Our Trip to Albuquerque Today

I could not climb into bed tonight without updating you, our friends…..so here’s a brief recap….

Just as planned we took off for Albuquerque at 3am. About a half hour into New Mexico I was sound asleep (good thing I wasn’t driving, huh?). I woke up about 2 hours later long enough to reposition my pillow and sleep until about 7:15. I think I was definitely making up for some serious sleep deprivation. My hubby did such a good job driving! We were even early enough that we were able to sneak in a bit of breakfast at Cracker Barrel! Yippee Jesus!

The doctor was a wonderful blessing!! He was very kind, totally engaged and interested, thorough, very concerned and believe it or not he even has a daughter he and his wife adopted from China. How stinkin’ cool is that?

He asked lots and lots of questions. It is such an answer to prayer that this is his expertise. He then sent Autumn for some more tests. Eventually Autumn was sent home with some equipment to do even some more testing while at home that she must bring with her to Albuquerque next Tuesday and at that time she will have yet some more testing.

The doctor needs to find out exactly what type of tumor it is. Interestingly enough, although Autumn has some very weird and unusual symptoms, the doctor seems to think that there is a strong likelihood that that is not the type of tumor, but that the tumor has grown big enough that it is blocking the brain from thinking things it normally thinks. (Yeah, I know it doesn’t really make sense in vague terms – you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one.)

Also, he kept her MRI (x-ray thingys) as he is going to consult with a Neurosurgeon about something very unusual that is showing up in Autumn’s brain (besides the tumor in the pituitary) that is on the MRI that he is concerned about.


Even though we know nothing more than we did before we went, it is wonderful that someone who is an expert is “on it” and we are very comfortable with him and he is only 4 hours away from home! How grateful to the Lord we are!

We returned home at 6pm. I then turned around and headed back out the door to my Police Academy class at 6:30.

Thank you all for your prayers! We knew our friends were praying! Much love from our home to yours…xo

29 thoughts on “Our Trip to Albuquerque Today

  1. Girl – you have got to be beat! Praying that the Lord refreshes you and gives you sweet rest. That He fills your tomorrow with JOY and an unexplainable peace. That He guides your steps in such obvious ways.

    Praying for your sweet girl. For answers through this doctor. For HEALING and peace. So glad you were both able to be with her.

  2. Oh goodness, I did not even notice that you had just posted when I sent you a message a minute ago! My favorites page normally notifies me when you post so I came not knowing that you had (that was complicated … sorry) ANYWAY, I am so glad that you were able to get some rest on the trip and breakfast 🙂 You are all in our prayers 🙂

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  3. Yes … we prayed for you today.

    So glad that you have an expert, close to home, that you can fully trust. Thanking God for the details that He has ordained.

    Hope you get LOTS of sleep tonight.

    Many blessings,


  4. Praise the Lord for the compassionate expert. We continue to lift Autumn and your entire family up to the true Expert! ((((Hugs)))) to you, my friend~

  5. Linn, I am so grateful that God has led you to this particular specialist. He’s one wonderful answer to prayer…many more will follow, sweet friend.

    I know it’s easier said than done for a mama bear with so much on her plate, but try to remember to take the time to care for yourself as well. Your family is in the BEST of hands — His.

    Much Love and Prayers Unending,

  6. Linny, I’m not sure about all that you said, but on the up side, my brain has not been thinking things it normally thinks for years, and I am ok…. (well sort of)
    You know that Dad has it all under control… I’m thinking happy thoughts for you guys…(at least I think I am)

    Praying for you all

  7. I was glad to read your update…I know that it is comforting the work with a good dr.
    We will continue to pray…it is cute…when we do our prayer time in the am, the little children pray for Autumn’s brain “to be better”.

  8. Yep, totally been praying…and can I hear a big ‘ole YIPPEE JESUS for the physicians given the skills needed by THE GREAT PHYSICIAN?

    SO glad you’re one step closer to helping Autumn!

  9. Thank you Father God that the doctor is “on it”. Thank you for the instant bond created with the doctor because of adoption, only You. Thank you for the wisdom that you will give him to help figure this all out. Thank you that You are holding Autumn through this, along with holding her mama and daddy and all who love her. Thank you for being our Rock, and our Strong Tower. Thank you for your mighty power to heal. We ask once again for Your healing touch upon Autumn. Bless her and keep her Father God, give her laughter and joy for the journey, even in this storm. Love on her Lord, like only You can. We bless You holy name.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

    Love you guys~


  10. My oh my.

    You are such an inspiration, keeping a great attitude while the world seems to be spinning around you.

    You are in my thoughts & prayers.

    God Bless!

  11. Lynn I am from Albuquerque! Infact I lived there for 16 years and just moved a year ago so my husband could go to school. He was the youth and worship pastor at a church in rio rancho.
    Lynn we know so many people that would love on you if you all ever need anything, a place to stay, a homecooked meal or even just support.
    Please let me know if you need ANYTHING and we got you covered, that is what the family of God is all about.

    H. Janson

  12. praying for you sweet friend. I wish I were closer so that I could hang with the kiddos while you go to these appointments, or hide myself in the trunk and come along to support you(you know, so I don’t crash family time.. but wait, if I’m in the trunk, you won’t feel suported, cause you won’t know I was there. perhaps a new plan??)… Just wish I could do more…


    Love to you.

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