Midnight in Colorado

Some days just don’t turn out like we plan.

No matter what.

Remember when I said in the last post that I hadn’t ever seen a throat 1/2 as bad as Emma’s in all my years? The pediatrician, mind you, sees thousands of throats and when she told Emma to open up (while holding her little light to Emmy’s lips) she literally jumped back a teeny tad and said loudly “OH GOODNESS!” No doubt, it’s not very often that she sees a throat that bad either.

Emmy and Liberty do have Strep and Scarlett Fever (which is very itchy and tender to the touch). I got home and soon Isaiah was throwing up (this is how the girls started a few days ago). Dw had been throwing up in the night last night and so since his throat was killing him he went to the doc too. They took his temp (yup, don’t have a thermometer anymore) and found him to be at 101.6 and, yes indeed, positive for Strep.

Emma is allergic to most medications so they have tried something new on her. In the doctor’s exact words, “I’m sorry Emma, there is no other way to put this….the medicine that I am prescribing tastes like ummmm ummmm, poop.”

Liberty walked out with a script that tastes like Bubblegum. Somehow Emma doesn’t think it’s all that fair. I told her maybe this is further preparation of endurance for the mission field in Africa one day. She didn’t find my ramblings comforting. After all, poop is poop. And after throwing up for the last four days who really wants to purposefully ingest something that tastes like poop, even though it’s supposed to make you feel better?? Yeah, not so much.

I have spent the day nursing all my sick babies and unable to work on my Memorial Box Monday post. My sweet friend Kimmy brought some of her famous homemade chicken noodle soup to us and that was such a huge help.

I am off to bed, but do have a little prayer request (besides all my sick family) for you bloggy friends who faithfully pray for us. Today (Tuesday) I have the privilege of doing a phone interview for a radio program. A sweet lady who follows my blog emailed me early last week and asked if I would be interested. She is a radio talk show host for four radio stations that air across most of Alabama and Mississippi. She has read our blog and wants to do an interview about adoption and our family. It will air later this week. But I would love for you to pray for wisdom as I speak, that it would honor God and that God would stir people’s hearts and soften them to the orphan and adoption through this interview. I am very excited to share God’s story of His work in our family.

I am also finalizing dates to fly to Indiana this fall to speak at a Women’s conference of some bloggy friends. I can hardly wait to hug their necks in person! I will share more details in the future about that.

I’m headed to bed. Nite nite from the land of sickos & poopy medicine. eeeuuu gross

28 thoughts on “Midnight in Colorado

  1. Praying for you today … and the family, too.

    Bubblegum medicine does sound much better than Poop flavored. Yuck!

    Your interview and conference coming up sound very exciting.



  2. Hi Linn, I pray that for God’s healing (I mentioned, quick healing would be good, ha) for all your sick ones and that you and the babies would be spared this bug! May I ask where in Indiana you will be speaking?? If it is close by I would love to come and meet you!

  3. Thank God for medicine…even if it does taste like poop (easy for me to say!). I hope that the icky stuff does the trick.

    Thanks for calling yesterday! You made me laugh as usual. And I’ll continue to pray for Miss Jubilee.

    Love you,

  4. Awwww….I am so sorry Emma….well, I’m sorry for everyone who is sick. But, especially, Emma because of the medicine situation! NO one deserves to drink that stuff!!!

    I’ll be praying for your radio interview. You already know you have the ability to impact lives! Here’s one more way to do it!

    You already know I’m praying like mad for the Indiana thing 🙂

    Hope everyone is turning the corner on sickness!

  5. Praying for healing and the ability to endure the poopy medicine!!

    Praying also for God to give you the exact words that will prick the heart of those listening to follow through what God is prompting them to do!

  6. Praying for your house of sickies, and especially for Emmy and her awful throat, and her gross medicine. May the Lord heal everyone swiftly! Praying that you and Graham and the babies stay healthy. And for your radio phone interview today–how cool is that!

    Hugs from Texas~



  7. Praying, praying, praying and then praying some more…..for Emma, Liberty, Isaiah & Dwight to be restored to full health soon(!)… for protection for you, Graham, Elizabeth & Elijah to remain healthy…for your phone interview & the Indiana conference.

    Love you guys!

  8. Most pharmacies have flavors to add to kids meds….can they add a flavor to the poopy stuff?

    I didn’t even know people could get Scarlett Fever anymore. Scary.

    I pray everyone gets well soon…and that none of the rest of the gang gets sick!

  9. We will pray for healing for your whole family. That stuff was in my house last week and I thought it would never go away. Everyone is back at work and school today so there is hope.

    I would love to know where in Indiana you are going to be. My brother lives there and if it is close to him, I may drive out and try to catch your speaking.


  10. Awww! That sounds just awful.. 🙁 poor girl. I’d have a problem with gagging then barfing it back up if it tastes that awful! Can’t the pharmacy add anything?

    I’m praying for you! How is Sally’s little boy doing?

  11. sorry y’all are sick and streppy. sounds like a nasty eeeuuu gross festival there. i hope the little ones don’t get sick. hope emma does alright with the poopy medicine!!

  12. Hope your family gets to feeling better real soon. My girls are all sick as well, this has been the sickest my little ones have ever been. Kylah was running a 104 temp. Saturday and then the rest of the girls followed. Thats the only bad thing of having a large family is when sickness comes a knocking it spreads quick! Take care, kathy

  13. I am so glad that Elizabeth loves Madi – Madi feels the same way! And thanks for understanding – sometimes I feel like the only one. Let me know if I can get anything for anybody today – poopy flavored medicine is no fun!

  14. I want to live in Indiana!!! Not fair 🙂 I am so sorry that Emma’s medicine is so unpleasant. How exciting to know that you will be speaking on the air! Yea God!!!!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

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