Thankful/Grateful Thursday

It’s that time again, but I have to first mention some really wonderful things that I am grateful and thankful for.

After hearing Emma wanted to take Beanie Babies many, many boxes arrived from you – our sweet bloggy friends. Each box that arrived was just put aside in a pile for Emma by whichever big person brought it in. They were piled until they were ready to pack….and they couldn’t be packed until we got some suitcases, since we had lost our suitcases in the fire. Finally we got some suitcases and so just as they were leaving for Africa she opened all the packages. The Quiz kids were over helping her open the boxes and count the total number and write down addresses for thank you notes after Africa.

All of a sudden Emma said, “Hey mom and dad this box is for you! Come here quick!” I thought it was going to be a joke like a rubber snake or something. I wasn’t really sure what to expect but definitely didn’t think she was serious. With a little trepidation I opened the box and there was a card. The card was from Cindy, my sweet bloggy friend.

Now if you haven’t been on Cindy’s blog – Faithful Promises – it’s time to hop over and meet this sweet, sweet lady. She has a boatload of kids (10), has been married 31 years, and has a wealth of Godly wisdom and insight. Cindy deeply loves Jesus and this precious woman has been battling cancer for about 2-1/2 years.

Anyway in the card Cindy said that she had been wondering what to get me after the fire and read about this being lost and wanted me to have one. I opened the box and there was this inside…….I almost fell over……

Thank you sweet, sweet Cindy – – I have a NEW sewing machine!! How amazingly thoughtful is that while she is going through her own trials?? I am still dumbfounded and pretty much speechless!!

I am thankful for another sweet bloggy gift that came the other day. Shonni, who went on the Uganda trip sent me some beautiful towels she had hand stitched. They are absolutely stunning! I am saving them for my new kitchen – they will go perfect…..Thank you sweet friend for being so thoughtful!! And Shonni, I think you could go into business – they are beautiful!

I am thankful that last week when they were sawing Isaiah’s casts off the saw did not go all the way through and hit and burn his leg (like it has previously). He actually fell asleep sound asleep while he was being recast.

(That’s Josh Q. carrying him out of the doctor’s office……)I am thankful for little ones who laugh and play and even hide in hampers…..I am thankful for the Quiz kids who helped me out so much while Dw, Emma and Graham were away. That’s Anna, Liberty and April giving themselves some facials……

You look absolutely M-A-U-V-E-L-O-U-S dahhhhlings!

I am thankful that Nelly is such a good sport (she even cooperated with Anna Q giving her a wheelchair ride). Ol’ Nelly Belly is such a good faithful friend…As I was driving home from Greeley last week I started thanking the Lord for road signs….I mean, seriously, where we would be without numbers and names on streets, highways and roads?? I asked Josh Q. to snap a picture as we rode….(thanks Josh!)…..I have thanked the Lord over and over and over again that the weekly drive to Greeley is just so gorgeous….I have been through some mighty boring states that would be agony to do weekly trips in….so thankful that Colorado is so majestic! And I am so grateful for this little guy…he now pats my back if I cough or whatever and says, “You okay?” What a treasure!!…
Yes, It’s Thursday and Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to Greeley we go (in about 5 minutes)….. Josh and Emma and Isaiah are my riding buddies.

7 thoughts on “Thankful/Grateful Thursday

  1. So very exciting about all the gifts you described! And yes, Shonni should definitely go on Etsy – I would like to know when and where I can buy a set of towels like that! 🙂 Cuz, you know, a certain Mr. Daddy might have accidentally LIT MY KITCHEN TOWELS ON FIRE by wrapping potatoes in them and putting them in the microwave. *sigh* Gotta love that man.

    I love the photos of Isaiah asleep while they are casting hime! (I never slept through any of mine, and yes, they've gotten my skin while removing them too… glad they didn't get his again!)

    Thankful right along with you my friend. And so happy your family is home again!

  2. Linn– thank you for sharing your blessings. The sewing machine is AWESOME!! I am so happy for you! and may I mention. . . Elijah is looking happier and happier in all his pictures . He looks so comfortable and happy. You are doing a great job! love you!

  3. What a wonderful list. A sewing machine….I'm doing a happy dance here. I can just see you sewing up a storm. Now if we only lived closer, I'd be there in a heartbeat, quilting with you. Your kids are just so sweet and precious. Love and hugs.

  4. we were just in colorado and i was thinking about you!so glad to hear things are going well, and i know you must be so happy to have (most) your family back home. blessings to you! hope autumn is doing well, too.

  5. Hi Linny, my how the stories grow.
    It was only one towel, and just a little innsy whinsy scorch mark.

    But any excuse to get new towels!!!! LOL

    So glad you let someone else be the camera man. I know that women are SUPPOSED to be better at multi-tasking than use guys, but I do feel better for the other drivers in Colorado that you refrained…

  6. Okay can I just tell you I was driving home from Greeley last Sunday and tried to take a picture out the window while I was driving. Man it was hard and all I could think was …. How is the world does Linn do it??? 🙂

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