My mind is scattered. My faith ebbs and flows.

    Thank you for sharing this! : )

  10. I love your blog, and your memorial box idea. We all need reminders of the great things God has done for us in the past. It is so easy to forget in day to day life.

  11. I would love to be included in the memory box give away. We all need to be reminded of the wonderful things God has done for us in the past. It is too easy to forget all the great things He has done while we go through our busy days.

  12. GREAT story!

    We tithe … and God does provide for our extra-large family. However, things are very financially stressful right now. So, this story was the perfect reminder of God’s faithfulness.



  13. I’m right there with you on the tithing!! God has proven Himself so faithful to us since we have been tithing. Now I have to venture back to my own blog and write a Memorial Day Monday post. 🙂

  14. I seriously tell everyone this story – I remember when you shared it a church a couple of years ago too. It is such a testimony of God’s faithfullness in even the little things that we sometimes don’t think matter to God. For you Zipl*cs were a splurge but God cared even about your splurges!
    My story of Gods faithfulness in the little things goes like this…
    When I was leaving working in Yosemite I really wanted to take my green work shirt with me but it cost like $25 or something. If I were to take it they would deduct my last paycheck for the money – and it was money I didn’t have ( I mean comeon they pay you peanuts to work there and I also owed my parents $). So the day I’m leaving I went to look in “the free bin” a place where people leave stuff they don’t want anymore – there, in my size, and in my color (work divisions were broken up into different colors) was the shirt I wanted. Who would put their shirt in the free bin when they would be charged out of their paycheck for it??!!! Especially in my size and color! Crazy. God is so good!
    Speaking of colors I haven’t told you yet that I love the new blog look 🙂

  15. Even though I've heard you share this story before, I'm still so blessed to hear it again. God is so good & faithful!

    I am waiting on God for a HUGE miracle in my life right now. I totally expect God to move in amazing ways. So I appreciated hearing your wonderful story again.

    Also, I would love to be included in your giveaway, if possible.

  16. As I type of this comment I am listening to the “YEAR OF JUBILEE” singing loud and strong… I am still praying for that aweseome little girl Miss Linn. I love this testimony about the Z*ploc bags. I remember when you shared it with me in your kitchen. My mouth dropped open as you told me of God’s provision. BK and I have never felt more confident in our finances until we tithed. God is so much more in control of our money than we can even imagine. He’s still teaching us about how he wants us to steward money… but we are excited for this journey he has us on! 🙂 Love you, jen

  17. I have been a lurker for awhile. I just had to Thank you for sharing your story of God’s provisions. It has served as a gentle reminder to me this day. We are an adoptive family as well, and God has more than provided for each of our adoptions(even though with each of the 3 adoptions, we had nothing to start with). God is Amazing isn’t he!
    We would love to be entered in the memory box giveaway.
    Kim S

  18. It’s funny because I found a similar “memorial box” just yesterday when I was out shopping for something else. I thought it was pretty and considered buying it for a moment, but then thought, “What in the world would I put in it?” Ha! Now that I’ve read this post and the history of your memorial box, I might go back and get it now! 🙂

    Btw, I just read the story about your house as well, and my prayers are also with you. I fully trust and believe that God will faithfully rebuild and restore!

    Much love to you all,

  19. Linny,

    I have hesitated joining in on the drawing for the Memorial Box because I thought what would I put in it? What stories do I have to share, etc? Well, this past week I was reading in Deuteronomy (4:9)and I came to this passage “But watch out! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen the LORD do for you. Do not let these things escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.” I immediately thought of your Memorial Box and the lessons of God’s faithfullness that you are passing on to your children. I knew then that I had to enter your drawing. Thanks for sharing your Memorial Box stories. They are certainly faith building!


  20. I’m a day late reading this, but your incredible words and encouragement have made me realize I need to increase my tithing. I’d say ‘us” but my husband doesn’t attend mass with us typically. I take our 10 yr old daughter and 9 yr old son while he stays home with our 3-1/2 yr old son. I am so thankful for all His blessings; and can manage this small sacrifice for all He has done for us. Bless you Linny – you are an inspiration and I so enjoy reading your blog. I’ve gotta find myself a Memorial Box too!!

    Good luck with the adjuster – I know how difficult that can be -I’m in the ins. biz myself.

    Many continued blessings to you dear!

  21. I would love to be put in the drawing for the memorial box! I have many stories of seeing God’s fingerprints in our lives, but unfortunately, over time the stories are easy to forget. I love the idea of having a visual reminder of all that God has done.

  22. Lynn,

    I have been a lurker since before you went to Uganda and have been inspired and uplifted by your posts. For several months God has been dealing with me to start a memorial box. I have some things written down that I would put in it, but I just haven’t found the right box yet. I would love to be included in your drawing. In any case, I’ll keep looking for my box. Thank you for your obedience and for the encouragement you provide.


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