True Story Tuesday – the stairwell

This week’s True Story Tuesday takes us back about 10 years. Dw and I and our kids had just arrived at our annual district convention for our denomination. We were in Savannah, Georgia if I remember correctly.
I have mentioned before that I really am pretty shy. I love to be a stinkhead, but overall, no one would know that, unless they really know me. Dw on the other hand is Mr. Social. He wants to see everyone and talk to everyone. *sigh* I am quite used to it, knowing he just needs his people fix.
Well when we do things, we almost all the time, do them as a family, even things like district conventions or International conventions – we just love to be together. So here we were just having arrived at the hotel to spend the next few days. We had started to unpack and get settled when we realized that we had forgotten something in the car. Our room was at the end of the hallway near the staircase. Dw said, “I’ll just run down the stairs and get blah-blah-blah.”
As he left I turned to Abigail and said, “You want to go hide in the stairwell with me and jump out and scare daddy when he comes in?” She was game. We left Tyler in charge of the rest of the kids.
Abi and I headed to the stairwell and took our positions under the staircase tucked away from the view of the outside door.
Well we waited.
Minutes passed.
We waited some more.
More minutes passed.
We waited even more.
I said to Abi, “You know he ran into someone in the parking lot to chat….ugh.” Finally Abi gave up, “I”m going back to the room.” I said, “Well I’ll wait just a few more minutes, he has to come soon, I mean, come on – how long can the guy talk to someone?”
I was crouched under the stairs and just knew that I knew that he was going to jump out of his skin – this was just going to be way, way, way too fun. =) All of a sudden I heard the outside door open and I could hardly stand it. I heard the footsteps just as they approached the staircase and I sprung up and out of my hiding place. I lunged at my husband and grabbed his belly clutching his cute little pooch with my one hand and simultaneously grabbed his back at the same time yelling, “GOTCHA!”
Only thing was that it wasn’t my husband. It was some man, whom I have never seen before. That poor guy jumped out of his stinkin’ skin and his eyes were the size of saucers. I graciously let go of my grip on his belly, giggling and mortified all rolled into one trying to explain, “Oh I’m so sorry, I thought you were my husband….” (I near wet my pants from the embarassment and I’m not sure he didn’t near wet his from the trauma of it all.)
Poor gentleman scrambled out of there never smiling or laughing or even giving me a token “it’s okay”. He seemed like he was in shock…..and my guess is that he has probably never darkened a hotel staircase again.
True Story Tuesday is played compliments of my sweet friends, Rachel and Mr. Daddy. Go to their site and play along…everyone has some pretty funny or amazing stories out there…..I’d love to hear yours…..and heavens knows we could all use a good, clean hearty laugh….

30 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday – the stairwell

  1. Oh, that is SOOO stinkin’ funny! 🙂 I have tears in my eyes! I think I will head to my blog and post MY story…one of many! 🙂

    Love ya! Nancy in CT (Shao’s mama)

  2. That is the funniest story I heard in a long time. I would have died of embarrasment. Poor man…. Hubby would say “I bet he needed toilet paper after that one”. These stories are the best!!

  3. Oh my goodness…I’m sitting here feeling embarrassed FOR YOU! I would have died! Good thing you only grabbed his pooch and not something else! **oops, did I just say that?**

  4. Trying desperately not to wake Itty Bit from his nap, but this muffled shrieking laughter is just too much! Girl, you are an exercise in bladder control.

    I am dying over here with this one. I could totally sense the anticipation of DW getting scared out of his mind, but to actually grab some stranger’s tummy… OOOH I’m in hysterics!!!

    That is HI-LAR-IOUS! And you thought you didn’t have any great stories (tsk tsk) I knew you better 😉

    Thanks so much for sharing – I really need that laughter! Excuse me while I race to the ladies room!

  5. OK, your story made me laugh out loud! That is too funny. I’m always doing stuff like that to my family but I’ll be sure to check first before I jump out and grab the belly pooch! Just imagine if you would have run into him again at the convention. DW, would have wondered why the guy ran the other direction!


  6. Linny,
    I have been stalking your blog for a few weeks now and just love your stories and insight!

    I just love this story – totally sounds like something I would have done! 🙂

  7. Omigosh! That was GOOD! My allergies are killing me…..and that was a perfect laugh amidst my pile of kleenexes and my itchy puffy eyes!
    Thanks, Linny! That’s a hoot!
    You forgot to tell us what your husband thought about what happened!! LOL!

  8. *snicker* he had to hurry off or what he had done in his pants would of stunk up the hallway!!! LOL

    He is probably still in therapy from the trauma cause by your antics…

    And what denomination did you say that was…. first church of whats happinin now???

    It sure wouldn’t a been the First church of the frigidare….

    And I have heard that a way to a mans heart is through his stomach, but I don’t think that his soul resides there???? *snicker*

    You are just to funny girl….

    Have a great rest of the week :o)

  9. Oh my- that poor man!! I think I would have died a thousand deaths! This is so funny- I love it- I’m embarrassed for you!!

    BTW where was Dw??

    Blessings from MN,

  10. Do you know how HARD it is not to burst out laughing in a classroom full of kids that are silently reading? I take TWO minutes to pop on here and see what you wrote and I nearly EXPLODE from laughter. Dang, the kids are on to me. I better jet.


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