Sweet Surprises from Some Really Sweet Friends

Recently we were blessed with some really extra special and delightfully fun surprises and I just had to share the joy.

Bloggy friends from Indiana, Rett and Sarah, put together a “Sunshine Box” and shipped it to us. It is wrapped so sweet and sits in our eating area. Inside there are a bazillion wrapped presents for all of us. They even said that they are for those not living at home (like Autumn). They are age appropriate and marked accordingly. Then when one of us is having a bad day we can dig in the box and get a special gift!!

Actually the other day Dw was having an exceptionally difficult day and said to me, “Don’t you think today is a Sunshine Box kind of day for me?” Yes precious hubby – you so totally deserved your gift that day (and yes, he took one from the box)! Thank you Sarah and Rett for “walking a mile in our moccasins” and blessing us during this most recent difficult time and season. You guys totally rock and I can’t wait to hug your necks and meet your families in July. *hint-hint* (Details about an upcoming bloggy time coming soon!!)

Then my dear friend, Pat, who not only attends our church, but lives about six houses down the street from our rental, dropped off a bag last night that she had made for Isaiah. She was “walking a mile in his moccasins” and feeling what it would be like for a 5 year old to ride 850 miles round trip each week. She made the coolest bag and then she and her Bible study group filled it with surprise treasures which Isaiah can play with as we travel to Greeley today. How sweet is that? Mr. Isaiah has no idea that there is a surprise treat bag awaiting him. Thank you Pat – my friend and neighbor!!
I have to say Isaiah has been the best little guy about the casts and the trip. There has not been even one intzy-beentzy-teeny-tiny hint of a complaint out of his sweet little mouth. Adults I know would not even do half as good and little guys his age?? Yeah, not so much. He just smiles and rolls with it. Such a treasure!!

Anyway, it’s just about 4:30am and I am out of here – heading to Greeley for Isaiah’s recasting. Pray if we should come to mind. We are doing a round trip and will be home by midnight, Lord willing. xo

15 thoughts on “Sweet Surprises from Some Really Sweet Friends

  1. I will be praying for your trip.

    I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the sunshine box. I keep wondering what little goodies you have opened.

    Your friend was so sweet to think of that bag for the trip. I don’t think I could handle a trip like that weekly let alone a child.

    I can’t wait to hug you too!!!

  2. What sweet gifts!!!
    Linny, I sent you a little something…not asking you to blog about it (LOL), just wanted to know if you got it…I sent it to the church?

  3. Praying for your safe journey.

    Tell Pat Bryson would love one of those bags too!! How cute is that?!?!?

    I actually was going to make similar totes for the little ones for our upcoming trip to San Diego. She gave me an idea with the Army print!

    You are one blessed lady!

  4. Oh what sweet friends indeed! What a great idea about the goody bag. When people do things like that, random things, it really restores your faith in mankind. Its nice to hear that God is giving you all some much deserved joy in your lives.
    P.S. I want to come visit too…PLEASE…PLEASE!!!

  5. PRAYING for you girl! I’ll be sure to text right when you’re in the thick of traffic! heheh

    Glad you love your box! Sarah worked the hardest! CANNOT wait to see you in July!!!!!

  6. Linny…I am blessed just READING about the thoughtfulness of your friends! What a great idea from both of them. And Isaiah…he is beyond precious. Praying for you today, sweet friend. Stay awake, driving!!

  7. What an awesome idea! Such thoughtful people. What a gift. And I love the bag for Isaiah. I wish I could see his face as he goes to Denver and plays with all the stuff. How fun. Love you!

  8. What sweet friends & gifts! I have never heard of a "Sunshine Box" before. I'd love to see what all the gifts inside are (hint hint) I'll be using this idea someday!!!

  9. My friends played a softball game against a team from your church last night. I thought it was really cool that after the game, instead of the traditional high-fives, they gathered up the team I came to watch and prayed together.

  10. Linny, I will pray for a safe round trip for you and Isaiah!!! Hope its a good one. Wish I lived close so I could keep you company on one of those long trips!!!!!

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