A Bit of This and A Bit of That

Yesterday morning I was with the babies in their room and spotted this little gal outside the door. Before I managed to run and grab my camera she had stood just about 20 feet from me. It was so cool!! She just stared and I just stared back. She was so sweet.

Eventually I ran to grab my camera and she had moseyed up the start of the mountain in this rental’s backyard. It is cement slab and then mountainside. The kids watched her as she eventually ate some berries and settled in for a rest.

Kids watching the deer….
As they stepped out the door, notice Elizabeth with her protective arm around Elijah….

Now speaking of those berries…..do you remember a few weeks ago I mentioned the day that Elijah sprayed the entire cooking spray on the kitchen floor? (Yes, and for hours we were singing, “Slip, sliding away!”…..Then as I was cleaning it up I turned to see him dump a gallon of water on the laundry room floor? Well I just didn’t have the heart to later the same day do a post to tell you that within hours of the cooking spray and water he ate a bunch of berries from the yard. Yes, indeed, it was a banner day for him.

I spent hours trying to figure out what kind of berries they were – talking to poison control for forever and googling on the internet – having never seen them before. Hours later Graham came home and goggled them and found them in like 3 minutes flat (of course!)! They are a currant berry used to making wine. When I heard that it made perfect sense why Elijah hiccuped all evening long. j/k

I am needing some fresh mountain air and so I am taking Dw and the kids to Silverton – one of the sweetest little mining towns around. I was dressing Elizabeth this morning nd she said, “Where are we going?” (I’d already told her multiple times.) I said, “Silverton!!” She said, “OH Goodie – I love Silverton!” So funny, she’s never been there, but hey, mom’s excited, so she’s excited.

Dw continues to gain bits of strength each day. I wrestled him to the ground yesterday and took him and the kids for his first outing to Serious Texas last night. We saw some friends, who happen to pastor another church in town. The pastor didn’t recognize Dw…so much weight lost. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Last night we discovered a box that had been delivered while we were in Iowa. It was in the hallway and in the midst of all the events of the last 10 days from returning home we hadn’t even “seen” it. But last night we opened it and cried as we discovered what was inside. Many of you know what was….but many don’t…and I will share about that soon….but we had a good cry – trust me!!

25 thoughts on “A Bit of This and A Bit of That

  1. ack! you are the queen of suspense!! i love that photo of elijah and elizabeth. i'm sure they will have such a bond throughout their lives.

  2. What an especially lovely post! I love hearing the little tid bits…it's the everyday details that are sometimes the very sweetest, don't you think?

    And I'm so excited about the box you opened because I am most certain I know what it was! Yippee!! Can't wait to hear more!

    Love you!

    **I understand that yesterday K-man texted you some profound thoughts about slinkies. Heehee.

  3. I actually had a dream about your memorial box last night. And then later another dream that I was adopting a little girl! I rarely dream too. How crazy is that?

  4. Your kids are SO sweet! I'm glad Elijah didn't eat anything poisonous :)) & I'm very happy to hear that Dw is doing so great! We have an amazinggg GOD!!!

  5. oh you little suspensful writer you!! can't wait to hear more and so glad to hear that dw is on the mend. slow and steady wins the race! have fun in silverton!

  6. You don't need poison control, if you keep letting him eat those berries and play in the sun, it sounds more like AA is in order???
    I would be happy and honored to 12 step with him…ROFL

  7. Oh my goodness…So many great posts I missed while I was gone! New pictures of Jubilee???! Awesome! Elijah dumping stuff all over the floor and eating poisonous berries…Priceless! Meeting ALL those bloggy friends? So fun!! Oh my word…your bra comletely showing???! Yikes! I'm glad you have a good sense of humor about it! Wow, and I'm glad Dw is doing somewhat better. Still praying!

  8. That is great news about Dw! Will continue to pray for his recovery.

    Loved the pictures and the cooking spray story!! 🙂


  9. I have a feeling I know what was inside the box, and I can't wait to see it!! So glad P. Dw is feeling a bit better, and grateful that the berries were ok to eat! Love you guys!

  10. Oh, those berries! I wish you had posted about them, as they are as harmless as they come!! We had tons of those in my parents yard, and my parents made jelly out of them. They are really sour to eat, but sprinkle some sugar on them and let them sit, and they are not too bad! We also mixed them with yogurt and oats and sugar and ate them that way (okay, THAT is very Swiss for you :-)) )
    Barb – in Wyoming but DEFINITELY Swiss at heart!

  11. Jehovah Jireh….the Lord our Provider.
    He knows just what you need and when.
    I will keep praying for your precious family.
    Today as I held in tears saying goodbye to my soldier, I thought of your Tyler, a newlywed and his sweet wife having to experience depl*yment so soon in married life and it encouraged me to press on and PRAY for others as I pray for my own man.
    God is doing a mighty work in your family…even when it doesn't feel like God. He's there, He's at work and it's all for good.

  12. You sure do like to leave us hanging. Don't you know that we'd come back even without a cliffhanger?

    Glad DW is getting better, even if it's slow.

  13. Linn, I think God just wants to make sure you NEVER EVER have a boring day!

    Elijah cracks me up, and the way Elizabeth is protective is just too cute. I thought my boyfriend would choke last night when he asked how many kids I wanted, and I answered, "From which country?"

  14. Linn you are ridiculous! NOT FAIR how you torture us! I think you have a more exciting life than anyone else I can think of. Ok maybe it's just more emotional, but grand non the less right? :o)

  15. I love these pictures of Eliz and Eli….. aren't deer fun? They are everywhere in the Northwest, resting in backyard, in wheat fields sometimes near my car. eek! Did I read you really might come to the NW? OH MY!!! I know I am a casual commenter but I pray for you'all daily. I would love if you were anywhere near us to hug your neck and bless your kids. I go to River City church in Idaho and everytime you mention your church I feel a fun bond! PS… I have told your mother's day dress story to a few good intercessors and they laughed and hurt at the same time…… lastly…. my friends have been trying to adopt from china for 4 yrs. We have a family in our church who is paying for the whole process… but there are always so many obstacles…. we just keep seeking and praying,they have asked the Lord for twins.

  16. You're killin' me with the suspenseful endings. ACK! I won't be able to sleep until I know what was in the box. Oh wait…I'll email Lori and see if she will tell me. 🙂 hee.

    Glad Dw is able to go on some outings. Praying for continued healing and LOVE the pics of your kids. Elizabeth's arm around baby brother is precious and of course I loved seeing Bill and Lynsay's kids, who call me, 'whatsername.'

  17. You are the worst tease ever 🙂

    Linny, I am so happy to hear that Dw is doing to much better–thank you Jesus. We are trusting that each and every day he will regain some strength–and weight. How hard for you to see him so terribly sick.

    I am just catching up and saw the stunning pics of your sweet little Jubilee. What a treasure she is, Linny. I can hardly wait to FINALLY see that beauty in your arms. Soon!

    Sending you a HUGE hug.

  18. Never have heard from you or Emma if you rec'd the box I sent before she went to the orphanage. I sent beanie babies for her to take, and some bedding for Elijah…
    Hope it got there…

  19. Alrighty you goose… keeping us all in suspense! 🙂

    Love the pictures – and it is heartwarming – Elizabeth and Elijah's bond!

    And you're coming out to visit us in the NW?!?! 🙂 YAY!!!

    And for the record, that silly husband of mine (Mr. Daddy) was referring to his goofy 12-step post about that wacky picture of him with Itty Bit's bottle of CHOCOLATE MILK!


    Just can't seem to keep that guy from getting himself into all kinds of comment trouble, LOL.

    Love you guys – still praying. Autumn has been at the top of my list tonight.

  20. Those kids are so cute!! I love Elizabeths arm around Elijah!

    Oh my your boy has been busy!! You might have to assign a defensive player to him (older sibling to keep an eye on him) – this is soccer talk- so he doesn't score anymore goals if you know what I mean! I do love hearing about his adventures! 😉

    It is so cute what Elizabeth said- about Silverton!! Our kids do the same thing and I just have to giggle!!

    Praying for Dw, Autumn and Tyler!

    Love this post!!

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