Want to be A Missionary for a Few Days?

“Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40
I had mentioned a few months ago that Dw was taking a Missions Team to Africa in the early summer. Due to the fire it has been quite a process getting it all planned. But it is on the books and there is a group going with Dw from our church. There are approximately 7-9 spots still open, which he has said from the pulpit is for our bloggy friends(that would be you!) Could you be the person that God is calling to go?
Have you ever wanted to meet and love on the little orphans at Sanyu??
Orphans like Angela….

Or how about helping feed the littler ones with Graham?

Or maybe giving extra hugs to Ronald (the one who peed on me but left such a soft spot in my heart – besides the wet spot on my leg?) I pray for him all the time: God please bring a mommy and daddy for Ronald… Or maybe cuddling little, tiny Martha??

Or have you wanted to help plant 1,000 trees to form a protective barrier around the boys home at African Hearts in the village where I spoke…..for these little boys pictured here (who once lived on the streets)….

Or how about spending a day ministering in the slums.….(you will never complain again!)….

Or walking the streets of an African city…..

The trip is planned for: May 27th (depart the United States) through June 9th (back on American soil)
Dw will be leading the trip with Emma and Graham also part of the team.

The cost of the trip is $1,000 plus airfare and spending money.

For more details, please contact: office@iriverchurch.com

Could you be the person that the Lord is calling to be part of this strategic trip?

21 thoughts on “Want to be A Missionary for a Few Days?

  1. Oh how I wish I could say yes. To love on babies and plant trees (I love planting trees, we just ordered 40 to plant). I will be in prayer though for those going on the trip.

    Maybe someday.

  2. Oh my, that would just be a total dream come true. I would love to pack up the whole family and go get my hands dirty, my heart filled, and my arms full of sweet little people. Going on a mission trip is something I have always wanted to do. I know that one day the Lord will give me that opportunity. I really dont have the money to fund the trip, however I think I remember you all saying something about trumpets or some kind of instruments??? SO…if that is something that we could maybe try to contribute to, or maybe you need clothing, or???? Let us know and we would be glad to do what we can. What an awesome blessing for some of you out there that will be taking this trip. I will be praying for you all. Let me know about what we can do.

  3. Oh LINNY! I thought for sure Tony and I would be two heading out with Dw…but as it turns out, we have some excitement going on here too…during that time 🙂 You’re GOING TO HAVE TO EMAIL me to find out the details! So, while you’re praying for the THOUSANDS of people you pray for daily, we’d love to be added to that list. Ok, enough said.

    I pray that there are dozens out there saying, “Here am I Lord, send me!”

  4. Linny! We’ll be there getting our boys. Our THREE boys…the Lord added another. :o) Oh my goodness, I’m laughing.

    Our director’s guess is that we’ll depart May 18. Oh my! Hmmmmm, wheels turning.

    We will not be in the city, but a small town about an hour away. However, we’ll have to go into the city for court/minister of gender/embassy. I’m not sure if it will work for us to say hello or not, but we’ll look into it.

  5. Linny, I have been waiting for you to (hopefully) post about this trip…my daughter, Kalyn, and I would LOVE to be apart of this team..who should we contact?
    Thank you so much

  6. Brenden is begging us to let him go!! Oh! It’s just so much money with us also going to China this summer…oh what to do!!

    We’ll pray on it!

    Love ya!

  7. Hi Linny, we have contacted you a couple of times about the trip and DW and my hubby have played phone tag so…. we are in if we can get details, etc!

    So excited, Shauna

  8. This trip would be a dream come true!! Since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of helping the orphans in Africa!!! I’m coordinating Project Santa for Guatemala and I won’t be able to do two trips!! Maybe next time??

  9. Hey Linny! Thanks for your comment on my blog today…I feel special. Is there anywhere that all of the trips through the River Church are listed (location, dates, and contact)? I haven’t seen them on the website! There are so many they are hard to keep track of.


  10. What a great chance to spread the love of God! Wish I could go!

    P.S.-I have finally posted several new post, come on by when you get a chance.

  11. I am a first time commenter…but I have been reading your blog for quite some time!! I find my self going to your blog a lot for updates!!!

    I have been praying that the Lord would open a door for me…I never thought that it would be through blogs!!!

    I am praying about it!! Thank you for posting this!!!!!!


  12. I so wish I could go, I LOVE telling others about my precious Lord. We actually just submitted paperwork for our adoption yesturday, yay!!! Hopefully this one will be different from the last.
    In answer to your question, my husband is a student at Southwestern Seminary in Ft Worth, TX. He is pursing an MDiv. As to what we will do after school, not sure. He has been a Youth & Worship Pastor for the past 13 years. God has truely gifted him.

  13. Oh, how I would love to do this, but I’m a radio personality and those dates fall right in the middle of our spring ratings period when we aren’t allowed to take any time off. Ugh!

    Consider me in for a group praying for those who go.

  14. Oh Linny,

    My heart would SOOOOO love to do this. Maybe someday God will use me for such a mission. I pray it’s His will.

    I wanted to stop by and thank you (and also catch up!) for praying for our sweet boy.

    Much love,


  15. Linny,

    My husband so wants to go. He has been talking about a mission trip for awhile. He is looking into if he has enough vacation time built up so he can go. I told him to go for it but next time I want to go!


  16. As I look at these pictures, my heart aches because I know that some day my dream will be fulfilled to work in an orphange. I know the timing isn’t right, right now. What a priviledge for those who are going…I’ll continue praying.

  17. Dear Linn!

    I love your new look – and it is easy to use for a ludite like me! I absolutely loved this post on the Uganda mission trip. Dw will be there when we are!!! Steve, Lizzy, and I are going a week before we lead our conferences so that we will have “hang time” with those precious kids.

    Praying for you all – and looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Much love,


  18. OK i am commenting on this post again…sorry! My email has been worrying me lately…not functioning normally. So I just wanted to give my moms email address if it seems like you can’t contact me through the other one…gagegang@gvtc.com Just want to make sure I haven’t missed an email with info about the mission trip.

    Thank you so much!! Your blog continues to bless me daily!!

  19. I frequent your blog, but I have never commented- until now!
    My husband went on a mission trip to Kenya and these pictures are so familiar to us. What a blessing you guys are to these people and to the many others in your lives right where you are. You are truly an inspiration!!
    God bless you- Angie
    P.S. I have 5 children and my youngest girl’s name is Adia Jubilee- I haven’t heard of anyone else named “Jubilee” until I ran across your blog. That really blessed me!

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