How About This?

I am often at a loss as to what to write about on my blog. It’s not that I can’t think of anything…..Not.At.All. I think of TOO much. I was once accused of being a prolific writer and I guess that probably is pretty accurate. So everyday it’s “Which story or thing should I talk about today??” I’m pathetic.
Well this morning I was still in that not-quite-awake state and was thinking about something that was so exciting and felt like the Lord wanted me to share it with you – my friends. Maybe He wants to challenge a few of you too.
For a little background…I am really truly shy. One might never guess that, but it is just not in my natural DNA to be outgoing. Smiley and friendly yes…but not really outgoing (and in my book there is a difference). It is obvious that God has done some really cool things in my life, because I can now usually step out of my comfort zone…especially if I know God is in it.
Dw is always challenging us when he is preaching to build relationships with those who might need to know about the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. I take those to heart, but usually think, “hmmm, I am a stay-at-home-homeschooling-mama tucked away on my acres in my little log home” so where am I going to meet people to build such a relationship with? That is actually one of the reasons I decided to become a chaplain for our police department. (Which, by the way, is going wonderfully, thank you for asking – LOL!) =)
Anyway, about a year ago I saw a woman downtown. I was just so drawn to her. Her eyes looked very, very sad. I had no guts to just walk up to her and talk. I prayed though that the Lord would provide an opportunity. A couple of months passed and I saw her again, same place. I could not shake the feeling. Again, it did not comfortably work for me to talk to her. She was again not close enough. I continued to pray each time this lady would come to mind. I know absolutely nothing about her….NOTHING…..I just am guessing that God must have a really cool plan for her life, because I cannot shake her face.
Well the other day I was downtown with Dw. We were doing what we always do on our Friday morning dates. Hit our favorite little restaurant. As we were walking toward the door there she was, also heading for the door at the exact same time. I was giddy. Dw held the door as she and I walked through. She then said, “You guys were ahead of me, so get in line first.” I was grinning from ear to ear….I was now close enough to meet her – somehow?!?!! *gulp* I prayed – how should I go about it? The feeling was so stinkin’ strong that I had to talk to her that I knew it was the Lord.
Dw and I were chatting with those behind the counter and Dw was oblivious to what I was thinking. As we ordered I turned to her and gestured to the girl behind the counter….I said, “What did you want to order? I want to buy yours too. We have been talking and taking so long. I’m sorry.” She was like, “No, really, it’s okay.” I insisted. She gave in.
At that point she and I stood and talked for the next 10 minutes about life. The kind of conversation that was so cool. I told her my name and she told me hers (I’ll call her Kate). Of course Kate had no idea that I have been praying for over a year for the ability to strike up a relationship with her. But it was amazing and I loved every second. It was so, so, sooo God! I hugged her when we were finally leaving. I said, “I’m a huge hugger – is that okay?” =)
We parted and I was almost bouncing down Main Street. Dw said, “What was that all about?” I told him how I was so drawn to her over a year ago and how I think God must have an amazing plan for her life and how I have been praying to meet her all this past year. This is just the beginning – I am sure of it and this is for certain – I will keep you posted on “Kate”. Yippee Jesus!

21 thoughts on “How About This?

  1. Thank you for sharing this sweet story. Isn’t it amazing how God places people in our lives? Not only does He work through us to bless others, but we are blessed, as well!

    May you have a wonderful weekend embraced in God’s love!!

  2. Wow – such a cool God story!! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in this!

    Have a wonderful weekend with Lori! Love you guys!

  3. Don’t you just love God’s amazing timing? What a beautiful story, Linny. Can’t wait to see how things unfold in Kate’s life–can’t wait to see where God has you meet with her next 🙂

  4. Well, that just made me smile! 🙂 God is so amazing–and I can’t wait to hear more about what He is doing in Kate’s life and yours.

  5. Miss Linn.. you just simply rock! Have I told you that lately? I can’t wait to hear the continuing things God will do in your and “Kate’s” life. It will be just another awesome story you can tell to show the world. How God cares so individually and specifically for every person He created. I’m blown away! 🙂 lv, jen

  6. Thanks for sharing a very cool story! One thing about your blog that has really drawn me to it is the way you are so sensitive to what God is telling you and so obedient in your response. I’ve reflected on that and thought why does God speak to Linn and not me? Then I realized that He is speaking to me but I am ignoring Him. So I’ve been trying to be more open to listening AND obeying those moments when I sense God is pushing me to do something…and one of those things is that I needed to be commenting on your blog and telling you about it 🙂 So there ya go!


  7. How wonderful! God is truly the Great Conductor who orchestrates our lives most divinely. I cannot wait to hear what He does in both of your lives. Thanks for being obedient to the Lord’s leading. May we all learn to hear Him in all areas of life and follow through with action…even when it causes us to step outside our comfort zones. 🙂

  8. Oh Linn, I struggle so with shyness also. (Humanly speaking, I'm not the "perfect" candidate for being a minister's wife!) I LOVE your story! God is so gracious.
    Thursday is my honey's day off, & we have our little breakfast date routine as well! 🙂
    Thank you for your your sweet comments on our blog. I have to admit I had the crazy wish of meeting up w/ you in China as well!:(

  9. That is so cool, Linny! I noticed how you where patient and waited for God’s timing and trusted him that you would see her again. I love how the Lord uses us!
    God’s blessings to you! (because you share the blessings with others)

  10. OK…when I get those feelings and don’t know how to proceed, I usually end up feeling like I just failed. I chalk it up as another failure for Chris. Thank you for showing me that the opportunities don’t stop and to keep praying. Even if it takes a year or more

  11. Oh, Linny, I love you so! I have never been able to explain to people that I am inately shy, even though I don’t appear to be. Your explanation was PERFECT! I am going to begin to pray for some of those God encounters like you had with Kate! I am encouraged and challenged. And believe me, I NEED to be challenged!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs, love and prayers…
    Nancy in CT (ShaoXi’s mama)

  12. Linny,

    I have been lurking for a while, but I cannot refrain from commenting today!! I have a sweet friend that is battling breast cancer and through her battle we have learned to be on the lookout for moments like you had Godincidences (not coincidences). It’s amazing how many situations God puts in place for us and waits to see how we handle them. I am so glad you had the opportunity to finally talk to her. I pray that God will use your words and kindness to make a huge difference in her life.

  13. What an amazing story! I had that same feeling once when Tony and I were coming home from a vacation. We were at a Bob E*vans in some little city somewhere way south, and I kept looking at these two people across the way. I told Tony that I had a real urgency to talk to them. God was laying it on my heart in a BIG way!

    Soooo, as they were leaving, I started to panic. I told Tony I refused to miss this opportunity, and so I jumped up and followed them to their car. It turns out it was a pastor and a deacon of a church nearby. I told them of my urgency to talk to them and pray for them. The pastor was so sweet! She said her health had been failing, and she appreciated all the prayer she could get! She also said she felt like it wasn’t so much about praying specifically for them, but just about being obedient to God. That when He says GO, you GO! Well, I did!

    Linny, I felt the same JOY and adrenaline as you did! Way to go, sister, for being obedient!

  14. what a captivating story of how the Lord urged your heart out of your comfort zone, the power of persisitent prayer, and about making connections with strangers!
    how amazing is our God that he could use a stay-at-home-homeschooling-mama tucked away on her acres in her little log home to be kingdom building.
    how you blessed her day, i’m sure, and how our God showed up as our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-Giving God!(to quote someone dear)not that we should be surprised, right?
    thanks for the amazing (as usual) post.

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