What is Up With How Men Put Kids Pants on??

Am I the only woman out there who seems to notice when Dad has put the pants on a kid?
Over the years I have stood at the church door and greeted people coming in. Never fails when a little girl is limping across the parking lot with the tights looking like Elijah’s pants looked the other day that inevitably the mom is out of town and dad did the dressing.
The other morning when this happened I said, “Dw! Do you like to pull your pants up like that? Poor Elijah is going to walk like a mermaid for the rest of his life if you keep that up…”
Dw’s expression tells it all.
Now don’t get me wrong, I greatly appreciate my mans help! But for the record – should you see our kids out in public doing the mermaid walk, you-know-who dressed them.
As for my sweet sickies…..I am heading back to the doctors with Emma in about 10 minutes. Your continued prayers are appreciated very much. She has some new things going on that are concerning. And Elizabeth seems to now be battling it as well.

29 thoughts on “What is Up With How Men Put Kids Pants on??

  1. I hope that everyone is well very soon.
    As for the dressing like a mermaid, it took me over 10 minutes this evening to realise that I had put both my daughter’s legs in the same pj leg – no DH to blame here as I’m a single mum!

  2. We will continue to pray for your kiddos, especially Emma. We hope she feels better soon.

    DW has that look like ” I didn’t do it”. I guess we should be thankful that our men do help.


  3. Emma is in my prayers, Linn. As for the man and clothes. . . I wonder really if there is any hope. You should see the girls hair situation when daddy has taen them to church and mommy was sick. They come home and I think, OH NO!! once my friends a church tried their best to help spruce them up with whatever they had in their purses. lol Thank God for good girlfriends. I think there should be a “how to dress your kids” class for men, with a special series on basic hair styles for little girls. HEADBANDS MEN!! lol

  4. I’m LOL! I know exactly what you mean! I can always tell when my hubby dresses the little ones. He knows it too, but it doesn’t change anything.

    He is starting to get a little clue. When my daughter asked him this morning if her outfit was ok, he (I think for the first time EVER) deferred to me. As in, “Honey, Daddy is not a good judge on that. You need to ask your mom!”

    Thanks for the smile and the knowledge that I am not the only one!

  5. Sending prayers out to you and your family. My goodness everyone I know is battling sickness right now. What a way to welcome spring huh? God Bless!

  6. Oh my goodness…I can actually post! I guess I have to be an official blogger!
    Alison asked today about Emma. We'll be stepping up our prayers. Praying health over you as the Mom & nurse.
    Thank you so much for your sweet words on our new blog! Your prayers have been a huge part of our journey.

  7. I thought I was alone in the world with this problem! a
    hhh now there is support! 🙂 Here’s another manism.. your child is potty trained during the day, but wears a diaper at night. The child takes the diaper off and puts it in the trash can. Daddy dresses them as if they just tossed their underwear in the laundry,,ie FORGETS to wipe the bum!!!

    I laughed so hard at your vision of Mom being out of town and Dad dressing them when they show up at church. Tooooo funny!! AND TRUE!

    Hope to hear a good health update later today!

  8. Mermaid boy…hmm, sounds like a new TLC show to ME! 🙂

    Poor babies, so sick! Praying here in CT! Am so glad that you are in an actual HOUSE, rather than a hotel, with the sickness. There is nothing worse than not being in a homey environment (even if it is not YOUR home!) when you are sick. Have you heard anything about insurance, etc., for the log cabin, and what will be happening (ie, rebuildable, or totaled?)

    Love you guys!!!

    Nancy & ShaoXi in CT

  9. In DW’s defense (we guys have to stick together you know) his fingers might still be aching, and his eyes might not have fully adjusted to the light of day. (from the crawl space ya know) and the last time I was down town Seattle most of the city slickers were wearing them that way only a little lower.

    So all things considered nice job DW…LOL

    hope you all get feeling better soon..

  10. We are praying for all the kiddos to get well soon. Your post on the pants was hilarious. However, like you said, Yea for dad;s who will help dress kids. Sommer:)

  11. I’m so happy to see you joking again. You crack me up. Yep, know exactly what you are talking about. While Alexis and I were away last weekend, Alaina wore a summer dress…and it was not that warm here. Joel has, at times, dressed the baby boys in ‘not so good’ clothes. I totally understand…so embarrassing. But we love ’em!!

  12. So nice to have a little comic relief! Very funny and so true about husbands dressing kids. If my husband dressed himself like some of the outfits he used to put together for the boys, people would laugh out loud. Needless to say, I haven’t trusted him to pick out clothes for the girls! – lol!

    I’ll keep praying for your girls – nothing is worse than a sore throat.

  13. Well, I’m guessing you’ll also need to tell Dw that leggings go under skirts–they’e not pants by themselves. I saw a poor little girl at the park one day and kept thinking that her pants were way too tight–I could see her diaper sticking out on both sides. When I saw her run over to her dad (and mommy nowhere in sight), I realized that they WEREN’T pants, they were leggings. With no skirt. And Daddy must have dressed her all by himself that morning. 😉

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