How Bad Do YOU Need Chocolate?

When we were in Silverton the other day we found this advertisement on the window of a shop….so the question would be: How bad do YOU need chocolate??

Admittedly, there have been days when I would have to just get over the idea of tiny little legs scratching my throat as I swallowed….and then take the plunge….
No clue who the lady is….=) If you know her, tell her she made my blog…..

19 thoughts on “How Bad Do YOU Need Chocolate?

  1. Ummm…no, I LOVE chocolate but NOT enough to eat a chocolate covered insect!

    Also, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your previous post about Mark. We have a daughter with Down Syndrome. Megan is such a joy and I love how she "gets things" that other people just seem to miss! She loves God and loves to serve Him, no matter how small or big the task! I am so blessed to be her mother!

  2. I remember when chocolate covered ants used to be the 'in' thing. Gross. I think I would have to just suffer chocolate-less before I would eat an insect. Ewwww….

  3. WOW!!!
    I just had the most amazing time reading your blog! I found your blog through another, and I am sooo excited!
    I heard a word from the Lord too! Two years ago, out of no where, I heard God tell me to "adopt kids from Africa." I started crying, came home, told my husband and we started praying right then!!!!
    Nothing about our story makes sense according to the world, but God has shown us that His plan and His timing are perfect.
    We have a blog that we have not updated in a few weeks- please check it out if you have time. It is short and would make more sense if you read it in order.
    Just know, I am really excited to read your story and know that God spoke to you. I still cannot believe that God spoke so clearly to me on that day, and that He made it all happen in such a miraculous way. Even as I type this, I am in awe that we have a sweet 20 mnth old sleeping in a crib down the hall! God is amazing and gracious- and creative!!


    Thank you again! My email is,

    If you are interested. I'll tell you what God is leading us toward ?!!!
    Thank you!!!

  4. Hi Linny,
    This is not for publication :)just a short note
    Still waiting for a postal address that I can use to send you a little something I KNOW you'll want – thought I'd try this way as I've had no response to my last email… I know you're probably overwhelmed with emails
    Sorry this is so short- leaving for the airport soon to pick Tim up from India

  5. Okay I love chocolate… but not that much!

    I've been know to eat the chocolate frosting off of the donuts and leave the donut- that my version of watching my calories. Maybe I could eat the chocolate off the insects too! Yewwww…

  6. I think I would stand there with tears in my eyes…cuz NOTHING could induce me to eat bugs…not even my beloved chocolate! UGGHH!!
    Ummm…I think it may be even ILLEGAL to mention bugs and chocolate in the same sentence. It is chocolate blasphemy! 🙂 I mean, REALLY…who thinks up these things?!?!?! I think I may pause the next time I go to eat chocolate…and that's just not RIGHT!!! LOL

    Love ya!…Nancy in CT

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