Update from Iowa City

Once again, I typed a large updating post only to have the internet connection fail. I really am at the end of my gracious tolerance….enough is enough!! So to be as brief as possible:

I just talked to Dw for a second. The doctor said some of his numbers are worse, a few are better…but either way he is going to be in the hospital for awhile: “Your liver is very sick”.

Isaiah was released from the hospital about the same time Dw was admitted. The kids and I are at the RM house near the hospital. Isaiah had a fitful night with much pain and tossing and turning and crying. They had to drill through his bones in both his feet so no doubt he is in pain!!

The babies at home are missing me – especially Elizabeth (which in bonding terms is a good thing)…but it is hard to be away from them..please pray for them too. All our kids are very concerned about their precious daddy. It is hard to be so spread across the country.

Please continue to pray for Dw’s complete healing and all that needs to be addressed inside his liver would be. I need my husband!! And please pray for Isaiah to continue to heal. I know God’s grace is sufficient but at the moment I am struggling with so much on every front.

Since there is no internet in Dw’s room and it is hit and miss (mostly miss) at the RM House, I will continue to update my twitter (down on right sidebar) every couple of hours….

47 thoughts on “Update from Iowa City

  1. Linny, I am praying for you. When we are weak He is strong. It is ok to feel weak– it allows Him to show His greatness. I love you.

  2. I feel like I've said it a million times, but I am so so sorry you guys are going through this. How is Dwight feeling? Obviously he's got to be feeling pretty crummy I'm sure, but I wasn't sure if they are able to give him relief for anything? Did they ever figure out what kind of hepatitis it is?

    I feel so bad for poor little Isaiah!! I can't imagine the pain he must be in. 🙁 Poor guy.

    I am praying for both your boys- and for you!! You surely must be pulled in so many directions right now and you need your rest too. I pray that God will lead the situations and guide the doctors, and that He will shower you with His peace and comfort as you are going through so much! ((Hugs)) Praying you guys are all able to get home soon!

  3. I"m so sorry. I will keep all of you in my prayers. You have been through so much. I know it is tough to hear but God's word is always true. "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength but with your testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it." 1Corinthians 10:13 I know it's not easy. I can't imagine your grief right now. Please know many are lifting you up in prayer and awaiting the next "Yippee Jesus!"

  4. Linny, we are praying for super fast healing for both of them. Big hugs, my friend. I'm so sorry you are going through this.Big hugs.

  5. Dear Linn,

    I have been praying throughout the night and today. I'm not understanding all this, the whys of so much for you all to deal with in such a short time, but then I remember it is not for me to understand, I'll keep praying that everyone in your family is healed quickly.
    Sending you love and hugs,

  6. I know you must be worried and anxious. Don't forget that God tells us we don't need to be! We are all praying, praying, praying! Love you, dear sister…

  7. So sorry to hear that DW is not doing well. I can't imagine being across the country from home, and in your situation. Praying that God brings his angels to be by your side … I'm sure He has angels in Iowa City as well as Colorado, to take care of your precious family.


  8. Hang in there! I wish we were able to do something for you…

    The word I got last night was that you are in the fire but He has your lives in His hands.
    Rest in that.

  9. I have been reading your blog for a while and have been so blessed by you and your family. What Godly examples you are! I read your post yesterday and began to pray for your husband. God really moved on my heart last night and I prayed for all of you.

    Please know that there is an army of believers that are praying for all of you.

    I am going to sign up for Twitter right now so that I can follow your updates.


  10. Sweet bloggy friend my heart hurts for you and your dear family. I am praying that God will do a mighty work and satan will not be allowed to step near your family! May God give you strength, encouragement and the healing you all need.

    Lifting you up to the throne and THE GREATEST PHYSICIAN OF ALL-

  11. still praying praying praying. wish I lived in CO so I could be with your family and help out. We will keep praying & having our friends pray here in Idaho.

  12. In prayer for you guys. Wow – a lot going on. We love you precious family and will be lifting you up – praying without ceasing. Give our love and hugs to Dwight and a big kiss on the cheek to Isaiah – the bravest little boy I know! Holding you close Linn.

  13. Praying in KY! Also, I had a dream the other night and you and DW were in it! So random, but it was so neat! I hope DW and Isaiah are feeling better!

  14. Linny – We will most certainly continue to pray for all of you. I wish I lived closer to Iowa so I could help you out.

    As far as your blog, I'm not seeing any of the stuff on the sidebars any more. Not sure if it's broken or what? So needless to say, I'm not seeing the twitter part.

  15. One thing that I did when the internet was cutting in and out was write my post elsewhere on my computer.. like word or even notepad. then copied it to my blog when I was done writing it.. Can't lose it then!

    Praying for you and your family…

  16. There are no words… I can't imagine your concern for DW and Isaiah, bless his heart, such a trooper…anything with the bone is SO painful!

    Praying for you and your family… Our God is THE God of restoration…even livers that He designed and perfectly knit together… Praying for that supernatural, healing, fully restoring power to be poured out, in abundance, on DW!

    Sending hugs and prayers…

  17. Dear Lord Jesus
    You are a mighty God of healing. This day at this time we ask you to reach down and heal Dw's liver completely. Restore his health, release Isaiah from his pain, and Give Linny the strength she needs to walk this journey.
    In Jesus name

    Recently God gave me a special verse to help me and my husband as we walk through some tough circumstances right now. I feel led to share it with as many as God calls me to. Remember, We are never out of God's grip. Isaiah 41:13 says in the The Message translation:
    That's right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I'm not letting you go. I am telling you, don't panic. I am right here to help you."

    May you find peace and strength in these verses.


  18. Linny,
    I just came over from Adeye's. She briefly explained your prayer need. I have stopped over to meet you and am amazed at your wonderful heart and your wonderful family. I most definitely will continue to pray for DW. and, I will return to keep updated. I wish it was under better circumstances but I am glad to meet you.
    Christy Rose

  19. Oh Linny, I just returned from vacation and logged on to see how things were going. I will pray for a quick and thorough healing of DWs liver. I will pray that Isaiah feels no pain, and I will pray for you dear friend, that you continue being the strong woman that you are. I will also pray that in the near future you get some alone time so you can fall apart and bawl your eyes out!!!
    Love and hugs

  20. I've been following along since you were picking up Elijah and Elizabeth. Also adoptive parents — of 3 of our 4 kids/adults now! I live in Cedar Falls, IA, just over an hour from Iowa City. Is there anything I can do to help? Extra hands? Extra beds?

  21. Linny, we are on our knees for you all in Australia. Such joy and now such burdens all in one week. We pray God will take away fear and give you peace. We pray for healing for Dw and freedom from pain for sweet Isaiah. And for you Linn…we pray that He holds you absolutely during this worrying time, that you sleep well and wake refreshed, and that your courage remains undaunted. We are cheering for you.

  22. I am sooooo sorry I was crying in that car with you. Know you are never alone and when your strength is low we are all here to lean on. on my knees in prayer for strength, support ,and healing.

  23. Linn,

    Please know I am praying for Dw tonight. As I sat and read my Bible all the stories I read were about Jesus performing miracles of healing and also about praying in the name of Jesus Christ. So I have been asking for a touch of healing for Dw.. I have been praying it in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Dw is loved so much by God. I hear this loud and clear from the Lord. I will continue to pray he is not so sick and that he be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. lv you girl! – jen

  24. Here is my 2 cents – about the ole blog…whenever I am "composing" something deep and meaningful (haha)I always type it in word…saving as I go…then paste it to blogger…seems crazy I know – but I have had that happen a few times and it is like eeeeekkkkkeeeee all thoughs perfect thoughts – out the window…
    Best wishes with everything.
    Carol in FL

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