True Story Tuesday – The Phone Call

First I must update you all…thank you for your prayers…we were back at the ER again this AM…Dw started running a fever last night and has developed a not-so-fun rash (that means the liver is not emptying the toxins). They found him to be dehydrated and “watered” him. They ran some more blood work and found that his bilirubin count is up (not good)….so please pray that the count would come down – NOW!!

I am tired friends. Very tired. We left the hospital late this afternoon. I am thankful for God’s continued faithfulness. I am thankful for my friend, Carla, who showed up with lunch for the kids while we were at the hospital and then showed up again tonight with dinner. I am thankful for my friend Kim who came and stayed with the kids while we were at the hospital. It is a bit unsettling having daddy so sick for all the kids.


Anyway, I really wasn’t jumping ship all day today not telling you about the phone call…I was at the hospital all day long tending to my sweet hubby. So here is the scoop and since it’s Tuesday, I think it classifies as a True Story Tuesday, sponsored by our dear friends: Rachel and Mr. Daddy. I do have to tell you that reading your comments to Dw from yesterday’s post we really laughed at some of you….thanks for lightening the load with your humor. Dw especially liked Susan’s idea that the hospital called and said the bill was paid. How sweet would that be??

But for real, the phone call was just so stinkin’ fun. Maybe I should wait another day or so? j/k

Okay, listen even Abi texted me and said, “So who called?” Autumn was out with a friend and they said, “So what phone call did your mom and dad get?” Autumn hadn’t read the blog and was like, “I have no clue.” No, life was so crazy, we only told the kids that were home at the time.

Anyway, yesterday we were driving back from Iowa and we were just about home. Dw’s cell rang and the number that came up said, “3-2-3″….when Tyler is deployed he comes up with little weird numbers…only a few. Dw wondered if Ty could have deployed unexpectedly knowing what he does and somethings that are pretty hot in this ol’ world right now.

Dw tried to answer it but was unable to do it fast enough. Soon there were those familiar little beeps that mean a message has been left. Dw dialed his voice mail as fast as he could. He was listening and said, “No WAY!” It was a weird, “no way”….and I thought, “Oh my golly, who died now?”

I said loudly and totally freakin’ out….. “WHAT DW? WHAT?????” Feeling overcome with that panicky feeling…. he turned to me and said, “It’s EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER!!!”

I said, “YOU ARE LYING!” He pressed #4 and put it on speaker.

Yes, indeed folks, Steve, from Extreme Home Makeover had left a message….he said, “Some of your friends have nominated you for EHM and we have some questions for you Dw.”

I am crying as I type. Dw called Steve and talked to him and this is what Steve said….

You, our sweet bloggy friends… who left a sweet comment on this website: Love Is Simple They heard you!! The comments were read. All of them. They then watched the video that Marianthe had made of our family and posted on You Tube here.

The questions that Steve had were these: Did you have insurance proceeds? Dw said we did. Dw told him that they had started building (early stages, but none the less started).

Dw started to cry talking to Steve and said, “The thing that troubles me Steve is that the orphans story won’t be heard. We prayed that people would want to help the orphan if they met our family.” Steve said something very powerful, “Your story is not wasted. I was very moved as I watched and read the comments.”

Steve went on to say that he would submit us any way to the final approval, but probably it would not happen since we had insurance.

BUT we are humbled beyond words that out of the thousands of applications they get each year we made it to a final cut. Our story caught the attention of EHM and we are forever grateful to all of you who played a part. We may still hear, but probably not. Either way, we will forever thank the Lord for our bloggy friends who loved us so much to nominate us….you guys totally rock and if we could throw a giant party- we sure as heck would- and invite every last one of you….so that we could thank you in person for lovin’ on us and praying and caring so much!!

67 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday – The Phone Call

  1. WOW! Maybe God will still use the EHM call to help the orphans of the world.

    Praying for you guys constantly.

    Today we had our fingerprints taken at CIS in Indianapolis for our I-800A. We could use prayers that God expedites this process so ALL of our dossier can go to China by August 27th. If not, we could lose Eli's referral.

    My fingerprints are the trouble makers. It seems I don't have very good ones. We can't afford to wait while they retake and retake them, so prayers are needed.

  2. Is there anyone who reads your post and doesnt cry??? Oh my goodness!
    I think you should throw a party. I would be willing to bring the potatoe salad!!lol. The opportunity to meet you all would be amazing.
    I will continue praying for you all.

  3. Oh my gosh! I knew there was no way that they could overlook you guys! I can't believe it may not happen because of insurance. I hope they still do a story or something on you. That would be incredible! Love the story. Thanks for sharing and we're still praying for Dw's count to come down. Love you!

  4. Oh no, sweet Linny…..GOD IS STILL WORKING!!! This is only the BEGINNING of this story. THIS IS AWESOME!!!! HE has GREAT things in store!!! Keep watching and listening………
    Many prayers are being lifted here for DW, you and the rest of your family.

  5. My mouth dropped as I read "Extreme Home Makeover." I honestly can't think of any one more deserving. I pray the Lord will bless you and yours more than you can ever imagine.

  6. I am still going to pray – our God can do ANYTHING! So cool and what hope and joy in a time of pain – thank you Jesus for that phone call!

  7. Oh wow! That is so cool! I've got chills! I can't think of a family more deserving than you all. You are such a testimony of what being obedient to the Lord looks like, and I absolutely love reading your stories of the way that He provides for you and answers your prayers. My husband's business participated in an EHM show that taped in our area last year. It was so exciting, and inspiring. Just being considered and getting that phone call is so cool!


  8. ohmylanta! amazing! what a wonderful pick me up that must have been for you. we love you all, you amazing Saunders family in Collorado.

  9. Yet another sign that God has plans for you to prosper even if it doesn't mean you get the new extreme house, it shows that He raised you once again from a pile of thousands and in record time if I might add! Simple signs!

    Loving you!

  10. Linny I have a nice shark tooth shaped rock that I will donate????


    sounds like things are getting back to normal for you guys…
    I'm just hoping that Rach and I don't catch your normal!!! LOL

    still praying for DW and the rest of you.

  11. Oh Linny–I am laughing and have tears at the same time. I am not surprised! After ALL you and Dw have been through–I think the Lord blessed you with that call. Whether you get the makeover, or not, your story was HEARD–and the Lord wanted you to know that. Who knows how many people read the comments that we left and watched the video. Who knows how much seed has been planted in the hearts of those who read and saw your application. The Father encouraged you!!!! At just the right time too, I'd say–at a time when you REALLY needed it 🙂 How He loves you and will NEVER withdraw His hand from you–even though He takes you through the fire. So amazing.

    Oh Linny–head over to my blog when you have a minute and meet my sweet, most precious new little daughter.

  12. I've been praying for DW and I hope he's doing better. The hospital hopefully will get him treated the way he needs to be treated.
    So excited to hear that EHM called you! That's wonderful! Your family has such a sweet story. May God bless your family and heal DW.

  13. Linny,
    Praying for DW numbers to come down, and for him to stay hydrated.
    Praying for your rest.
    Praying for Isaiah's healing.
    Praying for the family's secure feelings while "Daddy" is sick.
    God is with you all. May you feel His compassionate and tender arms surrounding you.
    Barbara Lyman 🙂

  14. Oh my Goodness! That is wonderful. We are praying for you all and I pray your story gets on EHM. As a Mom to 6 kids 4 of them adopted, their story needs to be told and they need Moms and Dads coming forward to adopt them.

  15. I love it! Who knows where all this will go?! I do know that we serve a mighty God who LOVES the orphans of the world. I say, thank you, Jesus, for reaching out to Steve.

    ~Linda from Northern Colorado

  16. What an INCREDIBLE call! Interestingly enough I watched two episodes of EM:HE this morning and was wondering how your house was coming along!

    I will definitely pray that you make it in! There's always a chance right?

  17. I thought to myself when I read your post about the phone call, "I wonder if it was EHM calling to tell them they had been chosen?" Really, I thought that. In fact, it was my first thought. My second thought was that it was time to go get Jubilee.

    I hope they chose you anyway, even though you have insurance.

  18. Wonderful! Watched that show this last week – don't usually, and thought of you but figured it had been too long and you would have heard by now – Au Contraire! Exciting that they even called – you never know what might happen. Glad to know they "watered" DW – was worried that no word was actually a hospital word. Take Care.

  19. That was cool. We are with you on trying to get the plight of the orphans known. Maybe the Lord will still bring this through for you. I will be praying that it will happen.

    The Lord has used your family as an inspiration and we currently hold you in our prayers during these tough days.

    May the Lord bless your whole family


  20. I am so glad that you received that phone call especially at a time when things were not going ummm…. so great!! We all love you guys and would move mountains to help your family!!! God will make sure the orphans story is told!!!!Dw I hope you feel better soon,its so hard to be so far away from all of you!!!!
    Kathie in NY

  21. Psalm 112:1 – 5

    Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.

    Love and hugs from our family to your family
    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  22. Oh my heart just hurts for Dw and all he is enduring right now! He is such a get-up-and-go kinda guy that I know this must be especially difficult for him. Make sure you tell him that K-man and I are praying for him!!

    SO WONDERFUL about the phone call! And you know what…if God wants you to bring exposure to the EXTREME need to adopt orphans to a national television show, then by golly, it will happen! You just never know.

    Love you guys!

  23. OH! OH! OH! I am SO GLAD you heard and were pushed through to the final cut…insurance or no…I pray that they may choose YOU!
    Thank you for your willingness AND passion for sharing the "orphan story!" Your love for God and orphans is a TRUE spirit filled testimony!

    I hope your hubbie is BETTER today!

  24. Wow, that's so cool. how wonderful of your friends to do that. That really must have been some surprise. I really hope you hear back from them. Are you automatically out because you had insurance? Doesn't everyone have to have insurance? Anyway hoping for the best and continuing to pray for DW

  25. One more story to add to your family's "Nobody's Ever Gonna Believe All This" file, Linny!:) We continue to pray for DW for complete healing and for strength for you.

    Heidi from Iowa

  26. Linny,

    I have to tell you that I think you and I are living parallel lives. I wrote you before about our house fire in April.

    We are in the process of adopting a 13 year old girl from Ethiopia. Well, we had just begun when we had our house fire. A couple weeks ago, we started our home study back up and are about 1/2 done.

    Long story short, my husband is lying in a hospital bed right now with a a diagnosis of the swine flu that attacked his spinal cord and brain. We've been here since Sunday and the Lord is providing healing and recovery.

    Satan has tried to block this adoption now twice. We know he hates adoption, especially when the child is joining a Christian family.

    I read your blog this morning to my husband, the part where your husband was talking to the EHM people about the cause of he orphan being heard. We both cried because that is our heart as well.

    It's just interesting, although not pleasant to observe such similar things happening at the same time in our lives and we share the same passion. Hmmmmm….

    I will pray for Dw's bilirubin today. May you hear better news soon! The Lord is great and greatly to be praised!

    You don't have to post this…I just wanted you to read it.

    Laura Eggum

  27. I know you don't have time to accept, but I have sent you the Lovely Blog award. I don't know how to send it on via comment space, so if you want, you can pick it up at my blog :)

    Your life is an incredible testament to faith!

  28. Oh, how cool! I was WONDERING when/if they would call! 🙂 I remember the flurry of emails between a few of us, to get that idea started! But I am glad that they finally called! And am extra glad that you have insurance! 🙂 But how cool was THAT?!? 🙂

    Hugs and love…and lots of prayers from Nancy in CT

  29. I was afraid that you were at the hospital…..I will go on my morning walk, talk with Jesus, and we'll discuss my good bloggy friend Linny and her DH, DW, and He's such a good friend, He listens to all of my worries, and He cares for the least of these, and He will send his angels to minister to DW….

    But, you knew that already. 😉

    I'm also going to pray that your story makes it all the way to the end of Extreme Home Makeover, for the world to see how Our Father sets the lonely in families, and how blessed every family is when they consider the least of these.

    Love and prayers,

  30. No way your story is wasted. NO. Way.
    That is awesome and who knows what seeds have been planted?
    Praying for your husband and for your sanity and the kids' peace and comfort for Isaiah.
    Breakthrough is just around the corner.
    Hold on…

  31. God is bigger than any insurance. That is totally awesome. Somehow Linny, your story is getting out and the orphans stories as well. I'm truly blessed to have met you through this blog and to have met your family. You'll never know how many you have touched.

    Continued prayers for your precious DW. Hugs and love

  32. That is SO cool about extreme makeover!!! Even if you don't make it to the final cut it is STILL a testiment to God's faithfulness and provision! You're story has blessed yet more people at EHM!
    I am praying for your family today, for strength and endurance for you and for DW's health, for your children I am praying for peace, comfort and understanding.
    I love your blog, you my dear are an awesome WOMAN, WIFE and MOM!

  33. I had completely forgotten about those guys! Guess this falls under God's mysterious ways, why too late?Guess He has a bigger plan, argh I hate suspense!

  34. Wow…that is amazing to get a call from EHM! I know it is disappointing to be so close and probably not get chosen, but the comment was SO TRUE! God NEVER wastes ANYTHING. EVER! He is working and He touches lives that need it. He knows who needs to hear your story and He will MAKE SURE it is heard. It's all His. Hugs!!!

  35. This is way too cool! You still inspire us tremendously! I can't see the computer screen for the tears! God bless, and I'm praying still!

  36. Hi linny…you do not need to post this comment just wanted to mention a couple of things…our family loves to research natural remedies for things and are into a lot of naturopathic tendencies:-)
    Anyway, with Hepatitis it's very important to have a complete raw diet for the first couple of weeks…NO sugar or fried foods, red meats…and Vitamin C is a MUST.

    Anyway, I am NOT a doctor…but my husband and I have been researching since finding out about DW….we are continuing to pray for complete healing and we know that God has chosen foods for us to heal the body and He will do the rest.

    So, please do not approve this comment becaue it's just our opinion from research and I know that you are in the best doctors care and don't want to interfere with that…but this is just information that we have found from hundreds of sources.

    Know we are upholding your family in prayer daily.


  37. Wow, how cool that "Extreme Makeover" called you guys. Now, I don't know if I should be happy or sad over the fact that you may not be eligible to receive the actual makeover.
    I would have loved, loved, loved to see your family receive this special blessing. Regardless, you ARE blessed, and so am I that I can follow along!
    Praying for hubby, still!
    Love, Barb

  38. Goose bumps on my goose bumps!!! WAHOO!!!!! It worked! EHM called!!!! OMGosh, I'm doing a chair happy dance!!!
    I'm still praying for you to be approved. It's only by His grace that you made it this far, this too is not beyond His miracle-making self!!!
    AMAZING!!!! I'm so excited…for you all, regardless of the outcome. What an incredible story and opportunity!
    Yipee, Jesus!!!

  39. THAT IS STINKIN AWESOME!!!!! Joy in the midst of the storm – Only Our God! Please let us know if we can help in any way – we love you guys!

  40. All I can say is Yippee!!! Jesus is still working miracles and I still believe you will get that new home and your story will be heard.

    Debbie K.

  41. How wonderful!! Praying they find some way to work it out. Hmmm…. maybe they could use your insurance $$$ to rebuild and donate what they would have spent to orphans. I have no clue about insurance stuff, but it would be wonderful if there was some way it could work out.

  42. That is so crazy!! I love it!!! I would love for you to be on EHM!!! To promote God's love for the orphans!!!!!!!! I am however really praying that Dw gets out of that hospital and back to his family where he belongs! I am claiming it!!! Praise God!

  43. What an amazing phone call to receive. God is truly working to mend your family and so many people are praying for all of you.

    God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." HEBREWS 13:5

  44. Hi Linny,
    I started reading about the time that your friends started the site for EHM. I have simply fallen in love with you, your sweet family and the amazing walk you have with Christ. You live out your faith in situations where others would question or turn away from God. Thank you for sharing your life and your lovely heart. I pray for your family often and will continue to pray that things work out with EHM!

  45. That is so cool! I hope you get the new house, but if not it is such an honor that sweet people nominated you all and that you got a call!!! Praying for DW, Isaiah and the entire family!

  46. How wonderful that EHM called you!! Have you read all the comments on the "Love Is Simple" site dedicated to you guys? Amazing! And the very least we could all do for you.

    I do hope that they choose you. I'll pray for it!!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in OH

  47. I just finished watching the video on you tube. Wow. Thank you for taking the time to open your lives and share, even with all of the challenges you are facing right now. We are continuing to pray for you and your family. Brian let me know that after I sent you the note Sunday that Casper is quite out of your way! I am a little geographically challenged! How is Isaiah recovering?

  48. WOW!!! I am filled with goose bumps. I am always in awe of what our Gods does for those He loves and you are truely some of those He loves. You are all an inspiration to me and am blessed to have you as my Pastors. You will comtinue to be in my prayers.

    Carrie D.

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