The “Doctor’s” Visit This Morning

Dw & I went to see a specialist this morning. Or at least we were told we were going to see a specialist, but instead they had us see the PA. We asked about the specialist and were told that he was not even in the building…..I should have been a bit more assertive probably. Hind site is 20/20. I’m just so worn out.

He has now lost 30 pounds. He had more blood work done. I asked how we would know if he is getting dehydrated….he said, “I don’t know…ummm, getting dizzy…” arghhhhh He did not do anything to check….not even pinch his skin on his hand….
Upon returning home I took a closer look at him and he looks like he is dehydrated again. I lifted his skin and could count to 5,000 (ya’ know: one-one thousand, two-one thousand, etc.) and his skin still did not fall into place.
BUT The patient at this moment is not very willing to go to the hospital and so we are pushing fluids. At this altitude (7000 feet above sea level) hydration is necessary for a healthy person, how much more for the sick?
Lynsay and Bill drove, with their little girls, thru the night (20 hours) to come and help. They are the sweetest couples in the world and it is so wonderful to have them here to share the load.
If Dw doesn’t look hydrated I may have to have Bill & Lynsay help hog-tie the guy and take him to the ER again. Your continued prayers are appreciated and that he wouldn’t lose anymore weight. Thirty pounds is ALOT of weight for him to lose. He probably would have loved to have lost 5…(who wouldn’t?)…but 30? Not so much.
Isaiah, is doing well, although his legs/feet throb if they are not elevated. He is such a treasure! It has been 11 weeks of full leg casting, and he is such a trooper.

And many have asked about Autumn…thank you for asking and thank you for continuing to pray for her. She was in ABQ this week as we were returning from Iowa City. She had more testing done and met with her doctor. The tumor is wreaking havoc on many of her systems. She is having an MRI this coming week, again, in ABQ. They are going to see if the tumor has grown. I know pituitary tumors are usually easy to work with, somehow hers is trickier than most and presenting difficulties that we hadn’t bargained for.
I thought it would be fun to post some sweet pictures of Isaiah in the hospital last week…
Just before we went into the operating room….The day after surgery…..

23 thoughts on “The “Doctor’s” Visit This Morning

  1. Isaiah is SUCH a dear little guy…I am sure there are times he is NOT grinning from ear to ear, but apparently it is never when you have the camera out! 🙂 Still praying…and SOOOO thankful you have Bill and Lynsay there…give them an extra hug for me…I am hoping to take my girl back to China in the next 2 years, and it is my deepest wish to help out with babies for at least a few weeks of my time in China! So maybe by then they will be well established and I can help them! 🙂

    Hugs, love and prayers…Nancy

  2. oh, i just want to squeeze that little isaiah!! he is too scrumptious for words!! i too have wondered about autumn. y'all have really been in the storm. i'm so glad you have so many ready and willing to minister to you and what a blessing that you allow them to.
    praying for you from tennessee. i hope one day our paths can cross IRL.
    blessings, friend!

  3. I'll help you drag him down there by his hair. Well, ok hogtie it is. We're praying, Dw is a great man, father and pastor and the Lord knows we need him healthy.

  4. Oh my goodness! You have SOO much on your plate! Please know that I'm praying continually for all of you, especially you, Dw, Isaiah & Autumn.

    Love you guys!

  5. I am sorry you are growing weary…but remember – God is not weary! He has a master plan in all of this!

    And Isaiah has the sweetest smile ever 🙂

  6. Praying for Dw…absolutely! And Isaiah…smiling so sweetly even through all the pain! He is quite the trooper. Still praying for Autumn for the tumor to just go away! You guys are definitely in my thoughts every single day…luv ya!

  7. Ok, will pray that Dw will GET TO THAT ER! Or become a super sponge and not need to go!

    Thank you for the Autumn update…I've missed chatting/texting with you.

    And Isaiah looks 100% better than I did (and still do) after surgery. He is such a grown little guy! I'm proud of him!

  8. Hi Linny! Thank God for your blog – its how we are keeping up on Pastor DW's health. Make no mistake, you are my HERO – I don't know how you are doing all of this (actually, I DO know who is strengthening you)! Anyway, we are praying for all of you. I've been healed so I know what our Daddy God can do overnight. And I'm believeing for that.
    Love you – Deb.

  9. A way to tell if he is dehydrated from home is by checking his pulse. Have him lie flat for 5 min. then check his pulse. Next have him sit on the side of his bed for 5 min. and check his pulse. Finally have him stand for five min. then check. If his pulse increases each time by 10-15 beats or more then there is a good chance he is dehydrated. You could also check his blood pressure if you are able/have access. His blood pressure should decrease each time if he is dehydrated. Praying for you all.

  10. Isaiah is just too cute for words. Yes, it would have been nice for the two boys to be together while both fully casted, just not in the cards now.

    praying hard for return of good health for DW, Isaiah and Autumn!

    Loving you in California!

  11. Oh Linny, dear friend, how awful it must be to see your hubby so terribly ill. KNOW that many are standing with you and praying that the Almighty would heal every part of his body that needs a touch from Him. Praying the same for Autumn. This too shall pass, friend.

    What gorgeous pics of your little sweetheart. I adore his smile!

  12. My brother has spent the last three years dealing with a difficult pituitary tumor situation. He had not been feeling well for years before but it was not identified until about three years ago. He has been to Seattle, L.A., and Vanderbilt in Tennesee to see specialists. Finally, last year he had a major portion of his pituitary removed. Turns out his tumor was not typical. I know this is challenging. Praying she can be patient as they treat the symptoms and trusting for a complete healing for her.

  13. Will DW drink de-caf tea…especially green tea?

    I pray that Autumn gets a definitive answer from the doctors and that treatment will proceed quickly! I know she's frustrated and that it is painful for y'all to watch her go through this.


  14. I know how frustrating docotors can be especially when they seem to do as little as possible during the visit.

    You and your family continue to be in my prayers!

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